Соотнесите английские названия объектов с их адресными строками в адресе отправителя и получателя 1.
(1) Vancouver Manufacturing
9102 (2) NW99* Street
(3) Vancouver, Washington (4) 98665 (5) Mr. Sean Taylor
(6) Director of Operations
(7) ABC Corporation
100 E Main Street
Vancouver, (8) Wa 98685
(www.officialletters com.)
The addressee
The company name in the return address
The addressee’s rank position
The street name in the return address
The Zip Code in the mailing address
The town in the return address
The Zip Code in the return address
The company name in the mailing address
(1) “Vitesse France S.A.R.L.”
91 rue du Faubourg Saint Honore
(2) 75008 (3) Paris – France (4) Davis Courtney
(5) 78 (6) White Street
California 43 A 67
(7) U.S.A.
The company name in the return address
The addressee
The country in the mailing address
The Zip Code in the return address
The town in the return address
The street name in the mailing address
The house number in the mailing address
55 (2) Lincoln’s Inn Fields,
(3) London WC2A #NB
(4) England (5) Jim Black
65, 22 High Street
(6) Los Angeles (7) 12A13
( document.write(unescape('www.bestcoverletters.com')); www.bestcoverletters.com)
The company name in the return address
The addressee
The Zip Code in the mailing address
The street name in the return address
The town in the mailing address
The country in the return address
The town in the return address
The Stables, Burnley Wharf,
(2) Manchester Road
(3) Burnley (4) BB11 1JZ
(5) 168 Greenwood
Walters Ash
High Wycombe (6) HP14 4XF
(7) England
( Кузовлев В.П. English 7:Activity book. / В.П. Кузовлев – «Просвещение», 2002)
The street name in the return address
The town in the return address
The house number in the mailing address
The Zip Code in the mailing address
The Zip Code in the return address
The country in the mailing address
The company name in the return address
(1) Denmarket
(2) Scottsdale ROAD
(3) Scotland (4) The Meredith Company
Publishing House
(5) 1537 Broadway
(6) New York, NY
(7) U.S.A.
(www.officialletters com.)
The country in the return address
The street name in the mailing address
The country in the mailing address
The street name in the return address
The town in the mailing address
The company name in the return address
The addressee
(1) Ribbon World International
1400 (2) High St,
(3) Bellingham, (4) Wa 98225
(5) Miss E. Brown
(6) 23, Main Street,
Woodhouse Eaves,
Le10 AMY
(7) England
( document.write(unescape('www.bestcoverletters.com')); www.bestcoverletters.com)
The country in the mailing address
The house number in the mailing address
The addressee
The Zip Code in the return address
The town in the return address
The street name in the return address
The company name in the return address
(1) The Information Office
Welsh Tourist Board
Brunel House
2 Fitzalan
(2) Cardiff (3) CF2 1UY
(4) Wales
(5) 26 Windmill Road
(6) Kent (7) BR2
Hornby A. S. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English / A. S. Hornby – Oxford University Press, 2004.
The town in the mailing address
The house number in the mailing address
The country in the return address
The Zip Code in the return address
The Zip Code in the mailing address
The town in the return address
The company name in the return address
(1) Nickos Marcos
57 Alkeo
(2) Athens
(3) Gr15771
Greece (4) OXFAM
(5) 274 (6) Banbury Road
(7) Oxford Ox2 7DZ
The sender’s name
The addressee
The town in the return address
The house number in the mailing address
The street name in the mailing address
The town in the mailing address
The Zip Code in the return address
(1) The Editor
(2) Newquay Times,
(3) Ship Street,
TR7 2PQ (4) Gavin Metron
28 (5) Harbour Road,
St. Ives,
(6) Cornwall
(7) TR26 2AJ
(Abbs Brion. Snapshot: Pre-Intermediate Students` book / Brion Abbs. – Longman, 1999)
The Zip Code in the return address
The street name in the return address
The company name in the return address
The street name in the mailing address
The town in the mailing address
The addressee
The sender’s rank position
! Иногда для обозначения адресата (“The addressee”) в адресе получателя используется другой термин – “The recipient”.
(1) 346 (2) Old Street,
(3) London (4) ECIV 9NQ
Enquiries Dept. Causeway,
West Sussex (6) RH12 1HG
(7) England
The Zip Code in the mailing address
The recipient
The house number in the return address
The town in the return address
The country in the mailing address
The Zip Code in the return address
The street name in the return address
Taylor, Inc. (1) 694 (2) Rockstar Lane (3) Durham, (4) NC 27708 (5) Raymond Krock (6) 6123 Farrington Road Apt. B11 Chapel Hill, (7) NC 27514
(UNC Libraries citation tutorial)
The recipient
The house number in the return address
The town in the return address
The street name in the mailing address
The Zip Code in the return address
The street name in the return address
The Zip Code in the mailing address
(1) Customer Service Cool Sports, LLC 8423 (2) Green Terrace Road (3) Osterville, (4) WA 65435 (5) Ken Thomas
(6) 65 Market Street
(7) Val Haven, CT 95135
( www. letter writingguide.com/samplecomplaint.htm )
The house number in the mailing address
The town in the return address
The town in the mailing address
The company name in the return address
The recipient
The Zip Code in the return address
The street name in the return address
(1) Joseph Bicman 358 (2) Noncook Road John's Town, (3) PA 57323 Scott Mahoney (4) Customer Service manager
(5) 5868 Maple Wood Street
(6) Fairfield, (7) PA 37626
The house number in the mailing address
The recipient’s rank position
The town in the mailing address
The Zip Code in the return address
The sender’s name
The Zip Code in the mailing address
The street name in the return address
(1) Ms. Sylvia Range (2) Special Programs Assistant (3) Marion County Family Court Wilderness Challenge 303 (4) Center Street Marion, (5) VA 24560 StacyLee
(6) 2343 Blankinship Road
(7) Blacksburg, VA 24060
The house number in the mailing address
The sender’s rank position
The town in the mailing address
The street name in the return address
The sender’s name
The Zip Code in the return address
The company name in the return address
Kenneth Beare 2520 Visita Avenue (1) Olympia, WA 98501 Jackson Brothers (2) USA (3) 3487 (4) 23rd Street (5) New York, (6) NY 12009
(7) USA
The country in the mailing address
The house number in the mailing address
The town in the mailing address
The town in the return address
The street name in the mailing address
The Zip Code in the mailing address
The country in the return address
Date: 2015-12-24 ; view: 2285