1. Sometimes they would go to__ church together on Sunday and he would walk beside her and revel in her cheeks moist from the soft water in the new air. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)
2. He had for long been interested in __ Catholic Church. (W.S. Maugham)
3. It was Amory’s dear old friend, his and the others’ – for __ church was full of people with daft, staring faces, the most exalted seeming the most stricken. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)
4. He sat in __ churches as he sat in his father’s church in Buffalo, amid the starchy must of Sunday clothes. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)
5. The Kellers were a close-knit, Catholic family. They went to __ Mass every Sunday and they saw to it that their son attended __ church. (S. Sheldon)
6. __ church was away to the left among black trees. (D.H. Lawrence)
7. The bishop had been a cavalry officerbefore entering __ Church and in the war had commanded a regiment. (W.S. Maugham)
8. __ church is the only place where someone speaks to me and I do not have to answer back. (Ch. deGaulle)
9. Have you thought about __ school for him? (S. Sheldon)
10. __ school ruined his French and gave him __ distaste for standard authors. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)
11. He’s stayed over a day from__ college, and he’s coming tonight. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)
12. He was resentful against all those in __ authority over him, and this, combined with a lazy indifference toward his work, exasperated every master in__ school. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)
13. __ true university of these days is a collection of books. (Th. Carlyle)
14. The father always considered that his wife’s small fortune belonged to his son, and in__ college and in__ medical school sent him a cheque for all of it four times a year. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)
15. In spite of going to__ college I’ve managed to pick up __ good education. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)
16. Do you suppose he is in__ prison under some false name? (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)
17. He’s in __ Italian jail. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)
18. They won’t let him out of __ jail. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)
19. You can come to __ jail with me and see that they don’t hurt him any more. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)
20. Your brother-in-law has broken the laws of this country and been put in __ jail, just as an Italian might be put in__ jail in New York. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)
21. After some telephoning, he and Baby found __ jail and went to it. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)
22. This is outrageous! An American has been beaten half to death and thrown into __ prison and you make no move to help. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)
23. ‘I’ve waited long enough. You come right down to __ jail and get him out.’ (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)
24. I’ll bet he’s been to__ jail himself. Probably spent weeks at a time in__ jail. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)
25. What is a road like __Ellesmere Road? Just __ prison with the cells all in a row. (G. Orwell)
26. The next time Olivia woke, she realized it was not __ hospital but the Delano, and the red flashing light was not a heart monitor but the message light on the phone. (H. Fielding)
27. With no money to pay for __ hospital or doctors, Howard went back to work at the bank, full-time. (S. Sheldon)
28. Lara hated __ hospitals. __ hospital was her father lying in__ bed, pale and suddenly old. (S. Sheldon)
29. Lara walked into __ hospital and asked the name of the corporation that owned it. (S. Sheldon)
30. “And you can tell __ hospital to expect a donation. Fifty thousand dollars.” (S. Sheldon)
31. “You should get right to __ hospital,” the doctor had told him. “You’ve lost a good deal of blood -” (S. Sheldon)
32. “I’m on the board at __ hospital where he’s being treated. I heard some doctors discussing his case.” (S. Sheldon)
Exercise 2. In the sentences below, only one of the underlined alternatives is appropriate. Cross out the one that is wrong.
1. Then, with an effort, he struggled out of bed/ the bed and ambled into the bathroom. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)
2. She (Dolly) sat on bed/ the bed and took Julia’s hand. (W.S. Maugham)
3. The pillows underhead became soft and friendly; a bed/ the bed on which they lay seemed wide, and white, and sturdy beneath the radiance that streamed in at the window. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)
4. He dined alone at the hotel, went to bed/ the bed early, and met Rosemary in the lobby at half-past six. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)
5. “Hell!” he faltered aloud, and then he choked and collapsed on bed/ the bed in a shaken spasm of grief. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)
6. She got into bed/ the bed and turned out the light. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)
7. She was Rachel Pixley aged fourteen, lying in a hospital bed/ bed. (H. Fielding)
8. Jill was sobbing noisily on the bed/ bed. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)
9. Ann Fai Wah woke with a start and sat up abruptly in bed/ the bed. (J.H. Chase)
10. He moved over to bed / the bed to take Donatella in his arms. (S. Sheldon)
11. Slowly she got out of the car and followed MacAllister into a drab cabin with a bed/ the bed, two chairs, a battered dressing table, and a tiny bathroom. (S. Sheldon)
12. They sat on bed / the bed side by side, her head against his shoulder while he quickly scanned the badly set type. (J.H. Chase)
13. Lily went to bed/ the bed with a lighter heart than she had carried for weeks. (K. Saunders)
14. James Cameron sat up and slid to the edge of the bed/ bed, bleary-eyed, trying to clear his head. (S. Sheldon)
15. Then she gave up and sank back on bed / the bed. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)
16. Philip was lying on a bed/ the bed with IV tubes feeding liquid into his body. (S. Sheldon)
17. I was sitting there on bed/ the bed, when Mrs. Danvers knocked on the door. (D. du Maurier)
18. She opened her eyes and she was in a hospital bed/ the hospital bed and the first thing she saw was Alec Nichols. (S. Sheldon)
19. I told her to go back to bed/ the bed. (D. du Maurier)
20. Now as he lay on bed/ the bed, feeling a trickle of sweat running down his massive chest, he thought bleakly that in three days time, he would have to send his wife yet another cheque. (J.H. Chase)