E) Navigational Watchkeeping Duties and ResponsibilitiesThe O.O.W. is in complete charge of the safe navigation of the ship irrespective of the presence
of the Master and is to remain in charge until the Master specifically states that he has taken
charge and an appropriate log entry made. A log entry is also to be made when the Master
hands the safe navigation of the vessel to the O.O.W.
If, at any time, the Officer of the Watch is in any doubt as to the safety of the ship, the Master
is to be informed immediately.
If restricted visibility is encountered, the requirements in 5.5.1 are to be followed. If there is
a sudden deterioration in visibility, or in the weather and/or sea conditions, the Master is to be
informed immediately.
All traffic is to be given a wide and safe berth as laid down in the International Regulations for
the Prevention of Collision at Sea. The Master will, in his Standing Orders, state his
requirements for the minimum acceptable "Closest Point of Approach (CPA)" making due
allowance for occasions where the proximity of land, shoal waters or traffic density restrict the
available sea room.
All watchkeeping officers must be aware of the obligations placed on them when their vessel is
the 'stand-on' vessel. If at any time they are in doubt as to the actions or lack of action by the
give way vessel, the Master is to be informed immediately. The O.O.W. must not hesitate
In taking avoiding action by turning the vessel away from the danger or by a
Substantial reduction in speed.
Officers must realise that large vessels take time to manoeuvre. Early and prompt action will
also help to minimise the potential for main engine damage that can occur by subjecting a
vessel to a hard-over wheel order at full sea speed.
The O.O.W. is to keep his watch on the bridge, which he must in no circumstances
Leave until properly relieved. He is not to hand over the watch to the relieving
Officer if he has reason to believe that the latter is not capable of carrying out his
Duties effectively, in which case he is to notify the Master accordingly.
A proper record is to be kept in the Deck Log Book and Bridge Movement Book of the
movements and activities during the watch relating to the navigation of the ship.
F) Bridge and Navigational Equipment
All aids to navigation are to be used as a check on visually obtained positions having due regard
to their limitations and/or errors. Equipment operating manuals give guidance on this and, if in
doubt, are to be discussed with the Master. The Master is to be informed of any malfunction or
suspected malfunction of this equipment.
At all times the O.O.W. must not hesitate when the need arises to use the helm, engines,
navigation equipment and sound signalling apparatus.
The O.O.W. must be aware of the handling characteristics of his ship, including stopping
distances, and turning circles, and must appreciate that other ships may have different handling
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 1863