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Упр. 43. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. Let's go to ... shop. I must buy ... bread and ... milk. 2. I was at ... cinema yesterday. — What ... film did you see? — Oh, I saw ... very good film. I think it is ... best film of ... year. 3. Do you often go to ... theatre? — No, I don't. I like to go to ... theatre, but I am very busy. I work from ... morn­ing till ... night. I even have no ... time to play ... piano. 4. Oleg has ... lot of ... interesting books at ... home. 5. ... lot of ... tourists from ... different countries come to ... St. Petersburg. They want to see one of ... most beautiful cities in ... world. 6. My new friend said to me: "I am ... student of ... first course." 7. We went to ... cinema in ... evening. 8. What ... foreign languages does your father speak? — He speaks__English. He studied ... Eng­lish at ... school. 9. I am interested in ... history.

10. We played ... tennis at ... lesson of ... physical training yesterday. We had ... good time. 11. Did you go for ... walk yesterday? — No, we didn't. ... weather was bad, and we went to ... cinema. 12. What are your friends doing? — Mary is play­ing ... piano. Tom and Nick are playing ... chess.

Упр. 44. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

Once there lived ... king. His name was Midas. He had ... little daughter. They lived in ... beauti­ful palace with ... wonderful garden around it. Now ... king was very fond of ... gold. He loved ... gold more than anything else in ... world. One day, when ... king was looking at his gold, ... young man appeared before him. "You are ... very rich man, Midas," said ... young man. "Yes," said ... king, "but I would like to be richer. I would like to have ... golden touch. I want everything that I touch to turn into ... gold." ... young man was ... magician, and he gave ... king ... golden touch which he want­ed to have. ... king was very happy. He touched ... table, and ... table became gold. He went into ... garden. There were ... beautiful roses in ... gar­den. He touched ... roses, and they also became gold. ... king's daughter, who loved ... roses very much, saw it and began to cry. "Don't cry, ... dear daughter," said ... king and touched his daugh­ter's head. ... next moment ... girl turned into ... beautiful gold statue.

Упр. 45. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

Three men came to ... New York for ... holiday. They came to ... very large hotel and took ... room there. Their room was on ... forty-fifth floor. In ... evening ... friends went to ... theatre and came back to ... hotel very late. "I am very sorry," said... clerk of ... hotel, "but ... lifts do not work to­night. If you don't want to walk up to your room, we shall make ... beds for you in ... hall." "No, no," said one of ... friends, "no, thank you. We don't want to sleep in ... hall. We shall walk up to our room." Then he turned to his friends and said: "It is not easy to walk up to ... forty-fifth floor, but we shall make it easier. On ... way to ... room I shall tell you some jokes; then you, Andy, will sing us some songs; then you, Peter, will tell us some interesting stories." So they began walking up to their room. Tom told them many jokes; Andy sang some songs. At last they came to ... thirty sixth floor. They were tired and decided to have ... rest. "Well," said Tom, "now it is your turn, Pe­ter. After all ... jokes, I would like to hear ... sad story. Tell us ... long and interesting story with ... sad end." "... story which I am going to tell you," said Peter, "is sad enough. We left ... key to our room in ... hall."

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 2275

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Упр. 30. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. | History of Geology and Timeline of Geology
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