| Match the words and definitions.Guess the definition of the title of TV series.
Scrubs - a) uniform for surgeons b) medical graduate c) medical equipment
Match the names of the characters
JD Bob Kelso Elliot Ted Dr Cox Carla Turk Janitor
| b
| c
| d
| ………………………….
| ………………………….
| ………………………….
| ………………………….
| e
| f
| h
| ………………………….
| ………………………….
| ………………………….
| ………………………….
Match the characters with personality traits.
likes daydreaming, extremely sociable, a bit eccentric
| a chatterbox, clumsy
| a wonderful liar and story teller, fools people and annoys JD
| humiliates people, gives offensive nicknames
| a good dancer, sociable, competitive
| always stressed and upset
| arrogant, cruel
| likes to teach people and gossip, a person of principle
Watch the first part of episode 1 and answer the questions.
How did he feel before the first day at hospital?
What department is he in? Surgical or medical?
Who did he meet at hospital?
Who is nice to JD?
Match the words and definitions.
| to get accepted
| a
| a portable device that makes a noise, usually to tell you to phone someone or to remind you to do something.
| beeper
| b
| to take part in legal cases in court after you have done sth wrong
| bathtub
| c
| feeling or showing a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with
| splash round
| d
| (form.) dead
| cadaver
| e
| a series of contests, competitions
| to be sued
| f
| (Amer.)a wide deep container I the bathroom to get washed
| safety net
| g
| (Amer.) foolish, eccentric, silly ()like a famous cartoon character
| tournament
| h
| something that you can rely on to help you if you get into a difficult situation
| competitive
| i
| disapprove of him because he does not like rough, physical activities or is afraid to do things which might be dangerous
| desperate
| j
| to hit the water in a noisy way, causing some of it to fly up into the air
| resident
| k
| Kick out, throw out
| manual
| l
| a book giving instructions or information
| to turf
| m
| a dead body, a corpse
| insensitive
| n
| having or displaying a strong desire to be more successful than others
| sissy
| o
| to get employed, get a job
| goofy
| p
| showing or feeling no concern for others' feelings
| deceased
| q
| the main person
| chief
| r
| a medical graduate engaged in specialized practice under supervision in a hospital
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 1522