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Meanings of infinitival complexes.

Theoretical Grammar

Control Questions:

(Basic source Blokh , Theoretical English Grammar , Seminars)

The systemic conception of language. The notion of system.

The definition of a sign. The specific nature of language signs. Types of signs.

Paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations of language units. The role of

F. de Saussure and LA. Beaudoin de Courtenay in the development of

Linguistic theory. The notion of synchrony and diachrony.

The morphemic structure of the word. The notions of morph, morpheme,


The traditional classification of morphemes.

The allo-emic classification of morphemes.

The notion of distribution, types of distribution.

8. The principle of identifying free/bound, overt/covert, additive/replacive,

continuous/discontinuous morphemes.

The notion .of zero morpheme.

The basic notions concerned with the analysis of the categorial structure

of the word: grammatical category, opposition, paradigm. Grammatical

Meaning and means of its expression.

The Prague linguistic school and its role in the development of the sys

Temic conception of language. The theory of oppositions, types of opposi

tions: privative, gradual, equipollent; binary, ternary, etc. Oppositions in


12.The notion of oppositional reduction. Types of oppositional reduction:

Neutralization and transposition.

Synthetical and analytical forms. The principle of identifying an analyti

Cal form. The notion of suppletivity.

Principles of grammatical classification of words. The traditional classi

Fication of words.

The syntactico-distributional classification of words.

The theory of three ranks (O. Jespersen).

The general characteristics of the noun as a part of speech. Classification

Of nouns.

18. The category of gender: the traditional and modern approaches to the

Category of gender. Gender in Russian and English.

The category of number. Traditional and modern interpretations of num

Ber distinctions of the noun. Singularia Tantum and Pluralia Tantum


20. The category of case: different approaches to its interpretation. Case dis

Tinctions in personal pronouns.

The category of article determination. The status of article in the language

Hierarchy. The opposition of articles and pronominal determiners.

22. The oppositional reduction of the nounal categories: neutralization and

Transposition in the categories of gender, of number, of case, and of arti

Cle determination.

The specific status of proper names. Transposition of proper names into

Class nouns.

A general outline of the verb as a part of speech.

25. Classification of verbs (notional verbs / semi-notional verbs / functional


26. Grammatical subcategorization of notional verbs (actional / statal / processual;

limitive / unlimitive).

27. The valency of verbs (complementive / uncomplementive verbs; transi

tive / intransitive verbs).

28. A general outline of verbals: the categorial semantics, categories, syntac

Tic functions.

The infinitive and its properties. The categories of the infinitive. Modal

meanings of infinitival complexes.

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 1986

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