Adj. cautious n. caution
If you are cautious you do things carefully in order to avoid risks or mistakes. eg I put my toe cautiously into the bath to test the temperature.
Q: Which animals are naturally cautious ?
A: Foxes are naturally cautious.
Q: Would you say that you are cautious with money ?
A: Yes, usually./I would say that I am cautious with money.
Q: Do you know anyone who drives very cautiously ?
A: Yes, my grandmother drives very cautiously.
Q: Do you think this makes them a better driver ?
A: I don't think so./No, I don't think this makes her a better driver.
Q: Are there times when caution is not the best way ?
A: Yes, sometimes you have to take a risk and throw caution to the wind.
v./adj. upset
All of these words are used to describe negative emotions.
If we are upset, we cry, argue, or shout because of something that has happened.
eg When her rabbit died, she was so upset that she cried for days.
Q: Would you be upset if I shouted at you ?
A: Yes, I would./Yes, I would be upset if you shouted at me.
Q: What do you say to someone who seems upset ?
A: If someone seemed upset, I would ask them 'What's the matter?'.
Q: Have you ever told a lie to avoid upsetting someone ?
A: Yes, I have./Yes, I have told a lie to avoid upsetting someone.
Q: Did it work ?
A: I hope so./Yes, it worked.
Q: Do children try to upset each other on purpose ?
A: Yes, they do./Yes, children try to upset each other on purpose.
Q: How ?
A: By calling each other names.
Q: Do managers sometimes upset their staff ?
A: Yes, they do./Yes, managers sometimes upset their staff.
Q: How ?
A: By criticising their work.
Q: When was the last time you had an upset stomach ?
A: Last weekend./The last time I had an upset stomach was last weekend.
Q: What do you think caused ?
A: I think I had a dodgy curry.
Adj. depressed n. depression
Depression is a more serious and long-term problem, where we are unhappy about our lives and can’t change our mood.
eg After losing his job, he became depressed, started drinking heavily and stopped socialising.
Q: How do doctors treat depression ?
A: Doctors treat depression with antidepressants.
Q: How else can it be cured ?
A: By changing people's lifestyles.
Q: Which famous people have suffered from depression ?
A: I think Elvis Presley suffered from depression.
Q: Do you think being famous was part of the cause ?
A: Yes, I think so./Yes, I think being famous was part of the cause.
Unit 5
Q: What are the typical things that people get depressed about ?
A: People get depressed about their job or a lack of money.
adj. wild adj./vb. (to) tame
Animals that live or work with people, such as dogs, horses etc., are tame.
Wild animals, such as lions, penguins, etc., live in their natural environment and can’t be controlled by humans.
We can also use wild to describe people’s behaviour when it is uncontrolled, mad, violent etc.
eg It was a terrible situation. The soldiers panicked and shot wildly in every direction.
Q: Where do people go to see wild animals ?
A: People go to the zoo or a safari park to see wild animals.
Q: Which wild animals can be tamed ?
A: Lions can be tamed.
Q: Have you ever been to a wild party ?
A: Yes, I have./Yes, I have been to a wild party.
Q: Did it get out of hand ?
A: Yes, it did./Yes, it got out of hand.
Q: Have you ever been to a party that was a bit tame ?
A: Yes, last week./Yes, I have been to a party that was a bit tame.
Q: What would have got it going ?
A: I think some good music would have got it going.
Q: Have you ever seen a crowd go wild ?
A: Yes./Yes, I have seen a crowd go wild.
Q: What was the event ?
A: At the Word Cup final.
Q: Have you ever picked wild flowers/fruit/mushrooms ?
A: Yes, I have./Yes, I have picked wild mushrooms.
Q: Are there any dangers you should be aware of ?
A: Yes, some mushrooms are poisonous.
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 864