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To study teaching and learning situations

Ticket ¹1

Only in the XVII-XIX centuries, work as the teacher began to be allocated to the certain independent sphere. Then it became especially widespread as in Europe, and around the world.

The profession of the teacher is unique in own way. It is known that practically at all times existence of mankind there was a need for teachers. Today this profession is demanded, perhaps, more than ever before. The teacher were associated only with school. In our century the situation changed. Becomes more increasing than teachers, and they are necessary in the most various spheres of our life, one of features of a profession of the teacher consists in it.

Word formation is the creation of a new word. Word formation is sometimes contrasted with semantic change, which is a change in a single word's meaning. Word formation can also be contrasted with the formation of idiomatic expressions, although words can be formed from multi-word phrases.

Ticket ¹2

Jan Amos Komenský, Latinized form Johannes Amos Comenius sometimes also Komenius, (*28 March 1592 in south-eastern Moravia; † 15 November 1670 in Amsterdam) philosopher, theologian and educator.

Comenius believed that education should be implemented in school with: whole-school plan, class-lesson organization, with 6 years of study, testing the knowledge, ban skip classes, textbooks for each class. Questions of education and training Comenius considered in indissoluble unity. Didactics he interpreted as a theory of education and training and as a theory of education. Comenius urged to give all young people a broad universal education, thought it necessary to link the entire educational work and study languages - the mother first, then Latin - as the language of science and culture of the time.

Conditional sentence is a complex sentence with a subordinate clause of condition that usually begins with the conjunction IF. The clause of condition indicates the conditions under which the action in the main clause may be realized.Conditional sentences are usually divided into three main types: 1. structures with real condition (first type of conditional sentences, or first conditional); 2. structures with unreal condition referring to the present or future (second type of conditional sentences, or second conditional); 3. structures with unreal condition referring to the past (third type of conditional sentences, or third conditional).

Ticket ¹3

Jean Piagetwas born on August 9, 1896 in Neuchatel, Switzerland and died September 17, 1980. He was an influential experimenter and theorist in the field of developmental psychology and in the study of human intelligence

The main idea of piaget is that a child's understanding of reality is a coherent and consistent whole, to adapt to the environment. As the child grows, he passes through several stages, each of which is achieved "balance".The first turning point, about a year and a half, is also the end of the "sensorimotor period". The child at this age is able to solve various non-verbal tasks.

The past continuous describes actions or events in a time before now, which began in the past and is still going on at the time of speaking. For example "The sun was shining and the birds were singing as the elephant came out of the jungle. The other animals were relaxing in the shade of the trees, but the elephant moved very quickly. "

Ticket ¹4

Educational psychology helps the teacher to study the ability, interests, intelligence, needs and adopt different techniques of teaching for effective communication. The utility of educational psychology for the teachers has been emphasized in both theory and practices of teaching and learning.

The importance of educational psychology for a teacher can be divided into two aspects i.e.:

- To study teaching and learning situations.

- Application of teaching and learning principles.

To study teaching and learning situations

Educational psychology contributes a lot for increasing the teaching efficiency of the teacher in different areas mentioned below:-

(a) Individual difference

(b) To know the classroom teaching-learning process

(c) Awareness of effective methods of teaching

(d) Curriculum development

The Future ContinuousTense denotes a prolonged action, to be performed at a certain moment or period of time in the future.

The future continuoustense is made up of the simple future tense of the verb to be (shall/will be) + a present participle (verb + -ing), as follow:

Subject simple future of 'to be' present participle (base + ing)

We shall/will be jogging

We use the future continuous tense:


for an action that lasts a period of time in the future.

Example: His father will be working the whole day tomorrow.


for an action that has been planned.

Example: They will be going on vacation this summer.


Ticket ¹5

The Montessori methodhas been and is very popular around the world with early childhood professionals and parents. The Montessori approach is designed to support the natural development of children in a well-prepared environment.

Five basic principles fairly and accurately represent how Montessori educators implement the Montessori method in many kinds of programs across the United States. These principles include: 1. respect for the child, 2. the absorbent mind, 3. sensitive periods, 4. the prepared environment, and 5. autoeducation.

The Montessori teacher demonstrates key behaviors to implement this child-centered approach:

• Make children the center of learning because, as Montessori said, “The teacher’s task is not to talk, but to prepare and arrange a series of motives for cultural activity in a special environment made for the child” (Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook).

• Encourage children to learn by providing freedom for them in the prepared environment.

• Observe children so as to prepare the best possible environment, recognizing sensitive periods and diverting inappropriate behavior to meaningful tasks.

• Prepare the learning environment by ensuring that learning materials are provided in an orderly format and the materials provide for appropriate experiences for all the children.

• Respect each child and model ongoing respect for all children and their work.

• Introduce learning materials, demonstrate learning materials, and support children’s learning. The teacher introduces learning materials after observing each child.

Complex object It is used "when one person wants another did something", that is, in sentences like:


The father wants his son played sports. (compound addition, expressed things. — the son)

I want him to help me. (compound addition, expressed by the pronoun — he)


Ticket ¹6

Profession of a teacher There are professions – vocations – and people surrender themselves wholly to these professions. Undoubtedly, the profession of a teacher is one of them. Teaching is an honorable profession. A lot depends on the teacher, on his skills, experience and knowledge. He brings up the new generation. It is a noble task.

Even if you want to be a teacher you can not become a good one. You must be born one. Love for children, an ability to communicate with them, understand and teach them – these are the most important qualities of a genuine teacher. An ability to be a real teacher is God's gift; it is a talent like the talent of a writer, an artist or a musician. A real teacher is like a sculptor: he moulds a personality out of a child like a sculptor creates a beautiful statue out of clay. There are many expressions about this job. Famous Russian teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky said: "The teacher creates a man." and Polish teacher Yanush Korchak said: "The real teacher gives his heart to children."

Types of questions

There are four kinds of questions in English: general, alternative, special, disjunctive.

1. A general question requires the answer “yes” or “no” and is spoken with a rising intonation.

General questions are formed by placing part of the predicate (i.e. the auxiliary or modal

verb) before the subject.

E.g. Do you like art?

May I come in?

Sometimes such questions have a negative form and express astonishment or doubt. In Russian

the words “Ðàçâå … íå”, “Íåóæåëè…” are used in such questions.

E.g. Haven’t you seen him yet?

2. An alternative question denotes choice and is spoken with a rising intonation in the first part

and a falling intonation in the second part. It consists of two general questions connected by

means of “or”, one of the questions can be elliptical.

E.g. Are you a first or a second year student?

3. A special question begins with an interrogative word or phrase (Where…, How…, Why…,

How many…, What colour…, etc.) and is spoken with a falling intonation. The order of

words is the same as in general questions but the interrogative word or phrase precedes the

auxiliary verb.

E.g. Where do you live?

When a special question is put to the subject or to an attribute of the subject, the order of words

is that of a statement. (i.e. no inversion is used). The notional verb comes in the 3rd person

singular or plural.

E.g. Who lives in this house?

Whose pen is on the table?

Whose children are playing here?

What colour are the walls?

4. A disjunctive question requires the answer “yes” or “no” and consists of two parts: an

affirmative statement followed by a negative question or a negative statement followed by an

iffirmative question. The first part is spoken with a falling intonation, the second part – with

a rising intonation.

E.g. He is a student, isn’t he?

You are not tired, are you?

Ticket ¹7

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 1444

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