Linear approximations of physical systems
Examination cards on Control systems (307 group)
Examination card #1
Differential equations of physical systems
3: Performance parameters of control systems in the transient process
2: Feedback control loops and their influence on dynamic and static characteristics of control systems
Examination card #2
Linear approximations of physical systems
3: Effects of a third pole and a zero on the second-order system response
4: Example 46.2 (Lecture 4.4): full-state feedback control design for a 3rd order control system which is described by the following differential equation
Examination card #3
The differential motion equation of control systems
4: Similarity transformation
PID controller design
Examination card #4
1: Superposition principle
4: Controllable Canonical Form
2: Stationary and non-stationary random processes
Examination card #5
2: The connection diagrams of dynamic links
3: Sensitivity of control systems to parameter variations
1: Construct logarithmic gain-frequency characteristic:
Examination card #6
2: Directed (oriented) graphs of control systems
3: Steady-state errors of control systems
4: Example 46.6 (Lecture 4.4): design a system which controls a satellite using the Ackerman’s formula
Examination card #7
2: Mason's gain rule
4: Observable Canonical Form
3: Define the system sensitivity to the change in its parameters.
Examination card #8
2:Cramer’s rule
4: Controllability
1: Construct asymptotic logarithmic gain frequency characteristics:
Examination card #9
Linear approximations of physical systems
3: Gain and phase margins of control systems
2: Static characteristics of control systems
Examination card #10
1: The Laplace transform
3: Assessing stability indicators using Nichols diagrams
4: State observers
Examination card #11
1: The transfer function of linear systems
4: Observability
3: Research the behaviour of the following control system with output delay:
Examination card #12
1: Construct logarithmic gain-frequency characteristics:
4: Kalman decomposition
2: Power spectral density (spectral concentration)
Examination card #13
2: State Variable Models of linear control systems (the state differential equations and output equation)
3: Control System’s Bandwidth
1: Typical dynamic links of control systems and their characteristics (overdamped links: )
Examination card #14
2: Signal-flow graph and block diagram models
3: The stability of control systems with time delays
4: Reduced order state observers
Examination card #15
2: Random signal passage via linear control systems
4: Full-state feedback control design
3: Construct Nyquist, Bode and Nichols diagrams and define stability indicators for the following transfer function:
Examination card #16
2: The transfer function from the state equation
4: Reference inputs
1: Typical dynamic links of control systems and their characteristics (undamped links: )
Examination card #17
1: Test input signals (step function and - function)
3: Step 4: Locating the segments of the real axis that are root loci.
2: White noise fluctuations
Examination card #18
1: Test input signals (harmonic input signal, ramp input signal, quadratic and cubic input time power functions)
3: Step 7: Locating asymptotes of root loci
4: The analysis of the motion of a relay control system
Examination card #19
1: Frequency characteristics of control systems
4: Internal model design
3: Research the behaviour of the following control system with input delay:
Examination card #20
1: The notion of a link
4: Phase Plane Analysis of control systems (case 3)
2: Methods to analyse the errors of linear control systems at random input signals
Examination card #21
2: The concept of stability
3: Step 9: Defining the breakaway points from real axis
1: Typical dynamic links of control systems and their characteristics (integrating links: )
Examination card #22
2: Moments of random processes
3: Step 10: Defining the angle of departure of the locus from a pole and the angle of arrival of the locus at a zero
4: Example 50.1 (Lecture 4.8): ideal relay (“sign” block)
Examination card #23
2: Lyapunov Stability of Linear Systems
4: Singular lines for nonlinear control systems
3: Construct the root locus for the following transfer function
Examination card #24
2: Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion
4: Limit Cycle
1: Typical dynamic links of control systems and their characteristics (differentiating links: )
Examination card #25
1: Logarithmic frequency characteristics (the Bode diagram)
3: Parameter design by the root locus method
2: 14 Define state-space model for the following transfer function
Examination card #26
1: Logarithmic gain-phase characteristic (the Nichols diagram)
3: Phase-lead network
4: Common Nonlinearities
Examination card #27
1: The connection between a transient characteristic , weighting function and transfer function
4: Lyapunov stability theory (the direct method of Lyapunov)
3: Construct Nyquist, Bode and Nichols diagrams and define stability indicators for the following transfer function:
Examination card #28
1: Typical dynamic links of control systems and their characteristics (amplification links: )
4: Sliding Mode Control
2: Anti-parallel coupling of links
Write down Matlab script in order to define the equivalent transfer function.
Examination card #29
2: Nyquist stability criterion
3: Phase-lag network
1: Construct asymptotic logarithmic gain frequency characteristic:
Examination card #30
2: Cauchy's theorem
3: Compensator design by changing a system gain
4: Describing function
Examination card #31
2: Relative stability and the Nyquist criterion
4: Back-stepping Design
3: Construct asymptotic logarithmic gain-frequency characteristic for the following transfer function:
Examination card #32
2: Bode diagram of control systems
4: High-gain observers
1: Typical dynamic links of control systems and their characteristics (under-damped links: )
Date: 2015-12-24 ; view: 2800