Aircraft Description.
One of the most sophisticated aircraft is A 320 at present time.
The A320 was the first civil airliner to include a full digital fly-by-wire flight control system, system which allows pilots to act as operators- to steer the aircraft by operating the computerized system.
The A320's flight deck is equipped with
· Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitor (ECAM) which supplies the flight crew with a complete range of information about all the systems of the aircraft. It consists of
- upper ECAM display(depicts engine parameters and issues warnings in case of engine malfunctions)
- low ECAM display(depicts conditions of aircraft systems and gives advice)
· FMGSwhich is displayed by
- Primary Flight Displaywhich contains
- Vertical Speed Indicatorthat measures rate of ascending or descending
- Attitude Indicatorthat gives pilots information about the aircraft’s pitch and roll
characteristics and the orientation of the aircraft with respect to the horizon
- Airspeed Indicatorthat displays the speed of the aircraft in knots
- Altitude Indicatorthat displays the aircraft’s altitude above the sea level
- Heading Displaythat shows the pilot the magnetic heading of the aircraft
- Navigation display(depicts flight route, control points, constrains)
· Automatic Directional Finding ( ADF)is an onboard receiving instrument, with a needle that continuously indicates bearing to a selected radio beacon on the ground or commercial broadcast station.
· Autopilot
Requirements for the pilots.
Every pilot is required to be…
-quick-thinking (as the aircraft moves rather quickly and especially during take-off and landing ultimate decision should be made in some seconds)
-responsible(pilots bear responsibility for the people who are behind their backs)
-attentive(aircraft has variety of systems, malfunction of any of them should be spotted in time)
-able to work under pressure(flying in congested airspace, landing at busy airports create tense and anxious atmosphere in the cockpit because any distraction can be lethal)
-level-headed(in case of emergency pilot has to pull himself together and do his best in order to cope with the problem)
-able to multi-task(pilots have to steer the aircraft, communicate with ATC, monitor different displays, keep in mind theoretical information simultaneously)
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 986