1. x.2.the, a. 3. the, the. 4. a. 5. a, a. 6. a. 7. a, a, a. 8. a. 9. the. 10. a. 11. a. 12. x. 13. the. 14. a. 15. a. 16. the, a, the, the. 17. the. 18. a. 19. the. 20. a. 21. the. 22. x. 23. x. 24. the. 25. x. 26. a, a. 27. x. 28. x. 29. x. 30. x.
Names of Meals
Ex. 1.
1. a.2. x.3. the. 4. x. 5. the. 6. a. 7. the. 8. a. 9. a, x, an. 10. a. 11. the, x. 12. x. 13. the. 14. a. 15. x. 16. a. 17. x. 18. the. 19. x. 20. an. 21. the. 22. an. 23. x. 24. the. 25. a. 26. a. 27. x. 28.a. 29. a, x. 30. a. 31. a. 32. x. 33. a. 34. a. 35. x. 36. a. 37. a. 38. x. 39. a. 40. a.
Periods of Time
Ex. 1.
1. a.2. x, x.3. the. 4. the. 5. x. 6. a. 7. a, the, x. 8. the, x. 9. x, x. 10. a, the. 11. a, the. 12. x. 13. a. 14. x. 15. the. 16. x. 17. x. 18. x. 19. x. 20. the. 21. x, the. 22. x, the, the, x. 23. a. 24. the. 25. a. 26. x, x. 27. a. 28. an. 29. a. 30. the. 31. the, x. 32. x. 33. the. 34. x. 35. the. 36. x. 37. the. 38. x. 39. x. 40. the. 41. x. 42. x. 43. an. 44. x. 45. the. 46. x. 47. x. 48. the. 49. a. 50. x. 51. the. 52. x. 53. a. 54. the. 55. x. 56. the. 57. x. 58. the. 59. a. 60. x.
Ex. 2. Correct answers
1. a Sunday.2. the Middle Ages.3. a rainy north London Tuesday. 4. the Bronze Age. 5. a Saturday. 6. a Tuesday. 7. a Sunday. 8. a Sunday. 9. the Tuesday. 10. the following Tuesday. 11. the June. 12. Tuesday. 13. the eighties.
1. the, the, the, the, the, the.2. a, a.3. x, a. 4. the. 5. a. 6. the. 7. a. 8. x. 9. a. 10. the, the. 11. a. 12. the. 13. a. 14. the. 15. the. 16. the, the, the. 17. an. 18. a. 19. the. 20. the, the. 21. the, the. 22. the, a. 23. the.
Unique Items
Ex. 1.
1. an.2. the.3. a, a. 4. the, an, the. 5. the. 6. a. 7. the. 8. the. 9. a, the. 10. the. 11. the, the. 12. a. 13. the, a. 14. a. 15. a. 16. the, x, the. 17. a. 18. the. 19. a, a, a. 20. a, the. 21. a. 22. a. 23. a, a, the, the. 24. a, a. 25. the. 26. a. 27. the. 28. the, the. 29. a. 30. the.
Institutions in Society
Ex. 1.
1. x. 2. the.3. the. 4. the. 5. x, x. 6. the. 7. the. 8. the. 9. a. 10. x, a. 11. x. 12. x, x. 13. the. 14. x, x. 15. x, a. 16. x. 17. an. 18. x. 19. the. 20. x, x. 21. the. 22. x. 23. the. 24. x, x. 25. x, a. 26. a. 27. the. 28. x, a, x. 29. the. 30. the. 31. a. 32. the.
Ex. 2. Correct answers
1. bed.2. the bed.3. the bed. 4. bed. 5. the bed. 6. bed. 7. a hospital bed. 8. the bed. 9. bed. 10. the bed. 11. a bed. 12. the bed. 13. bed. 14. the bed. 15. the bed. 16. a bed. 17. the bed. 18. a hospital bed. 19. bed. 20. the bed.
1.the jungle. 2. a country.3. the jungle; the plains. 4. the desert. 5. the country. 6. the seaside; the mountains. 7. the city. 8. the country; the country – used especially when you are talking about living in the countryside and the differences between the countryside and the city. 9. the countryside; countryside – used especially when you are talking about the beauty or appearance of this kind of area. 10. the land; the land – life in the country as opposed to life in towns and cities.
Ex. 3. Correct answers
1. sea.2. the sea.3. sea. 4. the sea. 5. the dull, lead-coloured sea. 6. sea. 7. a glaucous sea. 8. the sea. 9. the sea. 10. a sea. 11. sea.
Parts of the body
Ex. 1. Correct answers
1.the cheek. 2. the face.3. her hair. 4. the face. 5. his hand, her shoulder. 6. her cheek. 7. her arm. 8. his hand. 9. the leg. 10. the foot. 11. the ear. 12. his leg. 13. the eye. 14. the brain. 15. the heart, the head.
Ex. 2.
1. the teeth.2. the brain.3. his hair. 4. his toes. 5. the head. 6. your head 7. the eye, the stomach. 8. the foot. 9. the back. 10. my throat.
Ex. 1.
1.the,the, an, a.2. the.3. a. 4. a. 5. a. 6. x. 7. a. 8. x, a. 9. x. 10. x.
Ex. 1.
1. the south.2. the north.3. right. 4. the south/ the south-east. 5. the West. 6. the left, the right. 7. The North, East, West, South. 8. the left. 9. the North, the South. 10. the west.
Ex. 1.
1. an.2. x, x, the.3. the, x. 4. a, x. 5. the. 6. a. 7. a. 8. x. 9. x. 10. a. 11. a. 12. x. 13. a. 14. x. 15. the.
Ex. 2. Correct answers
1. malaria.2. a cold. 3. flu/ the flu.4. a headache. 5. cancer/ a cancer. 6. a chill. 7. stomach cancer. 8. hepatitis. 9. a cold. 10. cancer. 11. rheumatism. 12. tuberculosis, polio. 13.AIDS. 14. a brain haemorrhage. 15. an ulcer.
Media and Communications
Ex. 1.
a)the telephone; b) video; c) the camera; d) the/x radio; e) e-mail; f) the computer; g) satellite television; h) the Internet; i) the press.
Ex. 2.
1. the radio.2. television/ the television.3. a newspaper. 4. a television. 5. the radio. 6. the papers. 7. a telephone/ a phone. 8. the post. 9. the phone/ the telephone. 10. the papers/ the newspaper.
Ex. 3.
1. the, the.2. the.3. the. 4. the. 5. the. 6. the, a. 7. the. 8. the. 9. x. 10. a. 11. x. 12. the. 13. x. 14. a.