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According to Hindu philosophy, To what should human endeavor be directed?

12)The meaning of Moksha in Hinduism. Finally emancipation

13)To what notion in Buddhism is Moksha in Hinduism equivalent? nirvana

14)The main Veda. Rig Veda

15)Who was Vardhamana Mahavira? Founder of Jainism

16)What doctrine is central to the moral code of Jainism? karma

17)The principal ingredient of Jaina metaphysics.Jinas and Jains

Jina means – conqueror

Jain – follower of conqueror

*18)The doctrine of karma has got a specific meaning in Jainism. A substance which penetrates the universe with cause and effect relation

*19)Jaina concept of nonabsolutism. every object have infinity aspect non of which separated.

*20)Three primary true values in Jaina logic. True, false, indifferent

*21)Every statement is regarded as having _____ values, considered from different standpoints.

23)The Three Jewels constitute the basis of Jain doctrinal and ethical position. Write knowledge, faith, practice

24)Into what two groups are Jaina monks and nuns divided? Shvetambara and digambara

25)The translation of Yoga from Sanskrit. unity

26)The translation of Buddha from Sanskrit. An enlightened one

27)To what philosophy does the notion of nirvana belong? Buddhism

The first noble truth –there is a suffering

The second – the cause of suffering

The third – the end of suffering

The forth – the path out of suffering

29)According to Buddhism, by whom can nirvana be experienced? Freed themselves

30) According to Buddhism, when can nirvana be experienced? In present existence


VØ. 1) That primary necessity did Confucius show with all his life? Self-cultivation

2) How many books does Confucian Classics consists of? 5

3)In what book of Confucian Classics is metaphysical vision expressed? I ching (Classic of changes)

4)According I Ching, cosmos is a great transformation occasioned by the constant interaction of what forces? Forces of man and woman

5)According to Kong Tzu, the meaning of politics. Moral persuasion.

6) According to Kong Tzu, what is the best way to attain the new. Gaining knowledge.

7)By whom was the Lun-yu (Analects) written? Confucius.

8)Confucius said: “At ___ I followed my heart’s desires without overstepping the boundaries of right”. 70

9) To whom did Confucius want to make education available? All men

Confucian conception of politics included the notion of cheng, which means. Rectification.

10)Confucian concept of cheng. Rectification.

11)Confucian ideal hsiao. Filial piety.

12)Confucian concept of jen. Humanity.

13)The founder of Taoism. Lao Tzu.

14)The author of “Tao te Ching”. Lao Tzu

Tao te ching was meant as. A handbook for a ruler.

15)For whom was “Tao te Ching” written? For rulers

16)According to Lao Tzu, how must ruler’s actions pass? Unnoticed

Wu wei means. Inaction.

According to Taoism, civilization is consisted. The degradation of the natural order.

Lao Tzu introduced in the eastern philosophy the social idea of. Universal development.

The ideal state according to Lao Tzu. Not have desire.

In the framework of Taoism old age in itself becomes. A respectable thing (?)


IX. 1)The main source of Western European Medieval philosophy. Neo-platonism.

2)The main representatives of European Medieval philosophy. Aurelius Augustine and Thomas Aquinas.

3) Into what philosophy turn at the Medieval Times? Christianity.

4)With what does God, for Augustine, coincide? Truth

To know God human mind must. Be illuminated by God.

7)The most famous of Augustine work. Confeccion. The city of God.

In his “city of God” Augustine viewed the world as eternally divided between. The city of world and the city of God.

The city of World is ruled by. Satan.

The city of God is represented in. Human mins or human heart.

Augustine conceived of man as a composite of two substances. Body and soul.

9)The most famous Aquinas’s work. the Summa theologiae and the Summa contra gentiles

10)Whom did Thomas Aquinas Introduced to Medieval philosophy. Aristotle and the Plotinus.

14)Aquinas’s system and explanations and developments made by his followers. Thomism

16)According to Aquinas, when we do what is right, to what is it objectively suited? Our true nature

17)Aquinas wrote: “God is not offended by us except by what we do against ______.” Our own good.

First proof of god’s existence. Motion

Second. The efficient cause.

Third. Possibility and necessity.

Forth. Gradation to be found in things.

Fifth. Governance of the world.


X. 2)The great representatives of Renaissance thought. Nicolas of Cusa, Giordano Bruno, Campanella.

3)What did Renaissance thinkers consider of physical world? A soul.

Renaissance thinkers developed “science of magic”, their purpose of knowing the good and evil spirits of nature and making them. Allies in god and evil enterprises.

What philosopher was cardinal. Nicolas of Cusa.

5)Nicholas of Cusa’s principal work. On learned ignorance.

6)According to Nicholas of Cusa, there are three stages in acquiring knowledge. Imagination, reason, intellect.

7)What is the world, for Nicholas of Cusa. Infinite potential.

According to Nicolas of Cusa a human being has got ___ contracted in himself. God.

8)What is the task of human life, by Nicholas of Cusa? Cognition of God (?)


XI. the introduction of what three mechanical inventions from the east is considered the cause of modern time advent. A gun, a compass, a block painting from movable type.

The father of empiricism in modern philosophy is considered to be. Francis Bacon

The father of rationalism in modern philosophy is considered to be. Rene Descartes.

The principal Beconion work is. Novum Organum

2)The first steps of Baconian method applying to natural science. a description of facts

The second. Tabulation or classification.

The third. The rejection of facts…

According to Bacon, tabulation or classification of facts must divide them into three categories. instances of the presence of the characteristic under investigation, instances of its absence, or instances of its presence in varying degrees

3)By what method has Baconian method of exhaustive cataloguing of facts since been replaced as a scientific method? Rational method (?) completely experimental method (?)

5)The Baconian idols of mind. The idol of tribe

The second idol. The idol of cave.

The third idol. The idol of marketplace.

The fourth idol. The idol of the theatre.

6)The title of the Great Baconian utopia. The new Atlantis.

The main philosophic work of Spinoza. Ethics.

7)The Extract from Spinoza’s ‘Ethics”: “Except ______, no substance can be or be conceived”. God.

8)Into what aspects did Spinoza divide substance? Natura naturans and natura naturata.

Natura naturans means. Creating nature.

Natura naturata means. Created nature.

9)The extract of Spinoza’s “Ethics”: “The two attributes of God of which we have knowledge are extension and __________.” Thought.

10)The first stage of cognition, according to Spinoza. Knowledge at random experience.

The second. Reason.

The third. Intuition.

Spinoza’s serious ethical persuasion is that human beings are not endowed with. Freedom.

According to Spinoza, what we should strive for is to be free from ___.... Passions.

Who is the author of “Discourse of method”. Rene Descartes.

12) Whose method Descartes used to start his philosophy? Skeptic.

The famous Descartes formula “cogito, ergo sum” is translated from latin. I think, there for I am.

13)Descartes divides the world into a metaphysical dualism. substantia cogitas and substantia extense

16)According to the Cartesian system, God is a third, infinite substance, whose essence is necessary existence, and God unites minds with bodies to create a fourth, compound substance. A man.

Cartesian system rises. Philosophical problem.


XII. According to Godfrid Leibnitz…. Simple.

Leibnitz maim philosophical work. “Monadology”

Immanuel Kant belongs to the. German Classical Philosophy.

Immanuel Kant was born in. Königsberg,

1)The main Kant’s greatest works. Critique of pure reason -> critique of practical reason -> critique of judgment.

2) I. Kant’s therminology. The notions of a priori, posteriori, synthetic, analytic statements.

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 1443

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