V. to sort expr. to sort something (out)
Q: How are names in an address book sorted ?*
A: Names in an address book are sorted in alphabetical order.
Q: When you go on holiday, do you sort out accommodation before you go?
A: Yes, but not always./Yes, when I go on holiday, I always sort out accommodation before I go.
Q: Have you ever had to sort out something that was in total chaos ?
A: No, I haven't./No, I have never had to sort out something that was in total chaos.
Q: If you’re having problems at work, can you usually sort them out on your own ?
A: Yes, usually./Yes, if I'm having problems at work, I can usually sort them out on my own.
Q: What if you couldn’t ?
A: I would ask the boss for some help.
Q: Have you ever fallen out with a friend ?
A: Yes, I have./Yes, I have fallen out with a friend.
Q: Over what ?
A: Usually over money.
Q: Did you sort it out eventually ?
A: Yes, eventually./Yes, we sorted it out eventually.
expr. tell if/whether expr. tell the difference
You can tell whethersomething is real leather by the smell.
I can’t tell the difference between these two wines, but an expert could.
Q: Can you tell the difference between an Australian and an English accent ?
A: Yes, I can tell the difference./Yes, I can tell the difference between an Australian and an English accent.
Q: What about Scottish and English ?
A: No, that's more difficult.
Unit 7
Q: Can you tell the difference between these things just by/from the taste ?
a. butter and margarine ?
A: Yes, I can. Yes, I can tell the difference between butter and margarine just by/from the taste.
b. whole milk and skimmed milk ?
No, not really./No, I can't tell the difference between whole milk and skimmed milk just by/from the taste.
c. Pepsi and Coke ?
Definitely./Yes, I can tell the difference between Pepsi and Coke.
d. good quality wine and cheap plonk ?
I find that quite difficult to tell the difference./No, I can't tell the difference between good quality wine and cheap plonk just by/from the taste.
Q :Can you tell if someone is intelligent just by looking at them ?
A: No, I can't./No, I can't tell if someone is intelligent just by looking at them.
Q: How can you tell when someone is lying ?
A: You can tell when someone is lying because they don't look you in the eye.
Q: Do you think I’m in a good mood today ?
Yes, I do./Yes, I think you're in a good mood today.
Q: How can you tell ?
A: Because you are smiling a lot.
Q: When you speak English, do people realise you’re foreign ?
A: Yes, they do./Yes, when I speak English, people realise I'm foreign.
Q: How can they tell ?
A: Because of my accent.
adj./adv. upside-down adj./adv. right way up
adj./adv. inside-out adj./adv. back to front
Q: What’s wrong with the way I’m holding this book ?
A: * It's upside-down.
Q: Is it the right way up now ?
A: Yes./Yes, it's the right way up now.
Q: How can you tell if someone’s got their jumper on inside-out ?*
A: You can you tell if someone’s got their jumper on inside-out because you can see the label.
Q: What about back-to-front ?
A: It just looks strange.
Q: Have you ever gone out wearing something inside-out ?
A: Yes, my T-shirt./Yes, I have gone out wearing something inside-out.
Q: How long did it take you to realise ?
A: Just a few minutes./It took me just a few to realise.
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 815