The classification of methods and devices for measuring structural-mechanical properties of food
Plan of the lecture:
1. The classification of methods and devices for measurement of structural-mechanical properties of food
Purpose of the lecture: get acquainted with the Classification of methods and devices for measuring structural-mechanical properties of food.
1. The classification of methods and devices for measurement of structural-mechanical properties of food products. The instruments used for measuring structural-mechanical properties of food products (materials)are classified by the following signs.
On purpose. Devices are divided into four groups: industrial, laboratory, instruments for advanced studies in laboratory conditions and instruments for scientific purposes. The devices of the first group are installed directly on the technological machines and register properties of materials in the stream. The devices of the second group, laboratories of enterprises intended for the rapid control of technological processes. Devices of the third group, are designed for in-depth testing and installed in the laboratories of the head enterprises. Devices of the fourth group, applied research centers and are used to test materials in various conditions. They are characterized by high accuracy of measurement and the quite large test duration.
In terms of the measuring result. Devices are divided into absolute, relative and conditional. The devices of the first group shows the number of fixed property values in the absolute system of units based on the geometrical dimensions of the working body and the conditions of the experiment. The devices of the second group require the prior calibration reference material, the result is the dimensionless, relative indicators, which then with the help of the calibration graphs are converted to absolute values. Devices of both groups was theoretically substantiated. On instruments third group values of the measured values conventionally expressed in appropriate units or the score obtained values are unsuitable for calculations and are used mainly for comparison of any quality indicators in a narrow range.
Depending on the display of the measuring devices is conventionally divided into integral and differential.
According to the functional feature. Classification of instruments for this topic proposed BM Azarov and Vladimir Alexandrovich, Aricom, according to which they are divided into 40 species.
Described above classification of methods and instruments can be further complemented and modified.
Modern production of meat, fish, dairy and other branches of food industry, comprising a number of different processes, require application of instruments for measurement of the properties of raw materials at the stages of its receipt and processing with the aim of monitoring, regulation and control indicators of raw materials and finished products.
1. The methodology.
2. The classification of methods and devices for measurement of structural-mechanical properties of food
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 1011