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Merido's Daughter by LJ Maas 10 page

"What's the matter?" Tessa questioned.

"I had to stop and watch, it was...it was like...magic." Casey hesitated, trying to explain.

Casey saw a slow blush creep up into the Karê's face.

"Where on earth did you learn to ride like that?"

"My father taught me when I was little." Tessa responded, feeling the heat on her face. She wasn't used to being complimented, even if it was by her new lover.

"Then I have to meet him, because I would surely love to be able to jump like that."

Tessa's face immediately turned to stone, the hard edge to her mouth raising in a tiny sneer. "He's dead." She said abruptly, turning her horse away and spurring him on into the stable, leaving Casey in the middle of the field.

The young woman cursed herself for speaking without thinking. Great, Case! Your second stupid move of the day. How was I to know he was dead?

By the time Casey got to the stable, Tessa was already gone. Once she made it back to the house, Tessa was nowhere to be found.

"Olympia, did Tessa come through here?"

"Yes, Miss. I saw her go around to the guest house just a few moments ago."

The small blonde found herself at Tessa's door, knocking like she was a stranger. She knew the dark-haired woman was there because she could hear the strains of Puccini's La Bohème playing quite loudly. She knocked and called Tessa's name, but the Karê wouldn't answer.

"Fine!" Casey stalked off with a small limp from her sore back that wasn't getting any better as time went by.

Tessa couldn't answer the door, not with the state she was in. It had been like a dam breaking open and she barely made it back to the guesthouse in time. One thought of her father while looking into Casey's eyes had been enough to open a flood of emotions that Tessa managed to keep under her tight control for so long. She sat on the floor next to the couch, her arms wrapped around her legs that were bent tight against her chest. She sobbed as if her heart were breaking. She couldn't seem to stop and so she simply turned the music up louder to cover her cries.

She wanted so much to simply open the door and let Casey in. She wanted to feel her lover's arms around her, soothing her with her gentle touch and her loving words. But, she couldn't let Casey see her like this. In her condition, Tessa knew she would say too much. She would tell the small blonde everything, and when she did, Casey's ability to love her would grow cold.

"Just set up the table anywhere." Casey said, a slight grimace of pain flashing across her face.

The masseuse was a young woman in her twenties, pretty and athletic looking. Casey would usually have noticed something like that, but between the ache in her back and her worries and anger where Tessa was concerned, she was oblivious. The small blonde came back out of the bathroom with a sheet wrapped around her. This time she did notice the way the young woman's eyes took in her figure. The surreptitious gaze didn't go completely unnoticed by the small blonde.

A knock at the door drew her attention away just in time.

"Come in."

The door swung open and Tessa's dark figure stood framed in its outline, taking in Casey's attire and the young masseuse with a raised eyebrow. Casey had the sudden need to explain, especially when Tessa's eyebrow continued to arch high up under her ebony bangs.

"I'm getting a massage." Casey couldn't understand why her response was so weak.

Tessa pulled out her billfold and placed a generous amount of money in the young girl's hand.

"Pack up your things and go." Tessa ordered.

The young woman didn't hesitate, she began picking up her belongings to leave.

"Wait a minute! This is my room. Stay!" Casey pointed to the young woman who set the table down again, glancing between the two women.

"Take off!" Tessa hissed.

"Stay!" Casey repeated.

The young girl was in a near state by this time watching the Karê and the small blonde stare one another down. "Please, Miss." The girl begged of Casey.

"I hope you're happy, you've scared the hell out of the poor girl!" Casey seethed.

"Goodbye!" Tessa growled in a low ominous voice.

The girl knew who was in charge now. She scooped up the rest of her things and rushed through the open door, which Tessa closed and locked behind her.

Casey was fuming at the Karê's intrusion, mostly for treating her like a child again in front of someone else. She turned her back on the dark-haired woman and stood there feeling the blood flowing through her veins grow hot. It didn't take long before she felt Tessa's presence close behind her. The tall woman placed her hands on Casey's arms to pull her closer.

"Don't touch me." Casey tried to make it sound like she meant it, but the truth was she was desperate to feel Tessa's arms around her.

The Karê deepened her embrace, enclosing the smaller woman within her arms.

"I'm sorry, Casey. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." Tessa said, so softly it was nearly a whisper.

The small blonde turned in the embrace. Looking up into the repentant woman's face, Casey noticed how red and swollen Tessa's eyes were and realized she'd been crying. Oh God, that's why she didn't answer the door.

"Am I responsible for this?" Casey's fingers reached up to stroke a tan cheek, her anger melting away.

Tessa took the fingers in her hand and brought them to her lips. "It wasn't you, only some sad memories. I just--I couldn't be around anyone."

"Even me?" Casey asked.

Especially you, little one. Tessa kissed the top of the blonde head and rested her chin there, enjoying the warm softness of the woman pressed against her chest.

"I'm not...I'm not really used to this, you know?" Tessa faltered. She was a woman of action, not of words. She hoped the woman in her arms could feel what she meant rather than what she said. "I don't like...feeling weak."

"Is that what you think it is to show your emotions in front of someone who cares about you? Oh, honey, I'm not one of those nut cases you do business with. You don't have to worry that I'll use your vulnerabilities against you. Come here."

Casey took her lover by the hand and led her to the sofa across from the french doors. The view was a peaceful one, the sun just beginning to sink in the horizon.

"Just a second." Casey added and ran into the bathroom. She came out wearing a white terry cloth robe.

"I think I liked you in the sheet better."

"I'll just bet you did."

They sat on the couch and when Tessa moved to pull the smaller woman into her embrace, Casey shook her head. Throwing a pillow behind her back for comfort, she settled herself into the corner of the couch and beckoned the taller woman into her embrace. The look of indecision on the Karê's face bordered on fear as she thought about what the action implied.

"You're thinking about it too much. Try to give up just a tiny bit of that control. You don't have to be on your guard in front of me, Nikki."

Oh, but I do, little one. She hesitated, but something deep inside her told her that she did want to be held by this woman. Just once, it would be nice to have someone worry about her.

Casey was patient, she could see her lover at war with herself. Finally she was rewarded with a miniature smile and a pair of sparkling blue eyes. The dark-haired woman allowed herself to be enfolded in the deceptively strong embrace of her lover.

"Your heart beats so fast." Tessa said sleepily.

"Only when I'm around you, my love." Casey responded.

Little by little Casey could feel the strong woman's body relax. They looked out onto the sparkling blue of Tourlos Bay and watched the pelicans flying over the water, following the last of the fishing boats as they dropped anchor for the evening. Tessa couldn't remember a time when she felt more at peace with herself and the world around her. Her lover's delicate touch never stopped moving over the naturally dark hue of the Karê's skin. The small hands ran gentle fingers through the long ebony locks until, at last, Casey could feel Tessa's deep, even breathing. She looked down and was struck at the woman's intense beauty. In sleep, gone was the persistent scowl, her face unlined from the worries and the past that plagued her during her waking moments. The smooth brow and the lips, slightly curled upward in a relaxed smile, caused Casey to think she had seen this face before. Not the woman with the hard edge to her, but tranquil just as she was now. Sort of like a little girl.

"I don't care what you say, Nikki," Casey whispered, looking into the beautiful tan features of the woman in her arms, "I have seen you in my dreams, I can feel it."

She placed a gentle kiss on the dark-haired woman's forehead, and then the larger woman murmured something unintelligible in her sleep, snuggling further into Casey's embrace. The small blonde leaned her head back and watched as the sun dipped further in the horizon, filling up the room with its golden brilliance.

Tessa jerked herself awake and a moment of panic flooded through her at her unfamiliar surroundings.

"It's okay, you've only been asleep for a an hour." Casey reassured her.

The Karê sat up with a sheepish grin, running her hand through her hair. She could see that the last sliver of the sun hung just above the water.

"I've never done that before...just fall asleep like that, I'm sorry."

"I feel flattered then that you felt comfortable enough, besides, I think it's exactly what you needed." Casey replied, standing to stretch the muscles in her back.

"Hey, are you still hurting?" Tessa regretted throwing the therapist out of the room, but her jealousy had simply gotten the better of her.

"It doesn't really hurt, just stiff I think. Maybe I can work it out tomorrow."

"Or," Tessa moved her hands to her lover's hips and gently drew her forward. "I could work it out for you tonight. I have a nice whirlpool in my nice big bath."

"Mmm, but I have a whirlpool here too." Casey responded, her hands running through the long dark mane.

"Yes, but yours doesn't have a nice warm cushion to lie against, namely my body. Plus, I owe you a massage. I could make it one you won't soon forget."

"Sold!" Casey said without further thought.

Tessa stood and kissed the young woman. "Come down to the guest house after dinner. Make sure no one sees you, okay? I'll leave the back door open."

They kissed once more and the Karê was gone. Casey smiled as she dressed for dinner. She was starving...in more ways than one.

What will you do tonight, Máhtia Mou?" Andreas Meridio asked his daughter as they shared a cordial of sournáda.

Casey had been day dreaming, thinking of a certain dark-haired woman and the ways she might be able to work off the wonderful dinner Olympia had prepared. The older woman winked at Casey when she set down her plate with a large portion of Kléftiko in the middle. It was goat meat wrapped in parchment paper and cooked so that the juices and flavors were sealed in, and was one of Casey's all time favorites. By the time she got to the dessert of Sýka sto foúrno me Mavrodáfni, or fresh figs baked in Mavrodaphne wine, she was done in.

"Oh, I think I'm going to soak in a hot tub for a couple of hours and then go straight to bed." Casey replied, truthfully. Hey, he didn't ask if I'd be alone.

"Well, I think I'll call it an early evening too," he rose and kissed Casey's forehead. "I'll be in the upstairs study for a while if you need me and then off to bed. Kalinýchta, my dear, you were very impressive out there today."

"Good night to you too, Pappa and thank you."

Casey quietly made her way down to the koozéna. She put a few fresh figs in a bowl and tucked a bottle of Gentilini under her arm. She slipped across the back lawn and slowly opened the rear door to the guesthouse.

"Nikki?" She said quietly, leaving the wine and the figs on the counter.

"In here." Tessa called out.

Casey followed the sound of the Karê's voice and made her way into a large bathroom. The lights had been dimmed and candles of varying scents and size were scattered throughout the room. When she peeked around the corner she was met with a sight that took her breath away.

Tessa was lying in the large marble tub, leaning back against the side, one knee raised and her eyes slightly closed. A bottle of champagne and two glasses sat on the wide rim of the bath. Half-closed eyes opened lazily and a lopsided grin emerged.

"You, are the best thing I've seen all day." Casey smiled, leaning down to capture a pair of very willing lips.

"You, are highly overdressed for the occasion." The dark-haired woman responded, breathless from their kiss.

"Oh, I think I have a solution to that problem." Casey replied, beginning to remove her clothes in the same, torturous fashion Tessa had the night before.

The Karê didn't try to disguise her hunger as she watched the display before her. Her eyes became heavy-lidded as they broke away from the lush green gaze that held her, traveling down the small, lithe body. Tessa held out her hand and Casey took hold, stepping into the steaming water and seating herself in front of the larger woman. With Casey's back resting against her chest, Tessa gently turned the young woman's face and their moist lips met in a searing kiss, probing tongues taking their time to tease and arouse. Casey brought her hand up to a muscular bronze thigh, stroking the skin delicately, finally running her nails along its hardness.

The two women broke apart, breathless.

"Hey, you're supposed to be in here for the miraculous whirlpool properties." Tessa breathed in the small blonde's ear.

"Mmmm, I feel better already," Casey squirmed.

"Here, this will be better on your back, sit forward." Tessa directed and flipped a switch on a console pad near the head of the tub. The water began to bubble and swirl and the dark-haired woman adjusted a nozzle directly at the small of Casey's back. As the water hit the spot, Tessa began to lightly massage the area in small circular motions.

"God, that does feel good." Casey responded honestly.

Tessa rubbed the smaller woman's back and let the warm water flow against her skin, finally she turned off the jets and flipped on the whirlpool, leaning back and pulling her lover against her once more. They shared some of the champagne before settling in again.

"Just relax for a while," Tessa purred.

The feel of her lover's body and the warmth of the moving water, coupled with the hum of the whirlpool, sent Casey's body into such a relaxed state that she promptly fell sound asleep.

"I can't believe you let me fall asleep." Casey chided.

"Hey, paybacks, little one." Tessa reminded the young woman.

The two conversed briefly at the breakfast table on the patio before Casey's father arrived.

"I picked you up, dried you off and put you to bed. I did think about ravishing you in your sleep considering how good you looked, but decided I'd be honorable." The Karê smirked.

"And, I never woke up once, during all of that?" The small blonde seemed amazed.

"Nope. You're the heaviest sleeper I have ever come across. On the other hand I think you needed the rest."

"I'm sorry, Nikki."

"Don't be," Tessa voice softened to a whisper. "I enjoyed being able to hold you in my arms all night."

The sky blue eyes softened when they met the deep green of Casey's and a quiet message was passed. Tessa abruptly pulled her gaze away and looked down at her paper, taking a sip of her coffee as if Casey weren't even there. The blonde finally saw her father moving to the table long after the Karê heard his footsteps.

"Good morning, ladies." Andreas Meridio said as Casey poured his coffee.

Tessa and Meridio spoke briefly and Casey let her mind wander. She didn't recognize any of the names or understand a thing they were discussing and so she retreated within herself, hearing their conversation from a distance. Casey began to get an idea. Once the other two where finished with their conversation, the young woman took a shot at her plan.

"I'm going to Athens for the weekend." She said abruptly in her father's direction.

Tessa raised an eyebrow and looked in Meridio's direction.

"I have a couple of meetings set up with the museum curators. We have to get together before the dig begins."

"Cassandra..." Meridio began.

"Pappa," Casey interrupted, recognizing that tone in her father's voice. "I only have another two weeks of vacation and then I'll have to constantly be back and forth between Mýkonos and Athens. I'll have to get an apartment there at least for a little while. This is my job we're talking about."

Meridio gave an exasperated sigh and nodded. "But Tessa goes with you." He added.

"I do not need a babysitter." Casey complained.

"She's not a babysitter." Meridio countered, beginning to get aggravated by the whole situation. "She'll go with you and help you find an apartment. Do you have a problem with that Tessa?"

"No, sir. As a matter of fact I have a meeting in Athens day after tomorrow, it would work out well."

"Fine," Meridio just wanted the conversation at an end. "Take Alex if you need him too."

"Excellent idea, Mr. Meridio." Tessa replied, wondering how they were going to get out of bringing the young man along.

"Pappa, please! One babysitter is bad enough, please don't make me go with two." Casey grumbled.

"Oh, allright, but Tessa absolutely goes with. And, please, young lady stop calling the Karê a babysitter." Andreas Meridio swallowed the last of his coffee and rose to leave. "When will you go?"

"This afternoon, I should think." Casey answered.

"Come say good bye before you leave," Meridio said, kissing the top of his daughter's head. "Tessa, I'd like to meet with you also before you leave." He said just before he walked away.

Waiting until the man was out of sight, Tessa turned to the small blonde seated across from her, a smug smile of victory displayed on the young woman's face.

"Oh, you're good." Tessa remarked.

"Hey, I thought we were staying at the Grande Bretagne." Casey said as Tessa continued to speed the car past the Plateía Syntágmatos.

"We are. Well, according to the hotel register we are." Tessa smiled at the surprised woman. "I happen to have an old acquaintance who it just so happens is the conciérge there. He owes me a favor and he is very trustworthy. You said you needed an apartment, right? Was that for real or just part of your little plan?"

"Well, I will need an apartment to live in when I work over here and I thought...it could be somewhere we could get away." Casey trailed off uncertainly.

"We won't be able to do that." Tessa replied.

The dark-haired woman turned her head to look at the small blonde and immediately noticed the wounded look on her face.

"Hey," The tall woman reached out a hand to the blonde's cheek. "I didn't mean it like that. I do have a place in mind for you to get an apartment, but it wouldn't be smart for me to be seen there. If I know your father, he'll have someone keep an eye on you when I'm not around. We can't risk getting caught together like that."

"Oh," Casey saw all her plans of romantic getaways dissipating quickly. "So, what do we do, don't we ever get to be alone, Nikki?"

"Of course, we do, baby." Tessa said, shifting gears as they began to climb a steep hill. "Just sit back and all will be made clear in a few minutes. Trust me?" She grinned at the frowning blonde.

Casey thought about that question, but it didn't take her long. She had known this woman all of a week, yet she knew she would trust her with her life.

"Of course I do." Casey answered, sliding her hand within the larger woman's grasp and squeezing gently.

Tessa squeezed the smaller hand within her own in return and as always, thanked whomever was responsible for the happiness she was now experiencing. She sat in wonder at the optimistic young woman. Tessa had never felt this kind of unconditional trust from a lover before and it made her feel rather safe.

"Welcome to your second home," Tessa stopped the car in front of a two story wood and brick building that was nestled back among a grove of olive trees, partially hidden from the road.

The Karê opened the passenger side door and took Casey's hand, leading her around to a side gate that was securely held shut. Tessa punched a series of numbers into the computer console on the wall and the iron security gate clicked open. Tessa still held the young woman's hand and walked the two of them to a back patio that surrounded a beautiful swimming pool, a cascading natural rock fountain at one end.

"Who lives here?" Casey asked, turning around and taking in the beauty of the place.

"I do...and you, I mean, if you'd like." Tessa added the last part softly. She couldn't even believe her own ears. Here she was, determined not to add any complications to the already confused puzzle of her life and she just asked the most dangerous piece in this chess game to move in with her.

"You own this?" Casey seemed confused.

I didn't always work for your father. I was a successful businesswoman before I became the Meridio Karê. And, even I need a place more private than the guesthouse. Look around, see the cliffs up there?" She asked, pointing above them. "And that area over there, how it's surrounded by the trees? No one can see the estate without me seeing them first. Besides that, the entire estate is wired with a security system of my own design."

Tessa crossed the patio to the sliding glass doors and pushed another series of buttons. Lastly, I have two bodyguards. Stand still." The tall woman commanded.

Casey wouldn't have dreamed of disobeying the Karê's command as two large Dobermans bounded up to the patio, nearly knocking the small blonde over in their attempt to get to Tessa. She wrestled with the two huge animals for a few moments, then commanded they sit with a gesture of her hand. Both dogs obediently sat down, never taking their eyes off their mistress.

"My two bodyguards. They're better than anyone you could possibly hire." Tessa explained. "Watch."

"Heads up." Tessa said quietly

Both dogs immediately took a position in front of the dark-haired woman, barking and baring their teeth at some unknown foe. Casey jumped back at the sudden intensity in the animals.

"Down!" Tessa said and the dogs instantly obeyed, backing off and lying down.

"Wow. That would sure make me think twice." Casey said a little shakily.

"I'm sorry, honey...I didn't mean to scare you, but I want you to know what these girls are capable of. They're extremely intelligent. Come here," Tessa held out her hand and the small blonde came closer.

"That big girl over there is Mahogany and this is Cinnamon," Tessa explained, dropping to one knee and encouraging Casey to do the same. "She's a good girl, aren't you Cinny? Here she likes to be scratched under her chin, right here." Tessa demonstrated and soon Casey was playing with the dog, which seemed more like a happy puppy now.

The Karê leaned over and kissed her lover's neck, working her way down to her shoulder, pushing aside her dress to kiss the bare skin.

"I want her to see how close we are." Tessa murmured against the blonde's tan skin.

"Mmmm, another thirty seconds of that and she's going to get a good look at how close we are." Casey moaned in reply.

Tessa chuckled and pulled Cinnamon closer. "See, Cinny? Heads up, okay?" She repeated her directions a few more times while pointing the dog's head in Casey's direction.

The tall woman stood and pulled Casey up alongside her, stopping to kiss her passionately. Then pulled away and moved toward the house.

"Oh, Nikki, you're not going to kiss me like that and stop, are you?"

Tessa smiled in return. "There's more where that came from, I promise you, but I need to test this out first. I want to make sure you'll always be safe here if you're alone. Okay, they're going to bark again, are you ready?"

Casey scrunched her face up in preparation and Tessa laughed out loud at her lover. "Didn't you have any dogs when you were a kid?"

"Yes, but I had a Golden Retriever. He was cute and fluffy." Casey replied.

"Well, these two ladies are cute and tough."

Casey giggled. "Kind of like their owner, huh?"

Tessa simply winked. "Okay, here goes. Heads up." She commanded.

Again, the dogs jumped to their feet instantly. This time Mahogany stood her ground in front of Tessa, while Cinnamon pressed herself against Casey's legs, determined to fend off the imaginary threat.

"You give them the command to back off." Tessa said loudly over the barking.

"Down!" Casey shouted and the dogs obeyed the small blonde at once, coming to lie at her feet as if she had always been their mistress. "Wow!" Casey exclaimed and began to praise the animals that lapped up the attention that was being lavished on them.

Tessa watched and felt the action tug at her heart. Casey would be the only woman these animals would treat like this, other than their owner. She didn't know why, but somehow she was certain of it.

"Hey, what about me, I did train them." Tessa stood directly in front of the small blonde.

"Oh, did you want your tummy rubbed too?" Casey teased.

"No," Tessa said in a throaty voice, pulling the smaller woman against her own body and wrapping her arms around the slim waist. "I have something else you can rub, though."

Tessa reached around and began to unzip the small blonde's dress, the zipper stopping just above her lover's shapely backside. Reaching lower, she pulled the woman against her hips and let her tongue run along the outside of Casey's ear.

"Would you like to take a swim?" Tessa whispered in invitation.

"You know," Casey was finding it difficult to control her breathing, "I spent two-hundred dollars on this dress and you haven't said a word about how it looks."

"Mmmm, baby, you look wonderful in it," Tessa murmured against Casey's skin, pulling the dress off each shoulder. "But, I think you would look positively beautiful out of it."

Casey's eyes closed and she allowed her lover to slide the dress down her body. "You are very different out here." Casey remarked.

Tessa sucked hard on the skin at Casey's neck, not caring about the mark it would leave. "I guess I'm just more in my own element. I feel more comfortable in my own home."

"Then I think we should come here often." Casey whimpered softly against the Karê's shoulder.

The two women sat on a rug in the living area clad only in their bath towels, sipping white wine. They'd spent all of the late afternoon in the pool, playing like teenagers one moment, passionately caressing one another the next. They eventually made their way into the bedroom, both towels ending up in a heap at their feet.

Tessa allowed the small blonde to take her by the shoulders, pressing her down to the bed and onto her back. Casey captured the Karê's lips in a kiss that larger woman was quickly becoming accustomed to. Her muscles quivered helplessly and she was simply glad they were lying down. The dark-haired woman became a prisoner to those lips, then a tongue; soon Casey's whole body was expertly teasing Tessa's overloaded senses. My God, how in the world does she do this to me?

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 598

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