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Exercise 4. Insert articles where necessary. Pay attention to the use of relative adjectives.

1. She felt in __ tremendous form. (W.S. Maugham)

2. A lot of banks and savings and loans are in __ deep trouble. (S. Sheldon)

3. They were glad to know a man of __ great culture and perfect manners to arrange the matter with discretion. (W.S. Maugham)

4. They are American seen through __ English eye. (W.S. Maugham)

5. I knew that with his perfect sense of social relations he had realized that in __ English society as an author I was not of much account, but that in France, where an author just because he is an author had prestige, I was. (W.S. Maugham)

6. I am a mine of information on __ English countryside. (D. du Maurier)

7. He had taken great pains to adopt the manner of speech as it is spoken in England and you had to have a very sensitive ear to catch now and then __ American intonation. (W.S. Maugham)

8. “How right you were. I noticed the room the last time I dined there. It’s in __ perfect taste.” (W.S. Maugham)

9. Larry had apparently struck up __ great friendship with another boy in his squadron. (W.S. Maugham)

10. It looks as though there were __ complete incompatibility of temper between you. (W.S. Maugham)

11. She wondered if she would ever achieve __ supreme elegance. (W.S. Maugham)

12. How can you be in __ big trouble? (M. Gabot)

13. Jeffrey, with__ intense concentration, was raising a pile of chips of all colours. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

14. Your mother appears to be a woman of __ enormous sense. (W.S. Maugham)

15. All bad poetry springs from __ genuine feeling. (O. Wilde)

16. His house when finished was fresh and gay, unusual, and simple with that simplicity that you knew could only have been achieved at __ great expense. (W.S. Maugham)

17. I would walk along this drive, strange and unfamiliar to me now, with __ perfect knowledge, conscious of every twist and turn. (D. du Maurier)

18. “Delicious,” he said with __ mounting enthusiasm. (H.E. Bates)

19. Then just as I was getting to my feet, the Pontiac number plate clutched in my hand, there was a blinding flash of light followed instantly by __ complete darkness. (J.H. Chase)

20. It’s kept __ perfect time now for months. (D. du Maurier)

21. I never think raspberry jam is __ great success. (D. du Maurier)

22. There is a sort of waking nightmare that sets in sometimes when one has missed a sleep or two, a feeling that comes with __ extreme fatigue and a new sun, that the quality of the life around has changed. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

23. I suppose __ great care was needed to handle the boat? (D. du Maurier)

24. “You drunk?” queried Amory with __ intense wisdom. (F. Sc.Fitzgerald)

25. Amory was finding it __ great relief to be in this cool house in Riverside Drive. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

26. He had listened with __ growing irritation to the high-pitched chatter of his servants below. (J.H. Chase)

27. There’s __ real joy in her voice. (M. Gayle)

28. In spite of his size, Jaffe had __ perfect balance. (J.H. Chase)

29. It was a look of __ complete and candid love. (J.H. Chase)

30. He was the best as well as the oldest fortune-teller at the Tomb and Nhan had __ great faith in him. (J.H. Chase)

31. Olivia raised her head to see Scott Rich’s grey eyes looking down at her with __ immense tenderness. (H. Fielding)

32. Pre-teens haven’t got the faintest clue about __ real teen angst so they have to make it up. (M. Gayle)

33. Amory took __ great pleasure in shocking them with unorthodox remarks. (F. Sc. Fitzgerald)

34. Seriously. I think you’ve got __ real talent. (M. Gabot)

35. The brakes are in __ perfect condition. (S. Sheldon)

36. “Other than that, you’ll have __ complete control.” (S. Sheldon)

37. “I thought I heard __ English accent in there.” (H. Fielding)

38. He grinned at her, with __ genuine affection. (K. Saunders)

39. Her yearning for Kit’s approval hardened to __ absolute determination. (K. Saunders)

40. For once, the cursed intellectual snob and the romantic novelist are in __ perfect agreement. (K. Saunders)


Date: 2015-12-24; view: 1077

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Exercise 3. Insert articles where necessary. Pay attention to the use of limiting adjectives. | Exercise 5. Insert articles where necessary. Pay attention to the use of of – phrases, define their type (descriptive, limiting).
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