Mostly most attractive districts full of private clinics are those which are located in rich areas such as Medeu and Bostandyk.
Age segmentation
Young children, infants and adults are most interested group of people interested in private clinics. They will find our idea very attractive because of lack of bureaucracy and time saving.
Gender segmentation
According to statistics women 49 percent of women versus 39 percent of men go to paid centers. Because of behavioral reasons women more care about health. For example, pregnant women prefer to register in the paid hospital.
Sales projections
Cost for 1 individual ordered by clinics
Monthly capacity for producing these cards (in beginning)
Monthly revenue
1,200 KZT
10,000 cards
12,000,000 KZT
Obviously it is start up indicator without other necessary expenses. In future we plan to increase the volume of produced card. For this we need to increase our capacity by expanding IT staff and using past experience.
3.4. Advertising & promotion
We plan to create a media plan that will make each citizen to know about the service we offer using the media kits of:
- radio
- website
- medical booklets
- e-mailing at the lowest cost per reader.
Customer service policy
Because of the fact that our only customer is private clinics, they are kings for us. Therefore, we will be really caring about services we provide and its quality. Our company has IT department that maintain all technology aspects of each client. All faults and deficiencies will be corrected in time. Each client has an option to phone technical customer support or call a specialist at any time of the day, seven days a week. Our main shtick is reputation among clients. If we lose one of them, we also lose great profit, volumes. In addition, each deal with one clinic is infinite because this system needs technical support. Also this business in infinite because of the fact that new people born anyway.
For each client we will make a contract which will cover all aspects of both sides.
4.1. Business location & requirements / advantages / lease details
Business location of LLP Medical ID card is
Al-Farabi Avenue 17 block 4A
Monthly rent is 25$ per m2. Despite of the expensive cost this part of city is full of businesses and has respectful, comfortable location with beautiful views.
Our business requires high class clients, therefore, we need to satisfy their need, desires and make them feel VIP clients. Our head office will have spacious hall with beautiful décor and sofas where people can sit down for a coffee. Smart office managers with experience will explain all aspects of services. In our office our clients will have an opportunity to make a successful unproblematic business with reliable partners in our face.
Advantage of this location is also its fame and the neighborhood with major banks, airlines. So people visiting them will see our office, advertisement, and polite staff.
Lease details will be usual as for any rental office. We pay in time and use it for business aim.
Technology of our business is innovative for Kazakhstan market but it previously was implemented in other countries such as China and Germany. Of course as startup it has its disadvantages and mistakes in the beginning. Therefore, we will try to avoid their mistakes and minimize our own. Population of Almaty and of Kazakhstan generally is not huge so our network will not be busy.
Research and development process is necessary to do business in any place. Our IT staff will analyze and improve on an ongoing basis. In addition, our front office professionals will gather information to improve the service by:
ü telephone calls
ü online survey through the website
Environment is important thing for any sustainable growing business in particular for us. The main goal of marketing team will be researching market and situation in medical industry. They will have links with the different communities, respect and follow legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.