Showing the visitor round your company can be a useful way of winning customers as well as promoting the image of your company
Student A
You work for a manufacturer of beer, a subsidiary of Danish company that has two major brands Carlsberg and Tuborg. You are going to show an important potential client (your partner) round your company. Before you go round, meet him/her at the airport (ask about the flight) and give him/her a lift to the office.
In the office offer a drink and start by telling your visitor briefly about the company’s main products and its organization. You want to impress your visitor with the quality of your products, the sophistication of your technology and the good morale of your staff. Before the tour describe general structure of the company:
· head office in Denmark
· 60 production sites
· around 100 subsidiaries & associated companies
· 80 laboratories at the Carlsberg Research Center
Mention during your initial presentation
A This is where you are now.
B This is where the directors of your company meet; the product range.
C Research and development laboratory: scientific research is constantly carried out; well equipped.
D Warehouse: in the process of being fully automated.
E Open plan office: no fixed divisions between working spaces; computer center with direct links with all the parts of the company.
F Personnel: includes mini-hospital, managed by company doctor, and company health & fitness center; you are very proud of your policies on health.
G Very active: numerous sports clubs and leisure time activities for employees, their families and retired members.
Tell your partner that you’ll be happy to answer questions during your talk.
You start.
Student B
You are a potential client of a manufacturer of beer, subsidiary of Danish company, that has two major brands Carlsberg & Tuborg. You are at the airport and one of the managers meets you. Thank him /her for coming and answer his/her questions about the flight. You will be taken to the office of the company and one of its managers (your partner) is going to show you round the site.
Before you start, the manager is going to make a short presentation of the main features of the tour, using the plan below. He/she will tell you about the general structure of the company, the company’s main products and its organization. Then he/she will talk through the tour which you are about to make.
are looking for a company which:
- manufactures quality products
- is technologically sophisticated
- has progressive human resources policies.
Ask for as much details as you can on:
- the company’s products
- its computer & telecommunication systems
- its health, safety & welfare policies
while you listen to your partner’s initial presentation.
Useful language:
a network of, safe and affordable products, market share, market leader, to keep at the front of …market both in sales and technology ,to be in charge of, to be responsible to, to work with customers/ suppliers/subsidiaries, to deal with, a well-equipped laboratory, to report to , the annual turnover , the company is successful because… etc.
Today’s weather
Short term and long term forecasts
All about your nearest airport
Timetable updates Arrivals/departures
Car park advice
Travel news/advice
A recipe for today
Full instructions
Where to get your ingredients
Changed daily
Pop music
Classical music
Books etc
Tips for Gardening and DIY
Painting etc
Results Service
Sports events
national / local
dates and times
Weather Prices
Farm Shop
Services offered by local traders, opening times
In Pairs
Now find a partner from Group 2 who will have the rest of the information which you need. Ask and answer questions so that both of you collect full information.
Join up with another pair to make a group to discuss and decide on the services most likely to interest your client either in the running of their hotel chain or for their hotel guests. Be ready to explain your choice and give good reasons why your client should install your service.
Group 2
You work for Instanews, an electronic screen-delivered information service which transmits a wide variety of regularly up-dated information.
One of your potential clients is an international hotel chain with 15 hotels in big cities nationwide and 10 others worldwide.
Below there are details of the information services that Instanews transmits. Read it carefully with other members of Group 2.
What’s on Reviews
Performance times
Seat availability
Now find a partner from Group 1 who will have the rest of the information which you need. Ask and answer questions so that both of you collect full information.
Join up with another pair to make a group to discuss and decide on the services most likely to interest your client either in the running of their hotel chain or for their hotel guests. Be ready to explain your choice and give good reasons why your client should install your service.
Possible Language
In actual fact, X is well qualified …
In point of fact, he contributed well to …
Actually, he refused our offer to …
Sorry to butt in, but …
Role-play ¹ 5
Appointing Board
Interrupting & Dealing with Interruptions, Contradicting
The Problem
Archer Electronics, a family company, was founded 40 years ago by Daniel Archer who retired 5 years ago from being the Managing Director. However, he still takes an active interest in the development and changes in the company and he is now a non-executive director and holds 33,3 % of the shares of the company. 10 years ago he married his second wife, formerly Ann Fund, who was and still is, the Finance Manager of the company. As a wedding present she received 33,3 % of the company’s shares.
The present Managing Director of the company, Michael Brett is married to Daniel Archer’s only daughter Jean who is also a non-executive director of the company and who also holds 33.3 % of the shares.
Recently Archer Electronics has been expanding and investing in new technology. A new Warehousing Department is to be created and it will be responsible for controlling in-coming stock and distributing the end product. This department will be under the control of the Production Manager, Geoff Butcher, who is also a member of the Board.
A new computer system is to be installed in the Warehousing Department with new software not previously used by the company. 2 identical jobs working with the computer are still vacant. They have been widely advertised both internally and externally and on the short-list of 4 are: Andrew Bolton, Brian Underwood, Claude Fund and David Campbell.
In the circumstances, and also because Archer Electronics is a family firm, the short-list is to be considered by a working party which has been created to oversee the setting-up of the new department.
First draw the organigram of Archer Electronics’ Board of Directors:
Now read the information about the 4 candidates. In pairs analyze their good points, bad points and any other relevant information. You will be given a role and asked to role play a meeting of the appointment board to recommend which two candidates should be appointed.
Andrew Bolton, aged 27, is a university graduate. After graduating he spent 2 years at Archer Electronics and then 2 years ago he left to join another electronics company where he worked in their computerized stock control department.
He is enthusiastic, well-liked, hard-working and works well in a team. In the last year he has been attending a communication skills evening class. He is about to get married - his fiancée has a responsible job in the marketing department of a big multi-national company. His present salary is slightly above average and also above the salary range that you are offering.
Brian Underwood is 40, attended technical college until he was 18 and then joined Archer Electronics. He has been working in the stock control section for 20 years and because of the re-organisation, has applied for a transfer. In fact, with the re-organisation, there is no longer a job for him and he may have to be made redundant.*
He is a reliable worker, although he prefers to work on his own. He always leaves at 5 o’clock on the dot. He has been offered a place on ‘skill development’ courses twice but has refused each time ‘for family reasons’. He has 2 children under 10 and took out a mortgage on a house a year ago. Six months ago his wife was made redundant by Archers when the production process she worked on was automated.
David Campbell is 58 and has also applied for transfer from the section that used to be in charge of stock control. He joined Archer Electronics when he left school at 16. There is no suitable job for him in the Production Department and he will have to be made redundant if not appointed to this job.* He is a good and efficient worker but panics under stress. He recently raised a big loan on his house so that he could send his daughter to university and also make changes to his house so that he can accommodate his son who is handicapped after a car crash in which his (David’s) wife was killed.
Claude Fund is 30 and the son of Ann Archer by her first marriage. He is a university graduate and speaks several languages. He used to work for a computer company as a customer engineer, helping users to solve their problems. At his last job he had a reputation for being lazy and difficult to work with. He frequently asked other people to do his work. He was disliked by his colleagues and clients. He will inherit his mother’s 33.3 % share in the company when she dies.
Possible Language
There are X departments
There is a Y department with a Z section
The X Manager is responsible to the Y Manager
The X Manager is responsible for Z clerks
The X Manager needs to be …
A Virgo is good at …
A Scorpio hasn’t got the right temperament for …
A Pisces is too … / not … enough.
A Libra would cause problems as a …
Role-play ¹ 6
Strengths & Weaknesses
Describing Company Structure
The Problem
In pairs, draw a typical organigram of a manufacturing company. You can choose the company’s name, what it makes and how and where it operates but it has to include everyone who works in the company - not only the managers but also the secretaries, production workers, salesmen and supervisors etc.
In Groups
Then you will be given information about the characteristics of people born under various signs of the Zodiac. You will work in 3 groups. Each group will receive information about 4 different signs. Total 12 signs in all. Read the information carefully. Find 2 other people both with different information from yours and complete your information by asking and answering questions. Next, in this group of 3 look at each of the Zodiac signs, decide which of the characteristics mentioned are important in the world of work (either positively or negatively).
Now for each Zodiac sign make a list of the characteristics.
+ -
+ -
+ -
+ -
+ -
+ -
+ -
+ -
+ -
+ -
+ -
+ -
Then discuss and decide which jobs in the company should be done by which people from which Zodiac sign(s).
Aries 21 March to 20 April
Courageous leaders, energetic, ambitious, lovers of new ideas, have a desire for quick results, impatient, insensitive to others, manipulative, unable to foresee difficulties, self-centred, unwilling to obey, punctual, over-optimistic.
Taurus 21 April to 20 May
Hostile to change, industrious, reliable, practical, methodical, lazy, creative, good founders of enterprises, horror of debt, enjoy music and art, love good food and luxury, practical rather than intellectual, fixed opinions, over-cautious.
Gemini 21 May to 21 June
Versatile, able to see both sides of a question, take on too many projects, childish, demand others’ time and energy, like to be exciting and free from routine, kind, generous, don’t take things seriously, worriers, intelligent, learning new things, good communicators, sometimes liars or confident tricksters.
Cancer 22 June to 22 July
Thick-skinned, unemotional, insensitive, intuitive, good memories, imaginative, determined, change opinions and loyalties easily, tactless, corrupted, moody, difficult, sometimes have an inferiority complex, idealistic, easily flattered, good at looking after others.
When you have information about people from the other 8 zodiac signs discuss and decide which jobs in the company should be done by people from which sign(s).
Information Sheet B
Leo 23 July to 22 August
Natural leaders, outgoing, outspoken, enthusiastic, inspire loyalty in others, practical, cheerful, brave, creative, dignified, delegate details, love pleasure and luxury, arrogant, intolerant, impetuous, suspicious of rivals.
Virgo 23 August to 22 September
Dignified, charming, quiet, not very friendly, sensible, discrete, understand others problems, enjoy learning, good with their hands, logical, analytical, easily discouraged, accept new ideas, careful with money, like routine, pay attention to detail, worriers, hypochondriacs, make mountains out of molehills.
Libra 23 September to 22 October
Elegant, kind, hate cruelty, optimistic, co-operative, love harmony, hate conflict, artistic rather than scholarly, observant, dislike extremes, trustworthy with other people’s money, women can be careless with money, over-enthusiastic for new causes, don’t like being criticized, don’t like being criticized, don’t like dirty work, sometimes ambitious, want approval.
Scorpio 23 October to 22 November
Unconventional, courteous, dignified, reserved, thoughtful in conversation, strong will-power, sensitive, quick to anger, religious, vindictive, love to be praised and flattered, discard friends when they are no longer useful, procrastinators.
When you information about people from the other 8 zodiac signs, discuss and decide which jobs in the company should be done by people from which sign(s).
Information Sheet C
Sagittarius 23 November to 22 December
Idealistic, optimistic, generous, fair-minded, versatile, forgiving, religious, foresighted, good judgment, innovative, restless, ambitious, want to be leaders, enjoy travel, tactless, inconsiderate, quick-tempered, rush plans through immediately, expect too much of others, demand recognition for themselves, neglectful of their duties.
Capricorn 23 December to 20 January
Serious, hard-working, persistent, over-cautious, economical with money, independent, achieve great results with minimum effort, can do several things at the same time, determined, resourceful, good organizers, respect discipline, good memories, lack originality, family life is important, selfish, pessimistic, practical business ability combined with tact.
Aquarius 21 January to 19 February
Quiet, gentle, strong-willed, speak moderately, idealistic, don’t respect authority, inventive, logical thinkers, able to change their opinions if evidence shows they are wrong, make few friends, good judges of human nature, work well in a team, secretive, break promises.
Pisces 20 February to 20 March
Dislike discipline, imaginative, versatile, popular with all kinds of people, easygoing, honest, let problems solve themselves rather than trying to solve them, they give more than they ask, loyal, home-loving, sympathetic, unreliable, gossipers, careless, impractical, indecisive in important matters, dependent on others, can turn to drink and drugs.
Possible Language
Although …
…, however …
In spite of / Despite …
Even though …
I think …
In my opinion …
What do you think about …
Are you in favour of / against…?
Omit the information gap element by giving all the students all the data.
Role-play ¹ 7
Trade Fair Venue
Comparisons & Contrasts; Asking & Giving Opinions
The Problem
You are a project manager for Confix, a company specializing in arranging conferences and conventions.
You have to organize a Trade Fair for organizations who train people in using all forms of new technology. The Trade Fair has to attract people from all over the world both as exhibitors and visitors.
In Pairs
Discuss and decide what amenities are important in the city where the Trade Fair will be held. Consider these points and fill in Table 1:
Table 1
Delegates’ Needs
The city (Historic / Industrial)
The weather
Transport (to the city)
Transport (in the city)
Food / Restaurants
Entertainment (theatres, cinemas etc.)
Shopping facilities
Opportunities for sightseeing
The country (developed / 3rd world)
In Groups
Now you will be given information about various venues and the facilities that they offer. You will start by diving into 2 groups.
Each group will be given information about 3 of the 6 possible venues.
Read the information carefully and, in pairs, summarize it and fill in as much as you can of Table 2.
In Pairs
Now exchange information with someone who had information about the other 3 venues and fill in the rest of Table 2.
Information on Venues 1
Calgary, Canada
The convention centre was opened 2 years ago at a cost of £1 billion with an auditorium for 3,500, restaurant facilities for 2,200, plus 20 other meeting rooms for between 100 and 620 people. It has a concert hall for 2,500, a theatre for 500, plus an exhibition area of 3,000 square metres. Calgary is a rapidly developing city with an efficient bus and underground system. It is home to the annual ‘Stampede’ which attracts 1,5 million visitors every year.
Nairobi, Kenya
Nairobi is the centre of the East African safari tourist trade which is at its peak between November and April. The Koi Conference Complex is due to be opened in 2 months time at a cost of £30 million. It is designed to house sport, music, trade fairs and conventions. The large assembly hall will seat 9,000 delegates with an additional 5 conference rooms accommodating a total of 6,500. It is a multi-purpose building in the centre of the capital of a rapidly developing 3rd World nation. It has 5,000 square metres of exhibition space.
London, UK
The East London (Docklands) Conference Centre which opened in February can host events with audiences of up to 12,600. The searing can easily be moved to provide 7,900 square metres of exhibition space. Other rooms can accommodate between 70 and 400 people. Docklands has a newly-built railway link with the City and other areas of London. There is a wide range of hotel accommodation in the West and Central London area.
Collect information about the other 3 possible venues. FINALLY choose the best venue for the Trade Fair. You will have to explain your choice to the committee of organizers.
Your clients want:
a) to accommodate at least 150 exhibitors
b) to hold an opening dinner for 1,500 people (exhibitors, visitors, local business people, government representatives, etc.)
c) to offer smaller meeting rooms for exhibitors to have meetings with possible clients
d) to offer exhibitors good facilities for entertaining visitors
e) video-conferencing facilities
Information on Venus 2
Hawaii, US
The Convention and Exhibition Centre was opened last year with a conference hall for 2,600. It has other meeting rooms with capacities ranging from 40 to 600. Facilities include modern sound equipment, theatre lighting and simultaneous translation. The total exhibition space is 22,700 square metres divided into 3 areas. Hawaii has a worldwide reputation as a beautiful island and a tourist centre.
Paris, France
The conference centre which opened this year in Paris – the food capital of the world – is an extension of existing facilities. The combined complex will accommodate 5,000, with one auditorium seating 1,000, another for 700 and a third for 350. In addition there are several smaller meeting rooms with capacities ranging from 20 to 100. One auditorium can easily be adapted to provide an exhibition area for 130 stands. Another can be adapted to provide banqueting facilities. The centre can provide all the usual exhibition and conference equipment. The Paris Metro is now one of the most modern city transport systems in the world with high speed lines to areas outside the city centre.
Sapporo, Japan
The International Conference Centre was opened just over a year ago. The main hall will seat 3,000 and there are 16 other meeting rooms with capacities ranging from 40 to 1,000. Equipment provides for simultaneous translation, audio-visual presentations and many other features. The nearby Palace and Yokosaki Hotels provide excellent accommodation. Video-conferencing facilities should be fully operational within the next 6 months.
Collect information about the other 3 possible venues. FINALLY choose the best venue for the Trade Fair. You will have to explain your choice to the committee of organizers.
Your clients want:
a) to accommodate at least 150 exhibitors
b) to hold an opening dinner for 1,500 people (exhibitors, visitors, local business people, government representatives, etc.)
c) to offer smaller meeting rooms for exhibitors to have meetings with possible clients
d) to offer exhibitors good facilities for entertaining visitors
e) video-conferencing facilities
f) the most modern technological aids (sound / visual systems etc.)
g) to attract the maximum number of visitors
Table 2
Calgary Canada
Hawaii US
London UK
Nairobi Kenya
Paris France
Saporro Japan
Exhibition space
Banqueting facilities
Seminar rooms
Transport facilities
Restaurant facilities
Video facilities
Special equipment
Other facilities
Possible Language
The aim of this presentation is to …
I’d like to begin by …
First of all …, secondary…, next…, finally…
Turning to …
That brings me to …
In addition …
Not only … but also …
Let me give an example …
Although …, we have to remember …
The main advantage of … is that …
Looking at this illustration, it is quite clear that …
As you can see from the diagram …
A very interesting point is that …
In conclusion, I’d like to say …
Role-play ¹ 8
Public Relation Exercise
Presenting Information
The Problem
As members of one of the PR teams of Gatebridge Council you are going to be presenting information at a public exhibition. First read this background information and then you will be given details of your special part in this exhibition.
From: Transport Dept.
To: Design and Planning / Operations Dept.
The traffic in the city of Gatebridge is grinding to a halt because the majority of people use cars to travel about the city. This is due, in some part, to the lack of an efficient public transport system.
The decision has been taken to build a 30-mile underground rail network designed to serve, not only Gatebridge, but also the nearby towns of Newland and Suncastle (1.75 million people in all). There will be 20 stations on the network. 18 miles of which will underground and 12 miles above-ground. When completed it will be the most advanced underground system in the world. A similar one has been built in northern France but the system has been further developed and any teething troubles solved.
The system will be fully automated including the ticket selling and barriers and the trains will be driverless. The stations will be light, airey, artistically designed and easy to keep clean. There will be 300 cameras located on the platforms, in booking halls and on trains and they will feed back through a mainframe computer to a central centre where there are 30 monitor screens manned by 10 people.
The carriages are designed to be aerodynamic and also pleasant and comfortable to travel in. They have a sleek shape, made of aluminium and have automatic glass doors. When compared with the Metro trains in Paris they are narrower and shorter (6.75 ft wide and 42.6 ft long as opposed to 8 ft wide and 49.2 ft long for the Paris Metro). In the rush hour the trains will be made up of 3 carriages carrying a total of 186 people and run every minute. Outside the rush hour the trains will have 2 carriages and run one every 5 minutes.
Because of the design of the carriages and the fact that the system is computer-controlled the trains are expected to travel faster than other systems – 22.4 mph (average speed) compared with 15.5 mph in Paris. Running costs should be lower and the smaller train size means that construction costs for tunnels and bridges will be lower.
Although fewer staff will be needed than in non-automatic systems, care has been taken to provide a high level of both safety and security. Sensors will detect if there is anything on the line which might cause an accident and trains will be stopped while the sensors diagnose the problem. An average delay of 10 seconds is expected before the train can proceed as soon as the sensors decide that all is well. As far as security is concerned, a 30-strong force will respond immediately to any problems which are observed on the monitor screens or which are communicated to the control centre by passengers using the telephones located on the trains, on the platforms or in booking halls.
Design and Planning Team
In Groups
The City Council are preparing a display and presentation to inform the people of Gatebridge, Newland and Suncastle about the new underground tail network, its technological achievement and the benefits to the city.
You are the PR team in the Design and Planning Department.
From the background information that you have read, extract what is relevant to you department under the following headings:
Areas covered
Length of line
Comparison with the Paris Metro
Economic information about the design
Design of stations
Passenger capacity
Now prepare a presentation – use maps, comparative diagrams or representations of the given figures and information. Make it as interesting and easy to understand as possible.
Operations Team
In Groups
The City Council are preparing a display and presentation to inform the people of Gatebridge, Newland and Suncastle about the new underground rail network, its technological achievement and benefits to the city.
You are the PR team in the Operations Department.
From the background information that you have read, extract what is relevant to your department.
Population served
Number of stations
Frequency of trains
Safety features
Security features
Manning of trains and stations
Control of the trains
Now prepare a presentation – use diagrams or graphic representations of the given figures and information. Make it as interesting and easy to understand as possible.