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Exercise 67. Use the proper article.

1. About this time the memorable hero Robin Hood flourished in romantic manner. 2. He gazed at her in blank astonishment, then took a handkerchief from his trouser pocket. 3, "For God's sake, Johnny," began Dr. Stevens in weak stammer. 4. "There's nest on rafter here," she said in hushed voice, as though afraid of disturbing the birds. 5. Whole family gazed at her in mute astonishment. 6. She spoke in strong, rich, deep thrilling voice. 7. Hour went by in silence. 8. He lifted hand in eloquent gesture. 9. We waited in breathless suspense. There was not sound. 10. Emerging from flight deck, Janet called out in voice just loud enough to carry to the rows of passengers. 11. In abstract worried fashion, he drank little milk and nibbled at a sandwich.

Exercise 68. Use the proper article. Pay attention to the article in prepositional adverbial phrases of manner.

1. He looked at little chap with feeling of doubt. 2. "It's lie, I tell you," he said in low, sharp voice. 3. He was like vessel, powerful and dangerous, but rolling without sail. 4. He looked at her in amazement 5. Carrie watched his every movement with pleasure. 6. "Well, you get it then," he said grimly, though in modified tone of voice. 7. She shook her head as if in deep thought. 8. I'll not argue with you," she replied with determination. 9. With grunt of disgust she picked up topmost letter from little pile on side of his desk. 10. like bear with sore head, that's what I am. 11. When he returned, hour later, his eyes were gleaming with peculiar excitement. 12. There were ten people. They met with indifference, and would part with relief. 13. He looked down in mild surprise. 14. He said we could sit down to eat with easy mind. 15. Rebecca spoke French with purity and Parisian accent. 16, Drouet was standing by dresser, gazing at her in comic manner. 17. She fascinates me like snake. 18. He slept like dead man. 19. With swift gesture he caught handle and flung door open. 20. She opened her mouth several times like fish gasping for air. 21. She would have kept my house like new pin. 22. Her mouth hung open in amazement. 23. Kay looked at him with astonishment. 24. New speaker began in dry crisp voice. 25. In cabin something was stirring like trout freshly caught. 26. He raised his hands in gesture of helplessness.

Exercise 69. Use the proper article (noun-groupswith "of-phrases").

I. 1. Here and there could be seen red roofs of tall Victorian houses. 2. It was indeed face of old man. 3. Jimmy's head was flat

upon floor and his feet were propped up on arm of chair. 4. Near by could be seen bundle and what looked like handle of some tool. 5. His eyes were small and intensely bright, eyes of young and lively man.

II. 1. Rose garden was reached by flight of stone steps. 2. She began to wander between rows of stools. 3. "Shall I go and get it, sir?" said Ridden who was standing in group of boys just behind him. 4. It was like him to cloud his manoeuvres behind smoke screen of words.

Ø. 1. There was loaf of bread, cheese and butter, and very sur­prisingly, little jar of caviare. 2. On table bottle of port was ready for him. 3, Mrs. Henderson ladled spoonfuls of tea into tea-pot and poured hot water in. 4. Sun warmed her forehead and dried drops of moisture from her cheeks. 5. He always smokes cigarette with cup of coffee.

IV. 1. Stepping inside, he found himself in what had once been
sort of office. 2. Anyway, it's sort of thing one doesn't talk about to
people one just has met. 3. What sort of boy has he grown into?
Not like Robert, I hope? 4. And you know sort of man he is.

V. 1. He had confused feeling of surprise. 2. Lad was continual
source of worry and trouble to his father. 3. Mrs. Henderson gave
her son glance of tender amusement. 4. He's got absolutely no sense
of humour. 5. He looked hard at Alleyn, and then expression of
great relief came upon him and he relaxed.

Exercise 70. Use the proper article (noun-groups with "of-phrases").

1. It's better to take risk than to fall into hands of Germans. 2. It is as plain as palm of my hand.

3. Doctor once told me my nerves were as sensitive as strings of violin. 4. Do you call yourself man? I despise you from bottom of my heart. 5. They were affected by depth of his feeling. 6. He asked her to sit down. She perched on edge of chair and stared fixedly at him. 7. Grove of pine trees swept past behind car. 8. Soft murmur arose from them as from hive of bees. 9. Demoyte lived at distance of three miles from school. 10. "You might cut me slice of bread, mother," said Stanley. 11. I'm afraid it's moon, looking so much like slice of melon, 12. Up amid platinum stars thin slice of moon rode high. 13. I long for lights about me that are bright. Little restaurant, few good fellows, bottle of mineral water on table. 14. He sat down gloomily and accepted glass of brandy. 15. It's dangerous sort of toy to have about. 16. You're sort of young man we want. 17. It was painted with kind of quiet thoughtfulness. 18. He looked at us with kind of cheerful cunning. 19. "It is surprisingly easy to face that kind of fact," he said. 20. She opened her eyes wide, look of ex­treme horror came into her face. 21. This gave him sense of free­dom. 22. There was look of mild astonishment on his large face.

Exercise 71. Use the proper article (noun-groups with "of-phrases").

1. She put her hand on back of chair to steady herself. 2. There was in firmness of her chin, in decision of her mouth something that suggested strong will. 3. He saw very short youthful-looking girl, wearing black cotton blouse and necklace of large red beads. 4. As Bill descended stairs he saw little packet of books which he had left on hall table. 5. They were impressed by depth of his feeling. 6. There was raised terrace that ran along rear of house and it was reached by flight of steps. 7. There was loaf of bread, cheese, and butter. He ate with extreme hunger. He finished half loaf and great piece of cheese. 8. I brought bottle of whisky, syphon and jug of water. Jug felt as though water inside had been iced. I poured out whisky. 9. He was terribly thirsty and asked for glass of water. 10. I've got cup of coffee waiting for you. 11. Here's piece of bread with bit of meat in it. 12. Room was made for Jane to sit down and Mrs. Clark offered her cup of tea. 13. He was not only man of deep feeling but also man of passionate pride. 14. There was general gasp of astonishment. 15. She drew long breath of relief. 16. His Features were not particularly good, but when he smiled he showed set of very white, regular teeth. 17. Not breath of wind stirred leaves. 18. Slight feeling of uneasiness came over him. 19. There was just trace of hesitation in his manner. 20. There's no doubt that wife of man like Ashley Ferras must have had to suffer a good deal. 21. There is usually grain of truth in what people are saying. 22. Until then I'll keep key of door. 23. I was shocked by sight of her face. 24. I saw look of surprise creep into inspector's eye. 25. Then he came back once more to middle or room. His eye travelled round, searching everything in room with quick glance.

Exercise 72. Use the proper article (noun-groups with "of-phrases").

1. He knelt down by pond, bearing his arm to elbow, and low­ered it in very slowly, so as not to disturb bottom of pond. 2. He was sort of man you could rely on, but he was sort of man you couldn't love. 3. We might be able to reach bank of river farther along. 4. Rain took flowers with exclamation of joy and held them to her face. 5. It's just sort of job that would suit me. 6. At dawn German tanks penetrated outskirts of village. 7. It was nothing less than flash of sheer genius that prompted me to ask question I did. 8. Towards Nan he felt no more of his former anger, only dull feeling of hostility mixed with pity and regret. 9. Under shade of huge oak cows were lying. 10. He is sort of man who always acts honourably. 11. She turned her head slowly and gave him look of joyful tenderness. 12. Having satisfied himself that each guest had plate of food and glass of water, he was anxious to make conversa­tion. 13. She took jug of milk from tray. 14. There was no release in any kind of action, there seemed no end to their waiting. 15. She

looked pretty determined sort of woman. 16. She felt as child open­ing door of dark room. 17. From other side of hill came gentle mu­sic of sea. 18. She picked up her black dress lying over arm of chair. 19. I've always looked upon myself as very simple sort of chap. 20. He looked at groups of young girls walking arm in arm. 21. It had started to rain in loose light gusts, beating in noisy clouds against windows of bus. 22. Waitress brought their food; some tea without milk or sugar, few slices of dry toast, dish of unnaturally pink jam. 23. That was next piece of bad luck. He had died about three weeks after Jeanne was arrested. 24. We are, in fact, between gardens of group of houses in streets all around. 25. "Three years ago it was"-she broke off and stood still, her mouth set in rigid grimace of pain. 26. Being seven, her little brown velvet frock barely reached knees of her thin, brown-stockinged legs planted one just in front of other, as might be legs of small brown bird.

Exercise 73. Use the proper article and point out the noun-groups with"of-phrases".

I. It was evening and I sat reading by fireplace. There were few sounds to hear, for college was empty and quiet; I could just make out footsteps of porter, as he passed beneath window. Now and again his keys clinked, and clink reached me after sound of his foot­steps had been lost in snow.

Ï. I had drawn curtains early that evening. It was warm and cozy in zone of armchair and sofa which formed island of comfort round fireplace. Outside that zone, as one went towards walls of large room, draughts were bitter.

HI. In blaze of firelight, when it shone into dark corners panelling on walls glowed softly, almost rosily, but no warmth reached as far, so in most part of room it was as cold as in open air, and one would hurry back to cozy island in front of fireplace, to pool of light from reading lamp on mantelpiece.

IV. I was comfortable in my armchair. I was reading so intently that I did not notice steps on staircase, until there came quick re­peated knock on door. (After Snow)

Exercise 74. Usethe proper articles, summarizing the cases already mentioned.

1. It was not beginning he had expected. 2. Why did his eyes fix her with stare that did not seem to see her? 3. I want you to ex­plain disappointment we had this morning. 4. And then he would find place where they could live and she feel safe and happy.

5. She took cigarette, he offered her, with strained smile of thanks.

6. Suddenly, watching fear she was trying to hide, he believed her story. 7. She gave him look which he could not read. 8. If you were writer or artist, who could take his work where he likes; but you’ve got to do yours here in London. 9. I have letter for you which came two days ago. 10. Then I recalled to mind all things

and places which Anna had liked most in Paris. 11. As I was look­ing this over, I heard wing doors which led onto main corridor be­ing opened. 12. Gloomy guilty feeling crept through him, which changed into an exasperated misery. Everything was against him.

13. Never before had any one spoken to Hepsey in measured icy
tone that was at once lady-like and commanding. 14. At corner of
Oxford Circus Rosabel bought bunch of violets, and that was practi­
cally reason why she had so little tea. 15. The Englishmen,
European movement, was rational and questioning challenge to
traditional ways of perceiving the natural world and man's place in
it 16. Exhibition serves as reminder of nearly forgotten school with
central place in history of European art. 17. "Listen, officer," he
said, "I have regular public pass for gallery, but I'm student from
Yale doing research." 18. Excuse me, Miss Frazee. We need the
facts. Who are three men that accused you? 19. While applause died
down, President waited for twenty-one-gun salute to come to end.
20. Figure detached itself from black shape of tree and he knew it
was woman whom he had passed in lobby coming out. 21. Even at
moment of marriage she had not given thought to fact that price
she was paying for safety of home was permanent exile for it.
22. Day she took first walk to road daffodils broke in flourish of
golden flags. There was ecstasy in air, whole world was full of
excitement and joy, and laughter was on her lips.

Exercise75. Comment onthe use of thearticle withabstract nouns.

I. 1. The earth gets light and heat from the sun. 2. Broad beams of light shone through the clouds and beyond them as if they would cover the whole sky. 3. The golden light, still lying in sheets upon the water, dazzled Nan for a moment. 4. All the windows were dark under the moon, except for the great bedroom of the Lodge, where the Master lay. There a light glowed, warm, tawny, against the stark brightness of the sky. 5. He sat up in bed and saw it was just daylight. A cold, white light filled the room. 6. She was holding a match in her hand and it gave a surprisingly bright light. 7. It may sound exaggerated, but you brought me back to life. 8. They had their own pattern of life and expected me to fit in. 9. All the same, it was not the life of a spoiled child. 10. I've had a happy life, and want nothing now but a grandson to dandle on my knee.

11. To live a healthy life in the country was good for them.

12. And yet what was the alternative? To stand trial, with perhaps a
shameful death at the end of it, and at best the horror of
imprisonment, and on release a life without honour or usefulness.
Poor Tom. 13. Death stilled her struggle before it was decided.

14. You are right, Mrs. Camp. Why do people spend more money
upon a death than upon a birth? 15. But we are tonight paying
honour to a man who is by birth a foreigner to us. 16, The
dearest wish of his father's heart was to behold the birth of a boy

who could inherit the land his forbears had owned so long. 17. Was the death of a man so terrible after all?

Ï. 1. His voice was conciliatory, almost caressing, and there was a loving kindness in his eyes. 2. May felt that it was false kindness to keep the truth from him. 3. Suddenly she smiled at me with great kindness. 4. There was something in his nature, pitiless and rather dreadful, that made him take a peculiar pleasure in his se­cret work. 5. It gives me great pleasure. 6. For once he showed real irritation. 7. She seemed at times to be seized with an uncon­trolled irritation and would say sharp and wounding things. 8. Then her face went red and there was a cruel hardness in her eyes. 9. She had cost her husband great suffering. 10. He loved his father and mother and he knew that his decision must cause them bitter pain.

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Exercise 55. Use the proper article. | Exercise 79. Use the proper article. Pay attention to the use of article with the noun pred­icative after the anticipatory "it".
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