C. a successful job application.By letter./You could get confirmation of a successful job application by letter.
Q: What’s the best way to confirm an order you’ve made by phone ?
A: I think the best way to confirm an order you’ve made by phone is by e-mail.
Q: Are mobile phones bad for you ?
A: I don't think mobile phones are bad for you.
Q: Is there any scientific evidence to confirm this ?
A: Not yet, no./No, there isn't any scientific evidence to confirm this.
v/n. trick n. magic n. illusion
Q: Are card tricks magic ?
A: No, card tricks are not real magic.
Q: Have you ever seen a magician perform a trick ?
A: Yes, I have seen a magician perform a trick.
Q: Did you ever work out how it was done ?
A: I think I did but I wasn't sure./I think I worked out how it was done but I wasn't sure.
Q: Have you ever taught a pet to do tricks ?
A: Yes, I taught my dog to play dead.
Q: What kind of tricks do circus animals perform ?
A: Tigers jump through hoops.
Q: Do you think it is cruel/they are amusing ?
A: Not really, no./No, I don't think they are amusing.
Q: When do people play tricks on each other ?*
A: People play tricks on each other when they are having fun.
Q: What tricks do you know for cheating in an exam ?
A: When I have an exam, I write the answers on my arm.
Unit 1
Q: Have you ever been tricked into doing something stupid ?
A: Yes, my friend tricked me into doing something stupid.
Q: How did you feel afterwards ?
A: I felt embarrassed.
V. to appear v. to disappear
Q: When do the stars appear ?
A: The stars appear at sunset.
Q: When does the sun disappear below the horizon ?
A: Again, the sun disappears below the horizon at sunset.
Q: What kind of things are made to appear and disappear in magic tricks ?
A: Rabbits are made to appear and disappear in magic tricks.
Q: What do famous people talk about when they appear on chat shows ?
A: They often talk about their latest project.
v. to seem/to appear (+adj/inf.) as if/though…= like
The way something appears is what we believe about it when we see it. eg You seem a bit sad. Is everything OK ?
Q: Does this book seem more difficult than Book 3 ?
A: Yes, it seems a lot more difficult than Book 3.
Q: Which people in the classroom seem to be:
A. happy.
Naoko seems to be happy.
B. confident.
Agnieszka seems to be condident.
C. improving their English quickly.
Rafał seems to be improving his English quickly.
Q: What makes you think so ?
He's talking a lot more every day.
D. confused.
John seems to be confused.
Q: Which famous people always seem to be in the news/headlines ?
A: At the moment Britney Spears is always in the news.
Q: Have you ever tried to appear really confident ?
A: Yes, I have tried to appear really confident.
Q: What for ?
A: When I met my girlfriend's parents for the first time.
Q: If I kept yawning during the lesson, how would it seem ?
A: It would seem as if you were really bored and wanted to be somewhere else.
Q: Does it seem as if summer/winter/autumn/spring is over ?
A: Yes, it does at the moment./Yes, it seems as if summer is over.
Q: What kinds of things seem as if they are never going to end ?
A: English lesson sometimes seem as if they are never going to end.
Q: What kind of things do you always lose around the house ?
A: I always lose my keys around the house.
Q: Does it seem as if they have just disappeared ?
A: Yes, it does./Yes, it seems as if they have just disappeared.
Q: Does time seem to pass more quickly as you get older ?
A: Yes, I think time does seem to pass more quickly as you get older.
Q: Is this true or just an illusion ?
A: It's just an illusion.
Unit 1
any such thing/such a thing as… no such thing as… n. proof (uncountable)
Is there (any) such thing as = does it exist ? There’s no such thing as = it doesn’t exist.
Proof is the noun from the verb ‘to prove’ (Bk 3).
Q: Do you think there’s any such thing as:
… magic ?
No, there’s no such thing as magic.
… ghosts/fairies/angels ?
Yes, I believe in ghosts/fairies/angels.
… aliens ?
Yes, I believe in aliens.
… the perfect man/woman ?
Yes, I believe in a perfect man/woman.
… love at first sight ?
No, there's no such thing as love at first sight.
Q: Is there any proof ?
A: No, not yet./No, there isn't any proof yet.
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 749