The IronMind® CoC Silver Bullet Challenge: World Record Attempt Rules
Crush a CoC No. 3 Gripper to hold a Silver Bullet and 2.5 kg until your grip gives out
IronMind developed the Captains of Crush® (CoC) Silver Bullet Hold as both a training tool and as an event for grip strength contests: visually appealing and intuitively obvious, the CoC Silver Bullet Hold has been featured in grip contests from California to Russia, with stops in Finland, England, Ukraine...
Whether you think your hand is too big, too small or just right for a gripper, the Silver Bullet is perfect. Hold on as long as you can.
Mark Felix's hand opens on the Captains of Crush® (CoC) No. 3 Gripper and referee Mike Corlett signals for time as the CoC Silver Bullet is launched: Felix is credited with the inaugural world record as he held on for 43.25 seconds at the 2012 LA FitExpo. Randall J. Strossen photo.
Print a copy of the rules and referee form here
You'll find the CoC Silver Bullet and the CoC Silver Bullet Disc in our on-line store.
Visit IronMind®'s e-store for all the full line of IronMind Crushedto-Dust® Grip Tools.
Men's Current World Record Holder
Igor Kupinsky
54 sec.
July 27, 2013
Men's Past World Records
Mike Burke
53.97 sec.
January 20, 2013
Alexey Tyukalov
52.49 sec.
September 29, 2012
Juha Harju
46.6 sec.
September 9, 2012
Mark Felix
43.25 sec.
January 9, 2012
Women's Current World Record Holder
Amy Wattles
30.05 sec.
June 30, 2013
Women's Past World Records
Elizabeth Horne
23.22 sec.
September 23, 2012
The IronMind® CoC Silver Bullet Challenge: World Record Attempt Rules
1. A genuine IronMind Captains of Crush® No. 3* gripper must be used.
2. The gripper must be new, in an unbroken package and opened on the spot.
3. A genuine IronMind CoC Silver Bullet must be used, with 2.5 kg of weight hanging from the silver bullet strap and this weight may take the form of either an IWF or IPF certified/recognized (calibrated) plate or some other weight that has been demonstrated to be no less that 2.50 kg on a certified or otherwise demonstrably accurate scale.
4. The CoC Silver Bullet is inserted by the competitor no deeper than up to the top edge of the clear band, so that the script Captains of Crush® is legible, and so that all four fingers are in contact with the CoC gripper handle (dropping the pinky completely off the end of the gripper handle is expressly prohibited).
5. Using one or two hands, the competitor closes the CoC No. 3 in his own time so that the two handles hold the CoC Silver Bullet in place and once this position has been achieved, and only one hand is holding the gripper shut, the referee gives the signal to start the clock. If the competitor fails to get a secure hold on the CoC Silver Bullet, he is allowed one chance to reset it.
6. The hand must be held with the gripper approximately vertical.
7. Time stops when the Silver Bullet drops from the handles or when the referee observes any opening of the gripper handle for any reason whatsoever.
*IronMind has welcomed women to the event as well, with the rules being identical to those followed by the men, except that a CoC No. 2 must be used, rather than a CoC No. 3.
With huge performances of 30.05 and 54 seconds, respectively, on the CoC Silver Bullet, Amy Wattles (l.) and Igor Kupinski (r.) are the current world record holders. Amy Wattles photo by Randall J. Strossen. Igor Kupinski photo courtesy of Alexey Tyukalov.