V. to concentrate n. concentrationIf you concentrate on something you pay attention to it and think carefully about it. eg Is important to keep your concentration when driving.
Q: In what situations do people need to concentrate for a long time ?
A: People need to concentrate for a long time when they take an exam.
Q: When studying, what kind of things help your concentration ?
A: When studying, background music helps my concentration.
Q: In what kind of environment is it difficult to concentrate ?
A: It's difficult to concentrate when it's very busy.
Q: What issues do you think politicians should be concentrating on ?
A: I think politicians should be concentrating on education.
Q: What do they tend to do instead ?
A: They tend to concentrate on global problems.
Q: What areas of your English do you need to concentrate on improving ?
A: I need to concentrate on improving my pronunciation.
special use of ‘can’:
When we want to say that there are situations where something is true or possible, but we want to avoid generalisations, we use ‘can’.
eg. Dogs can be dangerous animals. (Tigers are dangerous animals).
Dogs can save lives.
Both of there statements are true. They are general statements but not generalisations.
Q: Which animals can be aggressive ?
A: Cats can sometimes be aggressive.
Q: In what kind of situations ?
A: If they're frightened.
Q: Is there anyone in your family who can be difficult to cope with ?
A: Yes, my younger brother can be difficult to cope with.
Q: Do you ever get wound up with them ?
A: Yes, all the time./Yes, I sometimes get wound up with him.
Q: What can happen if you lose concentration when driving ?
A: If you lose concentration when driving, you can have an accident.
Q: What kind of accidents can happen in the home ?
A: You can easily fall down the stairs at home.
Q: What side effects can some medicines have ?
A: Some medicines can make you feel sleepy.
Q: Do you believe that mobile phones can cause cancer ?
A: Yes, I do believe that mobile phones can cause cancer.
Q: Do you think it’s a serious risk ?
A: Yes, I do./I think it’s a serious risk.
Q: Do you usually get seen straight away when you go to the doctor or
hospital ?
A: No, I never get seen straight away./No, I don't usually get seen straight away when I go to the doctor or hospital.
Q: How long can you wait for ?
A: I can sometimes wait about an hour.
Q: In what ways can pride be a dangerous emotion ?
A: Pride can be a dangerous emotion if it makes you very arrogant.
Q: Tell us about an annoying tendency that you have.
A: I'm afraid that I can be very impatient.
Unit 10
v/n. set
A set is a group of things that belong together.
eg. a chess set, a set of keys, a set of plates.
When we set something we arrange it or organise it.
Q: Do you have a spare set of keys ?
A: Yes, I have a spare set of keys.
Q: Where do you keep them ?
A: In a drawer./I keep them in a drawer.
Q: Do you have a matching set of cutlery at home, or a collection of odd knives and forks?
A: I have a collection of odd knives and forks.
Q: Does your family have a set of plates for special occasions ?
A: Yes, we do have a set of plates for special occasions.
Q: Can you describe them (the pattern) ?
A: They are blue with a kind of gold line around the edge.
Q: Is it worth setting the table when you eat by yourself ?
A: No, it isn't worth setting the table when you eat by yourself.
Q: What about for a proper family meal ?
A: Yes, in that situation it would be worth it.
Q: How often do you set the table for a proper family meal at home ?
A: Probably about 2 or 3 times a week.
Q: What happens when you don’t bother ?
A: When we don't bother, we just sit in front of the television.
Q: When do you expect to go back to your country ?
A: I expect to go back to my country in a couple of months.
Q: Have you actually set a date ?
A: No, not yet./No, I haven't set a date yet.
Q: What time do you set your alarm for ?
A: About 6:15./I set my alarm for about 6:15.
Q: Is that the time you actually get up ?
A: No, I usually snooze for about 20 minutes or more./No, it isn't the time I actually get up.
whatever= any thing/situationno matter what…
Q: Do you know enough English to express whatever you want ?
A: No, I don't know enough English to express whatever I want.
Q: Do you only come to school if the weather is nice ?
A: No, I come to school no matter what weather/whatever the weather is like.
Q: Can you do whatever you want in your parents’ house ?
A: No, I can't./No, I can't do whatever I want in my parents’ house.
Q: What about in your own place ?
A: Yes, I can do whatever I want in my own place.
Q: Should governments refuse to negotiate with terrorists ?
A: Yes, I think governments should refuse to negotiate with terrorists.
Q: No matter what the circumstances ?
A: No matter what the circumstances.
whoever= any personno matter who…
Q: Where are you living at the moment ?
A: I'm living with my flat mate at the moment.
Q: Can you invite whoever you want to stay with you ?
A: No, I can't./No, I can't invite whoever I want to stay with me.
Q: Do you think university education should be available to whoever wants it ?
A: Yes, I think university education should be available to whoever wants it.
Q: Does that mean it should be free ?
A: Yes, it should be free.
Q: Are you the kind of person who would help anyone, no matter who they were ?
A: Yes, I am the kind of person who would help anyone, no matter who they were. I'm a good person.
whenever= any time
Q: Give me an example of something you do whenever you feel: a. lonely ?
Whenever I feel lonely, I phone my family.
b. nauseous ?
Whenever I feel nauseous, I try to drink some water.
c. on the point of crying ?
Whenever I am on the point of crying, I swallow hard.
d. like cheering yourself up ?
I watch the film Notting Hill./Whenever I feel like cheering myself up, I watch the film Notting Hill.
Q: Is there someone you call whenever you feel a bit down ?
A: Yes, whenever I feel a bit down, I call my mum.
Q: What is it about them that helps ?
A: She's really understanding.
Q: Do you have a set time for meals or do you eat whenever you feel like it?
A: I eat whenever I like.
Q: Do you think that’s a good/bad habit ?
A: I think it's a bad habit.
Q: Do you know someone who sounds tired/angry/bored whenever they speak ?
A: Yes, one of my friends always sounds tired whenever she speaks.
Q: Do you think they are aware of it ?
A: No, I don't think she is./No, I don't think she's aware of it.
Unit 10
wherever= any placeno matter where
Q: What things do you always take with you wherever you go ?
A: I always take my mobile phone and my wallet with me wherever I go.
Q: What kind of food and drink can you find wherever you are in the world?
A: You can find Coca-Cola wherever you are in the world.
Q: What kind of things do all people care about, no matter where they are
from ?
A: I think all people care about their family, no matter where they are from.
However + adj/adv no matter how + adj/adv
Q: Tell us about something you can’t do, however hard you try.
A: I can't seem to be able to learn to play the piano, however hard I try.
Q: Who are the people you always keep in touch with, however busy you are ?
A: I always keep in touch with my family, however busy I am.
Q: Do you know anyone who never puts on weight, however much they eat?
A: Yes my girlfriend never puts on weight, however much she eats.
Q: Does it bother you ?
A: No, not at all./No, it doesn't bother me.
Q: Do parents enjoy watching their children in plays, however badly they perform ?
A: Yes, of course they do./Yes, parents enjoy watching their children in plays, however badly they perform.
Q: Have you ever lived with someone who never did any housework, no matter how many times you asked them ?
A: Yes, I have lived with someone who never did any housework, no matter how many times I asked them.
Q: Is it possible to find love, no matter how old you are ?
A: Yes, I think it is possible to find love, no matter how old you are.
Unit 10
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