Effect of HTS on human healthBy the nature of development and its duration two main forms of occupational poisoning can be distinguished - acute and chronic intoxication.
Acute intoxicationoccurs, as a rule, suddenly after a brief exposure to relatively high concentrations of venom and is expressed more or less severe and specific clinical symptoms. In production conditions acute poisonings are most commonly associated with the accident, malfunction of equipment or with the introduction in technology of new materials with little-known toxicity. Chronic intoxicationcaused by the intake of small amounts of venom and associated with the development of pathological phenomena only under condition of the long-term exposure, sometimes by several years.
Lesions. Classification based on the degree of human exposure to HTS.
When poured out (emissions) HTS form lesions. A lesion of HTSis called an area, within which there were massive destruction people, farm animals and plants by HTS. Moreover, during the hostilities or natural disasters occurring at the site of manufacture, use or transporting of HTS, the probability of these lesions is greatly increased. They are usually divided into areas of direct pouring out (discharge) of HTS, and zones of localization of their vapors.
On the degree of influence on the human organism harmful substances are divided into four classes of danger:
1st - extremely hazardous substances;
2nd - highly hazardous substances;
3rd - moderately hazardous substances;
4th - low-hazard substances.
Effect of contaminants on human health (acute and chronic intoxication). Prevention of occupational poisoning.
Highly toxic substances (HTS) - are chemical substances that are intended for use in the national economy and have a toxicity that can cause massive destruction of people, animals and plants. Effect of HTS on human health:
Acute intoxication occurs, as a rule, suddenly after a brief exposure to relatively high concentrations of venom and is expressed more or less severe and specific clinical symptoms.
Chronic intoxication caused by the intake of small amounts of venom and associated with the development of pathological phenomena only under condition of the long-term exposure, sometimes by several years.
Prevention of occupational poisoning
Measures to prevent occupational poisoning include hygienic rationalization process, its mechanization and hermetization
A major role in the prevention of occupational intoxications belongs to the mechanization of the production process, making it possible to conduct it in a closed apparatus and minimize the contact of the worker with toxic substances. Similar problems are solved with the hermetization (sealing) of the production equipment and facilities that emit toxic gases, fumes and dust. A reliable means of combating air pollution is the creation of vacuum, which prevents release of toxins through existing leaks.
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 789