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Text of conversation


Mrs. Wood: Oh, Mrs. Parker, the police-sergeant here has come about the theft of my spoons. Would you be so kind as to tell him what you heard this afternoon?

Nora: Yes, of course. Good afternoon, sergeant.

Sergeant: Good afternoon, Mrs. Parker.

Nora: Well, first I heard somebody moving about in Mrs. Wood’s house. And then I heard the back door bang. I thought it was Mrs. Wood. But it can’t have been her, because I met her coming down the street only a few minutes later.

Sergeant: Yes. About what time was this?

Nora: I heard the radio announcer say it was half past three, just before I went out.

Sergeant: So if you heard a stranger come out of Mrs. Wood’s back door, it must have been before three-thirty?

Nora: Yes, a few moments before.

Sergeant: Yes. Did you see nay one as your want out?

Nora: Yes, I saw the roadman sweeping the pavement, and – oh yes, I saw the insurance man knock at the for door of number ten.

Sergeant: Thanks very much. That’s very helpful. I shall have to ask them if they noticed anyone they didn’t know come into the road. You didn’t see anyone else, Mrs. Parker. No tradesmen, for example?

Nora: Nobody at all.

Mrs. Wood: Isn’t it awful, Mrs. Parker? Just think – you may have actually heard the thief stealing my spoons!

Sergeant: Well, we won’t say ‘stealing’ for the moment, Mrs. Wood. You never know with these cases. We’ll just say the spoons are missing. I daresay you haven’t seen the last of them yet.





Text conversation


Nora: Good afternoon, Mrs. Wood. You are looking pleased. Have you found

out who took your missing spoons?

Mrs. Wood: Yes, It’s really very fanny, I must tell you. Of course I’ve been

awfully nervous since yesterday, my husband being away and there being

nobody else in the house. And then coming back from shopping this afternoon I found the back gate open and suspicious noises coming from the house!

Nora: Goodness!

Mrs. Wood: Thinking that if I went for help the fellow would get away, I decided to catch him myself.

Nora: How very brave of you!

Mrs. Wood: And then, looking in through the kitchen window what should I see but –

Nora: A man?

Mrs. Wood: No – a monkey!

Nora: A monkey?

Mrs. Wood: Yes, a monkey, sitting on my kitchen table, and taking all my knives and forks out of the table drawer.

Nora: Where ever had it come from?

Mrs. Wood: I just couldn’t think at first. And then I suddenly remembered that the house at the end of the road has just been taken over by an old sailor who has all sorts of strange pets.

Nora: I know – Mr. Bendow, so the monkey sitting on the table was his. What an extraordinary creature – taking your spoons one day and coming back for your knives and forks the next! Did you manage to catch him?

Mrs. Wood: I couldn’t catch him myself, but I fetched Mr. Bendow and he soon did it.

Nora: And did you discover what the monkey had done with your spoons?

Mrs. Wood: Yes, we found them hidden at the end of our own garden!

Nora: How very funny! With the police hunting everywhere for a criminal too. Still, ‘All’s well that ends well!




Text conversation


Nora: Hello, Peter. I thought you were cycling to Aunt Mary’s.

Peter: /Dolefully/ I got lost.

Nora: /Amused/ Surely you know the way to Aunt Mary’s?

Peter: Yes, but I’ve never been there from this house.

Nora: Oh no, of course not. Well, how far did you get?

Peter: Well, I went along the main road first and then turned off by the church.

But after that I must have gone wrong because I never got to Aunt Mary’s road at all. I had no idea where I was.

Nora: Didn’t you ask anybody the way.

Peter: Yes, I asked a man how to get to Heath Avenue, and he didn’t know what to answer. He just said, ‘Heath Avenue? Where’s Heath Avenue?’ Then I asked another man and he told me he was in too much of a hurry to help me.

Nora: You should have asked a policeman.

Peter: I did. I asked him where I was, and he some name I didn’t hear properly. Then he asked me where I had come from and what my name was.

Nora: And didn’t you ask him to show you the way to Aunt Mary’s?

Peter: Oh yes, I asked him which was the right way and he started to laugh. He said I had been going away from Heath Avenue for most of the time. Then he pointed to a house just behind him and said, ‘That’s the back of your own house, son!’

Nora: /Amused/ So that’s why you are here! Well, never mind, you can still go to Aunt Mary’s another day.

Peter: /Ruefully/ Yes, but don’t I look an idiot, cycling in a circle.





Text conversation


/Scene: Breakfast in the house of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parker/

Harry: You know, Nora, that’s the second time breakfast has been late this week. If I don’t get my breakfast on time I arrive at work late.

Nora: You’re awfully bad-tempered these days, Harry. It must be because you’ve given up smoking.

Harry: Nonsense. Anyhow, who says I’m bad-tempered?

Nora: You’re never really happy unless you have a cigarette or a pipe in your mouth. Why don’t you start smoking again? I would, if I were you.

Harry: Certainly not. If I say I’m going to give something up, I give it up.

Nora: Oh, Harry, if only you would smoke again, I’m sure we should have fewer black looks about the house.

Harry: No, Nora. If I start smoking, I shall start that silly irritating cough again. Good heavens, if that fellow Smith can give it up, I hope I can.

Nora: I see. You just want to show how strong-minded you are. Well, I guarantee that if you had a packet of cigarettes in your pocket now you would very soon find yourself lighting one.

Harry: Not at all. Even if I had a hundred cigarettes in every pocket I still shouldn’t give way to temptation. Now, Nora, if I don’t go O shall miss my bus.

Nora: Shall I see you at six?

Harry: Yes, if I’m not kept at work.

Nora: If you pass a stationer’s buy me some envelopes, will you?

Harry: Right. Goodbye, Nora.

/Sound of a match being struck/

Nora: Er – Harry, what’s that in your mouth?

Harry: Good heavens, it’s a cigarette. I must have lit it without thinking. Why, Nora – you put that cigarette on the table in front of me!

Nora: /Laughing/ Yes, Harry, I can’t have you being too strong-minded!



Text conversation


Harry: We shall be awfully late home if that No. 12 bus doesn’t come soon… Let’s stand in this doorway out of the wind.

Nora: All right, but must be careful not to miss the bus… How did you enjoy the film?

Harry: I’d never have gone if I had known it was going to be so silly.

Nora: Why, what was silly about it?

Harry: Well, no saint man would have married that other girl so soon after he had murdered his wife. It was sure to make people suspicious.

Nora: If he had been sane he wouldn’t have murdered her, besides, the girl wouldn’t have waited for him if he hadn’t asked her immediately.

Harry: All the better for him if she hadn’t.

Nora: Yes, but then he wouldn’t have paid for his crime. Anyhow, I’d have enjoyed the film much more if Elsa Hollywood had been in it instead of Linda Spangle.

Harry: And I’d have enjoyed it more if we hadn’t gone at all.

Nora: /Sharply/ And I’d have enjoyed it more if you hadn’t been so rude to that woman in front.

Harry: Well, I shouldn’t have been rude to her if she had stopped chattering when I asked her.

Nora: I wish you’d behave better in public places.

Harry: I behave better I like that. I like that. Why, if that woman had…

/Sound of bus starting up/

But look, isn’t that a No. 12 bus just going?

Nora: Yes, it is, and we’ve missed it after all. We should have seen that bus, Harry, if you hadn’t been so busy quarrelling.

Harry: /In injured tones/ Really, Nora, I think it would have been much better if I had stayed at home tonight and let you go to the cinema alone.



Dialogue No 5


1. Did Nora want Harry to do anything that evening?

2. Was she sure there was nobody coming to see them?

3. Was there anything she wanted Harry to listen to on the wireless?

4. Why did Harry want to go round to the club?

5. How did he convince Nora of the necessity to go to the club?

6. Why was Nora against Harry’s idea?

7. What had Harry promised her before?

8. Do you think the Parkers will go round to the club?

9. Did Harry seem to feel sorry?

10. What is the best title for the dialogue?


Dialogue No 12




1. Why was Harry constantly calling Nora?

2. Why was Nora angry with him?

3. Why did she advise him to stay in bed?

4. Did he obey her?

5. What did Nora think of Harry’s behaviour?

6. Why did he still get back into bed?

7. Do you think Harry was seriously ill?

8. How was he getting on with his mother-in-law, in your opinion?

9. Is the general tone of the dialogue emotional are neutral?

10. What is the best title to the text?






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