N. mystery adj. mysterious
A mystery is something that is impossible to explain.
Q: Give me an example of a famous mystery.
A: Who built Stonehenge is a famous mystery.
Q: Do you think it will ever be solved ?
A: No, I don't think it will ever be solved.
Q: Do you think there is a scientific explanation for everything ?
A: No, I don't think there's a scientific explanation for everything.
Q: What things do you believe will always be a mystery to us ?
A: I believe that the meaning of life will always be a mystery to us.
Q: Which ancient buildings have mysterious origins ?
A: The pyramids in Egypt have mysterious origins.
Q: Are there any similar places in your country ?
A: Yes, Stonehenge./Yes, there are some similar places in my country.
Q: What is the point of a ‘mystery tour’ ?
A: The point of a ‘mystery tour’ is that you don't know where you're going and it's very exciting.
Q: Can you see the attraction ?
A: Yes./Yes, I see the attraction.
Q: What do you think the expression ‘God moves in mysterious ways’ means ?
A: I think this expression means that you should always expect the unexpected.
Q: Do you agree with it ?
A: Yes, I do./Yes, I agree with it.
Unit 9
Q: Has anyone famous in your country ever disappeared in mysterious circumstances ?
A: Yes, Lord Lucon./Yes, someone famous in my country has disappeared in mysterious circumstances.
On condition that
Q: In what circumstances would you lend money to a friend ?
A: I'd lend money to a friend if he was really in need of it.
Q: Would you make any conditions ?
A: I'd lend him the money on condition that he gave it me back when he could.
Q: Did your parents ever let you stay out late when you were a teenager ?
A: Yes, they did./Yes, my parents let me stay out late when I was a teenager.
Q: Was it on condition that you came back by a particular time ?
A: Yes, it was on condition that I came back by 11 o'clock.
Q: On what condition would you agree to: a. work longer hours.
I'd agree to work longer hours on what condition that I got paid double.
B. pay more rent.
I'd agree to pay more rent on what condition that the landlord decorated my flat.
c. do all the housework in your flat for a week ?
I'd agree to do all the housework in my flat for a week on what condition that my flat mates cooked all my food.
only if/when as long as
I would only marry a man if he was rich.
NB We can express the opposite of only if by using even if.
I would marry a man even if he was poor.
Q: Can you only enjoy a party if you drink ?
A: Yes, I can only enjoy a party if I drink.
Q: Do you think some people only enjoy themselves when they’re drunk ?
A: Yes, I do./Yes, I think some people only enjoy themselves when they’re drunk.
Q: Do you know anyone who only gets in touch when they need a favour ?
A: Yes, one of my friends only gets in touch when he needs a favour.
Q: Do you think it is alright for parents to smack children as long as it’s not too hard ?
A: Yes, I think it's alright for parents to smack children as long as it’s not too hard.
Q: Do you think it is alright to drink and drive as long as you are under the limit ?
A: Yes, I do./Yes, I think it's alright to drink and drive as long as you are under the limit.
expr. in good/bad condition
Q: Why might someone keep something even though it was in bad condition ?
A: Someone might keep something even though it was in bad condition for sentimental reasons.
Q: Have you kept any of your old childhood toys ?
A: Yes, I kept an old brown teddy-bear.
Q: What kind of condition are they in ?
A: Very bad./It's in a very bad condition.
Q: Have you ever stayed in accommodation that was in terrible condition ?
A: Yes, I stayed in a hotel that was in terrible condition.
Q: What was wrong with it ?
A: The paint was coming off the walls, the beds were soft and there were cockroaches all over the place.
Q: How can you keep a car in relatively good condition ?
A: Yes, I can keep a car in relatively good condition.
Q: What kind of things can affect the condition of: a. your skin ?
The sun can affect the condition of your skin.
b. your hair ?
The wind and the rain./The wind and the rain can affect the condition of your hair.
c. your heart ?
Exercise./Exercise can affect the condition of your heart.
Unit 10
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