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Other Types of Adverbial Clauses

There will always be subordinate clauses that will not fit into any of the types and subtypes we have considered above. Since it would be unsound to try and squeeze them into one of the classes so far established, two ways are open to us in this respect: either we shall try to establish some new classes, based on the characteristic features of these clauses, or we shall leave them outside all classes, contenting ourselves with the statement that they are subordinate clauses.

One of these types has been extensively treated in Poutsma's grammar. It is the type represented by the sentences: The more narrowly I look the agreeable project in the face, the more I like it. The more she thought about it, the more suspicious and upset she became, and she made up her mind to find out where he went and what he did every Friday night for week after week and month after month. The characteristic features of this type are, the particle the with a comparative degree of an adjective or adverb at the beginning of each clause, and the meaning that two actions develop in a parallel way: as the one develops, so does the other. Another variety of the same semantic type may be seen in the sentence, As I grew richer, I grew more ambitious. (CONAN DOYLE, quoted by Poutsma) Here it is once again the conjunction as introducing the main clause, and only the meanings of the words make it clear that it belongs to this particular type. Poutsma calls such clauses "clauses of proportionate agreement". This is a plausible view, and those who would like to have a complete system, where, as far as possible, every single type of clauses should be foreseen and assigned its proper place, will agree with Poutsma in this question.

Another type of subordinate clause, which Poutsma proposes to term "clauses of alternative agreement", may be seen in the following examples, taken from Poutsma's Grammar: He is said to have worn a coat blue on one side and white on the other, according as the Spanish or French party happened to be dominant. (From "Notes and Queries") The day had been one long struggle between mist and sun, a continual lightening and darkening, big with momentary elations and more tenacious disappointments, according as to which of the two antagonists got the upper hand.

As to these clauses, they are probably too rare to require a special category or "pigeonhole" to be arranged for them.

The same may be said about another type of subordinate clause found in Poutsma's Grammar, one which he terms "clauses of exception", and which he illustrates, among others, by the following examples: The Somersetshire peasants behaved themselves as if they had been veteran soldiers, save only that they levelled their pieces too high. Miss Blimber presented exactly the same appearance she had presented yesterday, except that she wore a shawl.

Sentences of the type It is the emotion that matters have also to be considered here. There are two ways of looking at a sentence of this type. Either we take it as a simple sentence with the construction it is ... that used to emphasise the word or words included in it, or we take it as a complex sentence with a subordinate clause beginning with the conjunction that (or, in other cases, with one of the relative pronouns who, which, or that). If the latter alternative is preferred (and it seems to be preferable, on the whole), the question arises, what kind of subordinate clause we have here, and this is indeed difficult to decide. Such clauses bear some resemblance to attributive clauses, but they will not easily fit into the definition of such clauses. Perhaps they had better be considered a special type of subordinate clauses, peculiar to such constructions.

In a similar way other types of subordinate clauses might be found, and an exhaustive system would hardly be possible. Besides, there is another consideration that we must take into account. In analysing a simple sentence we do not call the phrase "except + noun" an adverbial modifier of exception; there would seem to be no sufficient reason, therefore, to term the sentence given above from Dickens' "Dombey and Son", and other sentences of the same kind, subordinate clauses of exception.

It seems better, therefore, to leave such clauses and others which may occur outside the exact classification, characterising them as adverbial subordinate clauses only.

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 1177

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