Adj. glad n. relief adj. relieved
Relief is the emotion we feel when we expected something bad to happen, but in the end it didn’t.
eg I was so relieved when the doctor told me that my arm wasn’t broken but just badly bruised.
Q: How would you feel if a policeman changed his mind about arresting you ?
A: If a policeman changed his mind about arresting me, I would feel so relieved.
Q: How do people feel just before they see their exam results?
A: I think they feel really nervous./I think people feel nervous just before they see their exam results.
Q: What about when they realize that they’ve passed/failed?
A: They feel relieved./When they realize that they’ve passed/failed, they feel relieved.
Q: Is it sometimes a big relief to sit down / take your shoes off?
A: Yes, it is./Yes, it's sometimes a big relief to sit down / take your shoes off.
Q: When ?
A: After a hard day at work.
Q: Would you be glad if your Prime Minister/President resigned ?
A: No, I quite like my Prime Minister.
Q: Have you ever been on the point of giving up your studies ?
A: Yes, I was on the point of giving up my studies last year.
Q: Do you wish you had ?/Are you glad you didn’t ?
A: Yes, because now I understand a lot more.
Q: Have you ever been glad to get home after a holiday ?
A: No never. I really enjoy my holidays./No, I've never been glad to get home after a holiday.
Adj. vital adj. essential
Something that is vital (or essential) is completely necessary.
Q: Do you think some knowledge of English is vital in today’s world ?
A: Yes, I do think some knowledge of English is vital in today’s world.
Q: What about computer skills ?
A: Yes, that also./Yes, computer skills are vital in today’s world.
Q: Is it vital to own a car in this city ?
A: No, because public transport is very good./No, it isn't vital to own a car in this city.
Q: Do you think it is essential to have alcohol for/at a party ?
A: Yes, I think so./Yes, I think it's essential to have alcohol for/at a party.
Q: What are essential nutrients ?
A: Essential nutrients are things that we need from our food to keep us healthy.
Q: When travelling, what ‘bare essentials’ do you always take with you ?
A: When travelling, I always take my toothbrush and my clothes with me.
V. to create adj. creative
Q: What major problems are created by the weather ?
A: Natural disasters such as floods and hurricanes are created by the weather.
Q: Do you think scientists really know how the world was created ?
A: No, I don't think they really know how the world was created.
Q: Have you ever created a work of art ?
A: Yes, when I was at school but I'm not sure if you could call it a work of art.
Q: Do you like creative work or do you prefer to follow routines ?
A: I prefer to follow routines.
Q: Do you think schools do enough to encourage children to be creative ?
A: No, I think they could do more to encourage children to be creative.
Unit 8
v. to suggest + clause/gerund
If you suggest something to someone, you give them an idea which you think is a good thing to do.
eg. I need a cheap holiday. Where do you suggest I go ?
I suggest you go to Portugal.
Q: What methods would you suggest to someone who wanted to give up smoking ?
A: If someone wanted to give up smoking, I would suggest that they cut down gradually.
Q: Has anyone got any other suggestions ?
A: I would suggest buying nicotine chewing gym.
Q: Do you think starving yourself is a good way to lose weight ?
A: No, definitely not./No, I don't think starving yourself is a good way to lose weight.
Q: What would you suggest doing instead ?
A: I would suggest doing more exercise and going on a calorie-controlled diet.
Q: I’m going to invite a special friend for dinner. What do you suggest I do to create a romantic atmosphere ?
A: I suggest that you buy some candles, you put some romantic music on and cook a lovely dinner.
Q: What do think of those suggestions ?
A: I think they are all very good.
Ways of making a suggestion
Remember, we can make a suggestion using shall I/we…eg. ‘It’s a lovely day, shall we go to the beach ?’ (BK3, p.59)
Here are some other common ways of making a suggestion.
Let’s + infinitive eg. I’m bored, let’s play a game.
Why don’t you/we…?eg.Why don’t we play a game if you’re bored?
We/you could…eg.We could play a game if you like.
What/how about+noun/gerund?eg. How about (playing) a game of poker ?
Q: What do you suggest ?
a. Everyone laughs at my clothes…
Why don't you buy some new clothes ?
b. I’m frightened of birds/dogs/tall people…
You could learn to love them.
c. All my friends have more money than me…
How about getting a better job?
d. I’ve got a really embarrassing tattoo…
You could go to the doctor's and get it removed by a laser surgery.
e. I’m going out on a date but I haven’t got any money…
What about borrowing some money from a friend ?
Unit 8
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