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Merido's Daughter by LJ Maas 8 page

"Don't worry, baby, it'll be better than anything those little girls back at the bar could give you." Tessa purred.

The Karê's amorous intent was clear and Casey had to make a quick decision. Act like the scared little girl this woman thought she was or fight back.

Casey steeled herself and leaned against the door so she was facing the dark-haired woman.

"I don't know, this sounds like an awful lot of buildup to me. Are you sure your body is going to be able to keep up with that mouth of yours?" Casey said with a confident air.

Tessa slammed on the brakes so hard Casey had to use both hands to keep from being slammed into the dash. The dark-haired woman reached out and grabbed Casey by the back of the head, pulling the smaller woman's body halfway across the gearshift by her hair. Tessa's mouth crushed the stunned lips of the small blonde. She kissed her long and hard, her tongue forcing itself hungrily into Casey's mouth until the Karê heard a small whimper of surrender escape from the small blonde's throat. She pulled Casey away from her roughly, her hand still holding the young woman by the hair.

"Now, anytime you feel my mouth or any other part of my body isn't keeping up, then you just let me know." Tessa put the car back in gear and sped off, not looking across at Casey again until they reached their destination.

Part 3


"Where are we?" Casey asked as the dark-haired woman unceremoniously pushed her through the door.

It seemed to be a village farmhouse. It appeared quite small and apparently deserted, but it looked as though someone still kept it up. There were fresh logs in the fireplace, blankets on the sofa, and Casey noticed that there wasn't any dust on any of the furniture.

Tessa crossed the darkened room and lit an oil lamp that hung on a high peg near the kitchen area. She seemed to pay no mind to the small blonde who stood shivering from the night air, in the middle of the cabin. The Karê began a fire and soon the room was aglow and the leaping flames warmed the small area quickly.

"No electricity." Tessa explained. "You still cold?" She asked, leaning her backside against a square wooden table.

Casey nodded, but the next words she heard didn't make her any warmer, they simply made her shiver all the more.

"Come over here...I'll get you warmed up." Tessa leered.

Casey looked up in the Karê's hungry eyes and a thought raced through her head about a fairy tale and the way little red riding hood felt when she looked into the eyes of the wolf that was about to devour her. The small blonde couldn't tear her own needful gaze away and so she slowly crossed the room to stand in front of the seated woman.

Tessa quickly reached out and pulled the young woman to her. There wasn't any tenderness involved and if Casey thought it was to be a gentle seduction, she was very wrong. The Karê grabbed the young woman's backside and pulled her between her spread legs, squeezing the woman harder against her and spreading her own legs even wider.

"Is this what you wanted to feel tonight?" Tessa asked as her hands found their way under the smaller woman's blouse, her hands kneading both breasts roughly.

Casey gasped at the first touch and Tessa smiled that grin that didn't seem to belong to her, but someone else. The dark-haired woman snaked one arm around the girl's waist and began aggressively kissing her, one hand still fondling the small blonde's breast over the material of her bra. Casey began moaning into the Karê's consuming kisses, pressing her small body closer. When the young woman wrapped her arms around the Karê's neck, Tessa pulled back.

"Ah, ah, ah," Tessa remarked, prying the small blonde's hands from around her neck and pulling them behind Casey's back. She held both wrists in her firm grasp at the small of Casey's back, pushing up slightly until the young woman gasped in pain.

"Nikki, why are you doing this?" Casey asked, wincing.

Tessa put on a look of genuine surprise. "It's what you wanted isn't it, baby? Tell me the truth, Casey," Tessa began sucking and biting at the sensitive flesh along Casey's throat. "When that girl in the bar took you upstairs and asked you how you wanted it, you were going to give her complete control, weren't you? You were going to let her do anything she wanted to...tender, hard, it didn't matter as long as you got off, did it? You wanted to be up there in the dark giving it all to her didn't you...didn't you?" Tessa jerked up on Casey's wrists, demanding an answer.

"Yes, I--I did."

Suddenly Tessa released Casey's wrists and the young woman rubbed the area to get her circulation going again. The dark-haired woman slipped her arm around the girl's waist again and her hand found it's way under the blouse, this time gently teasing her nipples through the silken material of her bra, stroking them into tightened nubs.

"You didn't have to go all the way to the bar, baby." Tessa said, her voice turning deceptively soft. The Karê began to kiss Casey's lips, teasing with her tongue until the young woman opened her mouth and accepted the dark-haired woman's probing muscle.

"I would have given you that anytime. You could have come over to the guesthouse and I could have given you what you needed. You could have spread your legs or bent over and I would have given you anything you fantasized about."

All the while Tessa talked she kissed the young woman, nibbling gently on her lower lip. Her fingers under Casey's blouse squeezed and pinched the erect nipples until Casey was trying to hold back the rocking motion of her hips.

"Did you think her fingers and her tongue were more talented than mine?" Tessa continued, "Hhmm? Oh, no, that's right you didn't want to have to see her face, did you? Well, we can handle that too, baby."

Tessa released the young woman and stood, towering over her. The Karê grabbed Casey's shoulders and spun her around until the small blonde was facing away from her. Slipping an arm around the smaller woman's waist, Tessa crushed the blonde's body against her chest.

"Now you don't have to see my face, it can be as anonymous as you want." Tessa purred into Casey's ear as she reached around and began to unbutton the smaller woman's blouse. "Now I want you to tell me what you were going to let her to do you, upstairs in that bar."

Tessa continued, easily releasing the front clasp on Casey's bra. When the Karê's hands took possession of the firm mounds of flesh, Tessa moaned against the smaller woman's neck, grasping smooth skin between her teeth and biting down sharply. Her hands lingered over the tightly pebbled flesh and she rolled the aching points between her fingers, grinding herself against the smaller body in front of her. She slid her hands lower and Casey felt her slacks being unzipped, then a hand breaching the barrier of her panties, stroking the silky patch of hair. The young blonde's whimpers were constant as the dark-haired woman held her and teased her body.

"Were you going to let her touch you like this?" Tessa asked, her voice growing hoarse with desire. She could feel her own wetness growing as she touched Casey.

Strong, slender fingers slipped lower and Casey's hips bucked against the pleasure. The small blonde was close to tears. She had never been this aroused, yet hurt at the same time. She couldn't begin to explain to Tessa, that she wanted sex from those other women, but she wanted so much more from the woman that was now setting her body on fire.

"Oh, God baby, you're so wet." Tessa groaned as she slipped her fingers into the young woman's silky folds.

"Oh, God!" Casey exclaimed, as she felt Tessa's long fingers start to stroke her swollen clitoris.

"Like that, do you? Nice and slow just like this? Are you going to come for me, little one?"

That was the remark that woke Casey out of her libidinous haze, little one. Yes, this was exactly what she wanted from the stranger in the bar, but she loved Tessa too much to experience this casual contact with her.

"Nikki, please stop."

"Oh, no, I want to feel you come for me first."

Casey began to push against the taller woman, she grabbed onto Tessa's wrist, but the Karê was a much stronger woman. Suddenly, Casey couldn't hold the tears in any longer and her body began to shake with sobs. She cried out of pain and frustration, and a hurt that clutched at her chest tightly.

If it had been any other woman, Tessa would have gone on and taken exactly what she wanted, never thinking twice about tears. This wasn't just any other woman, though and now Tessa became confused, her head and her heart pulling her into two different directions. She handled her overwhelming emotions the only way she knew how, her anger bubbled to the surface.

"If this is what you wanted from her, then why not me?" Tessa hissed, pulling her hands from the young woman.

"Because I'm not in love with her!" Casey cried.

It took only seconds for the Karê to react. She turned Casey's body around to face her and shoved her, thrusting her back in the direction of the front door. Casey's body hit the solid wooden entrance and the impact nearly knocked the wind out of her. Tessa towered over her and her fist came flying in the direction of Casey's head. The small blonde didn't even have time to duck, but the blow wasn't aimed at the girl's head, but at the door, a good six inches above her. Tessa repeated the blow and then she pounded her fist against the wood until her knuckles were raw and bleeding.

You are not in love with me! Don't ever say that!" Tessa screamed as she hit the door again. "No one can love me!"

Casey flinched each time the Karê's fist struck the door, tears streaming down the small blonde's face.

"You don't know who I am...the things I've done, that I do, that I'll do tomorrow! I am a monster and--"

Tessa's voice finally broke and Casey could see the deep pain in the blue eyes gone dark with emotion. The tall woman's eyes darted back and forth nervously, filling with tears that she seemed unable to shed. She leaned her weight over Casey until her forehead was pressed up against the smooth wood.

"Don't you understand, Casey," Tessa said with utter defeat, "...women like you don't love women like me. I don't deserve to be loved, not at all and especially not by someone as good as you."

Never in her young life had Casey ever witnessed so much hurt and pain manifest itself into one woman's words. She took Tessa at her word and for the first time realized that the Meridio Karê had probably done things that would turn Casey's stomach, perhaps shock and frighten her. The dark-haired woman felt her own life to be beyond redemption, so far gone that she would give up any chance at happiness rather than infect Casey's life with her pain.

Only one problem with that, my love, I don't scare that easy.

Knowing that she might possibly find Tessa's fist connecting with her jaw, she went ahead and decided to risk the outcome. Standing nearly on tiptoes, the small blonde wrapped her arms around Tessa's shoulders and let one hand slip within the dark mane of hair.

"Everyone deserves to be loved, Nikki. I know I may not realize all the things that you've done and I'm not saying that I wouldn't be shocked or appalled by them. It's just that right now I don't give a damn what horrible things you've brought about, and it doesn't matter how cruel or how hard you act toward me. It will never make me stop loving you. Don't you understand me...I love you, Nikki."

Casey continued her soft whisperings, all the while gently caressing the tense muscles in the tall woman's shoulders. At length, she could feel the anger begin to slip away from the Karê's body. Tessa pulled away slightly, her arm still leaning heavily on the door at the side of Casey's head. The tears that filled the blue eyes finally fell, silently rolling down tanned cheeks. Tessa rose a hand and hesitated for a moment before reaching out and wiping Casey's tears away with her fingertips. The dark-haired woman continued to stroke the smaller woman's face as if in wonder, as if she were seeing her for the first time.

"I'm so sorry." Tessa whispered, leaning closer to place a feather light kiss on Casey's forehead. "I don't see it," Tessa continued to speak, her breath falling lightly against the small blonde's face. "I don't understand what you could see in me that would make you love me."

Casey smiled a little and reached up to place a tender kiss on the Karê's lips. The touch of her lips was so gentle and easy that Tessa had to wonder if their lips were touching at all, but the delicate contact was like a balm to the dark-haired woman's soul.

"Then I'll have to teach you to see yourself through my eyes." Casey said, pulling away from the kiss.

Tessa could think of nothing to say, to either counter the young woman's thoughts or to argue at the absurdity of their situation. Her head told her that there were arguments available, but, admit it or not, her heart desperately wanted this to happen. Feeling herself unable to speak or explain all she felt to the smaller woman, she did the only thing she could do. She wrapped Casey within her strong embrace and held her there, running her fingers through the short blonde locks and reveling in the feel of her lips as they brushed against the golden hair.

Casey pressed herself closer to the chest of the woman whose warm embrace now encompassed her. She listened to the strong heartbeat and breathed in the scent of her cologne. Casey's fingers began to run up and down the Karê's spine in a languid caressing motion. She smiled to herself when she felt Tessa's heart beat faster. The small blonde enjoyed the knowledge that the beautiful woman who held her did indeed feel something at her touch. Casey pushed the Karê's shirt aside where it was unbuttoned at the neck and pressed her lips to the smooth skin there. She felt a hitch in the taller woman's breathing and she moved her kisses lower. Unbuttoning two more buttons, she reached out her tongue and slid the tip against the dark skin within the hollow between Tessa's breasts.

"Oh God, Casey." Tessa groaned, letting her head fall back in serene pleasure.

The small blonde kissed her again, then moved away from Tessa and the Karê felt herself standing transfixed, her chest rising and falling deeply as she attempted to catch her breath. She watched as Casey went to the sofa and took the blankets piled there and arranged them on the rug in front of the fireplace. The young woman watched the fire for a moment and then added two more logs to the dying flames. They sparked briefly and caught fire, the reflection of the orange flames dancing across Casey's body. Tessa continued to stare as Casey unbuttoned her slacks and let them slide off her body.

"What are you doing?" Tessa found herself asking although it seemed a rather inane question given the look in the small blonde's eye.

"I'm undressing." Casey said matter of factly.


Brilliant exposition...you're a silver tongued devil! Get over there and do something, Niko. Stop her, help her, do anything...do her, just quit standing here like you're an innocent virgin.

"Because I want you to make love to me." Casey said, smiling a thoroughly seductive smile.

The moment had come and Tessa pushed herself from the door and walked to where the young woman stood.

"Casey--" She began.

The small blonde reached up and initiated a kiss that made all the others they shared so far pale in comparison. Tessa had honestly, never been kissed by a woman who had the power to make her knees go weak, but this girl was doing it. She felt the strong bones in her long legs start to turn to liquid at the passionate kiss. Casey moved her mouth to the Karê's neck and sucked hard at the flesh there.

With what seemed like a supreme effort, Tessa pushed the young woman away. "Please, stop."

The Karê had made her decision and would have to live with the consequences that would come. Casey raised deep green eyes to the cerulean orbs that looked down on her. For the first time today Casey watched as those eyes took on their familiar sparkle when they gazed at her.

"Just for a minute," Tessa said quietly, placing her index finger on the smaller woman's lips.

Tessa removed her jacket and pulled her cellular phone from the breast pocket. She carefully removed the holster and pistol from the belt at her back and placed it on the small table by the sofa. She punched two numbers onto the keypad of the phone and pressed the talk button.

"It's me. Is he back? What happened? Good. No, I found her," she said into the phone, looking up just as Casey removed her blouse and the unclasped bra that still clung to her shoulders. Tessa closed her eyes for a moment and breathed deeply.

"What? Yea, she's fine. Look; if you need me tonight, if anything happens at all don't let anyone know I'm not there. Call me on the cell, I probably won't be home till morning." Tessa put her hand over the mouthpiece because she was sure she was breathing heavily into the small speaker. Casey slipped off her panties and arranged herself on the blankets, lying on her side, her head held up in the palm of her hand, a Mona Lisa like grin on her face.

"Just don't let Meridio know I'm not there. Go over to the guesthouse and take my phone off the hook, turn on a light in the bedroom, make it look like I'm...otherwise engaged. No, she won't...she'll be with me." Tessa said at last, realizing she was entrusting her life to this young man with that last statement. Alex didn't disappoint her.

"You can count on me, Nikki." He responded sincerely.

"And, Alex. You handled yourself pretty well tonight."

Alex pushed the end button on his cell phone and grinned to himself. Then his expression grew worried. He hoped his mentor knew what she was doing. A guy screwing the boss' daughter was one thing. A dyke screwing Meridio's daughter was a match he didn't even want to think about lighting. He knew one thing, though. Nikki was in a pretty good mood when she was around the small blonde and the young girl was always nice to Alex.

He leaned back in his chair and thought about Nikki's last words. You handled yourself pretty well tonight. She'd never said anything close to that to him. He knew he wasn't the smartest brick in the load, but it sure felt nice to hear it. Maybe Meridio's daughter was just what the Karê needed.

Tessa clicked off the call and placed the phone beside her holster. Turning back to face the woman on the blankets, she let her gaze slowly travel the length of the woman's body, her eyes expressing unadulterated lust.

"Talk about cruel." Tessa said with a smirk.

"Well, you seemed to be taking an awfully long time on the phone and I had to do something." Casey indicated her naked body.

Tessa stood at the corner of the blanket and began to remove her own clothing as Casey's breath was suddenly stilled. The dark-haired woman took her time, removing each article of clothing with a deliberate and steady motion. Finally, standing over the young woman, Tessa let her arousal peak as she felt Casey's hungry eyes consume her flesh. The tall woman dropped to her knees and arranged her body so that she was lying alongside the small blonde, mirroring her pose.

"See something you like?" The Karê asked seductively.

"Absolutely." Casey replied, not even attempting to disguise the want in her eyes as they traveled along the tall woman's muscular physique.

"Then never let it be said that a Nikolaidis was unwilling to satisfy a woman's every desire." Tessa responded in a low sultry voice, repositioning her body until her length lay on top of Casey's.

"God, Nikki, you feel so good." Casey groaned as her body arched up to press against the dark-haired woman.

Tessa ground her hips in a tempting swirling motion against the small blonde's mound, Casey instinctively spreading her legs wider. The Karê moaned at the pleasurable sensation then released a low growl at the feel of the young woman's wetness. Casey began to writhe in mere anticipation, her movement exciting both women even more.

The heavy gold crucifix that Tessa wore around her neck, began to drag along the small blonde's body as Tessa raised herself up on her hands, still grinding their mounds together in a teasing motion. Casey reached up and kissed the crucifix lightly, moving the charm so that it hung down Tessa's back.

"Aren't you a good Catholic girl?" The blonde teased.

Tessa rewarded the smiling young woman with a charming smile of her own.

"Well, I am Catholic, and I am a girl," She began, reaching in to capture the soft lips below her in a kiss filled with fiery passion. "You can tell me about the good part in the morning."

Casey chuckled and the Karê began to move her body down the smaller woman's prone figure. The small blonde had an unshakable feeling that there wouldn't be any question there.

Tessa woke just as the black sky was lightening to a shade of gray. The rising sun was some time off, but the woman's internal clock nudged her awake at her usual time. She had probably been asleep all of an hour, but although she felt exhausted, her body never felt more alive or happy. Tessa Nikolaidis, happy?

Tessa smiled openly at her thoughts, but knew it was true. She kissed the top of the blonde tousled head that murmured something and burrowed herself deeper within the Karê's embrace. Tessa knew that for the first time in a very long time she was happy. If anyone would have told her that inside of a week she would fall this hard and this fast she would have either laughed in their face or laid them out with one punch. She would have assumed they were making fun of her. It certainly has been a long time in the making, though, hasn't it, little one? Much longer than just a week. Has it really been twenty years?

She refused to let herself think about what was waiting for them outside this little house. She wrapped both arms tighter around the small blonde and only wanted to feel what was right here, right now. She never thought herself capable of having someone like this love her, not being the kind of woman she was. Yet, here was Casey, lying in her arms after the most incredible night's lovemaking, as physical proof. It's true that the younger woman didn't know specifics, but Casey guessed and still she was here.

I do love you, Casey. Tessa cursed herself for not saying it aloud. Casey told her many times during the night those very words, but although Tessa felt them in her heart, she couldn't find the voice to say them aloud. Here she was, a woman that feared few things in life, yet she wasn't strong enough to profess the sentiment she'd never shared with anyone. She simply wasn't brave enough to give Casey her heart, when Tessa knew that even though all her love and happiness rested here in her arms, she still had an obligation to fulfill that would eventually cause Casey to hate her. There were things put into motion long before you got here and planted yourself in my heart, little one; things that I have to see through to the end.

"Casey?" Tessa called softly, attempting to rouse the warm body in her arms. "Come on, sweetheart, it's time to wake up."

"Oh, no," Casey groaned. "It can't possibly be time to wake up, I still have sleep left in me."

"Well, shake it off," Tessa chuckled, "because the sun will be up in an hour or two and we still need to pick up my car."

The dark-haired woman finished the statement by placing her fingers under the small blonde's chin and tilting her face upward. Casey quickly ran her hands through sleep tumbled hair and suddenly became self-conscious.

"I must look like hell." She stated with her chin still in Tessa's gentle grasp.

"You look absolutely beautiful." Tessa replied honestly, placing a sensuous kiss on the smaller woman's lips.

It took seconds for Casey to deepen the kiss, her hands beginning to roam across the Karê's body. Tessa stifled a moan and quickly grabbed a hold of the blonde's roving hands.

"Oh no you don't." Tessa laughed.

"What, don't I get breakfast?" Casey said coyly with a look on her face to match.

"You had a month's worth of breakfast last night." Tessa countered.

"Hey, can I help it you taste so good?" Casey whispered, nipping at the woman's earlobe.

Tessa took a chance that she would hit the right spot and began to tickle the small woman intently.

"Oh, God, no fair." Casey giggled breathlessly. "Now I really have to go to the bathroom."

Tessa could barely stop laughing as she rolled off of the young woman. "First door on the left." She continued her laughter, pointing down the short hallway.

When Casey finally popped her head out of the bathroom she looked somewhat confused.

"Nikki, there is too electricity in here."

Tessa had been lying on the blankets with her eyes closed, her hands clasped behind her head. Her eyelids popped open and as she rolled over to meet the young woman's eyes, her face took on a decidedly sheepish expression.

"Uhm, I lied?" she shrugged noncommittally.

"You," Casey began, pointing a finger at the dark-haired woman, "well...you're just too damn cute to yell at in the morning." Casey finished returning to the bathroom.

Tessa's face relaxed into a toothy grin as she watched the attractive figure disappear into the bathroom and heard the sound of the shower running. She jumped up and went to a small cabinet and pulled some towels from a shelf. Entering the small room she watched as the young woman ran a brush through her short blonde hair.

"Want to be a dear and wash my back?" Casey asked, turning and slipping her arms around the Karê's waist.

Tessa raised an eyebrow at the young woman's tactics, but suddenly the warm body pressed up against her naked flesh felt too delightful to turn down.

"Well, I guess it would be faster if we showered together and we would be doing our part to conserve water."

"Mmm hmm," Casey agreed. "After you."

Tessa stepped into the old-fashioned claw foot tub, pushing aside the shower curtain that ran all the way around the ceramic bathtub. She turned the nozzle up toward her body and let out a roar.

"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!" She exclaimed leaping from the tub.

"What?" Casey questioned.

"There must be something wrong with the water heater, that stuff is like ice." She replied as she continued to shiver.

"Oh, that. Well, I only had the cold water on." Casey responded matter of factly. She reached down and turned the warm water handle. "I guess that pretty much evens us up for the no electricity comment.

"You," Tessa muttered, pulling the small body against her. "I'll get you back for that, sweetheart." She grinned maliciously. "When you're least expecting it."

They did manage to actually do a little washing amidst the kisses and caresses. Casey was having a hard time keeping her hands to herself and Tessa was having an even harder time not giving in to the young woman's advances. The Karê weakened, however, when the small blonde ran her tongue across a nipple already erect with desire.

"Ca-ssan-dra." Tessa drawled in a warning tone.

Casey's perfect white teeth bit down gently on the hardened flesh.

"Oh, yes." Tessa couldn't keep from moaning, suddenly to find that Casey was on her knees, letting her tongue slide into the dark thatch of hair between the Karê's legs.

"Oh, God, Casey." Tessa was groaning, leaning forward, towering over the blonde and placing both hands flat against the tile wall.

She involuntarily spread her legs, but only slightly, still it was enough for Casey to take advantage and bury her tongue deeper into the sweet wetness of her partner. Using firm strokes of her tongue, Casey knew that she could quickly bring Tessa to a point where the dark-haired woman would beg her not to stop. Tessa spread her legs just a touch more bringing them to the sides of the small tub. She moved the shower head so it was pointing away from them then released a few more breathless moans before Casey raised her head from her pleasurable task.

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 611

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