I. Identification and reproduction of intonation patterns.Read the following conversational context according to the intonation marks:
- You Èknow \Smith,S \don’t you?
- \Which ÇSmith do you Çmean? I know \several /Smiths.
- \James ÇSmith I Çmean. The Èman who goes up to \town with us Çevery /day.
- #Oh, \yes,S I \know the Çman you /mean. ÈWhy do you \ask?
- He Èasked me to Èlend him five \pounds last Çweek.
- \Oh,S and /did you?
- ÈYes, I \did. ÍPerhaps I was \/foolish. Do you Èthink he’ll Èpay the money /back?
- \No,S I Èdon’t sup\pose he /will. He doesn’t \often Çpay back the Çmoney he /borrows.
- \Oh,S Íthat is Íbad \/news.
II. Use of rhythmic structures.
A) State what rhythmic structure is prompted by the lexical composition of the following phrases.
- Political storm and stress
- It has more than passing interest
- Our views were diametrically opposed
B) Read the following utterances according to the suggested rhythmic structure.
Can you give me some definite information? (4 stress-rhythm)
We hope you have a good trip here. (3 stress-rhythm)
III. Use of pitch contours*.
A) React the following expressing contradiction.
- She promised to come again for the week-end.
- She didn’t.
B) Use the insistent special question in the reaction to the following.
- I’d like to try on one of these dresses.
- Which one would you like?
IY. Auditory memory check.
Act out the following situational context by analogy with the dialogue “Morning and Evening”.
- What time do you go to bed as a rule?
- Normally about midnight.
- Why so late?
- Because I usually read a detective story or a novel.
- Do you take long walks in the evening?
- Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don’t.
*A pitch contour is an overall tone pattern of an intonation group. It is formed by the type of Prehead, Head and nuclear tone.
e.g. That’s the 'best ·news I’ve Èheard for a \long time.
The pitch contour of this statement is defined as a high falling contour with a normal prehead and a stepping head.
I. Identification and reproduction of intonation patterns.
Read the following conversational context according to the intonation marks:
- ÈSomebody Ècame to \see you when you were /out.
- ÈSomeone I /know?
- # Oh, \yes, \definitely.
- ÈWho \was it? Was it a /manS or a \woman?
- A \womanS with big blue \eyes.
- It Çwasn’t \Kate,S /was it?
- /No,S it /wasn’t. ÈSomeone with >eyes >even \bigger than /hers. ÇSomebody Ètall and \slim.
- # Come /on,S \tell me Èwho \\was it.
- Your Èdear Aunt E\lizabeth.
II. Use of rhythmic structures.
A) State what rhythmic structure is prompted by the lexical composition of the following phrases.
- A state of urgent necessity
- Extremely joyful and happy
- A general improvement in teaching standards
B) Read the following utterances according to the suggested rhythmic structure.
What are you going to do for your holiday this year? (3 stress-rhythm)
It was suddenly stuck in a street traffic jam. (4 stress-rhythm)
III. Use of pitch contours*.
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 909