B. State its differences with the shamrock company structure described in the text above (Task II).
Use: is headed Departments: Marketing Department
is under Personnel Department
runs Public Relations Department
directs ….
is responsible for
is responsible to
Task VI. Discuss the following points:
1. Is it better to use self-employed workers or a flexible labor force to do the non-core jobs?
2. What do traditional structures and shamrock organizations have in common?
3. Why do companies often prefer to use a shamrock organization?
Task VII. Work in pairs.
Discuss the following points:
ü How close is the structure of 3M to a shamrock organization?
ü What are the ways in which it may use core workers, self-employed workers and a flexible labor force?
Task VIII. Read the three descriptions of company structures and match the titles with the texts.
A. Limited Company.
B. Sole Trader.
C. Partnership.
I. A group of people provide the capital, set up the company and manage it together. There are two types of such a company:
a) Partners in an unlimited type of such a company are like sole traders- if the business fails they are fully liable for all debts, and may even have to sell personal assets.
a) In a limited type of such a company, there can be sleeping partners who do not participate in the management of the company. Sleeping partners have limited liability – in the event of bankruptcy, they only lose their investment, not their personal assets.
II. In a company like that, the capital is divided into shares, which are held by shareholders. Shareholders have limited liability, but they can vote at the Annual General Meeting to elect the Board of Directors. There are two types of this company:
1) in a private type of such a company, all shareholders must agree before any shares can be bought or sold;
2) in a public type of such a company, shares are bought and sold freely, for example on the Stock Exchange.
III. One person sets up and runs the company. The person provides all the capital and has unlimited liability for business debts, even if this means selling personal assets.
Task IX. Answer the questions:
ü What is a sleeping partner?
ü What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a sleeping partner?
ü What is a shareholder?
ü What is the difference between a shareholder and a sleeping partner?
ü What is the difference between a public and private limited company?
Task X. Speak on the following points:
· What I have learned about a company structure.
· Different company structures. Their advantages and disadvantages.
Task I. Answer the following questions:
1. What are the key elements in a company structure?
2. What are the functions of the Board of Directors?
3. Who is responsible for making policy decisions?
4. Are executive managers in charge of determining the company strategy?
5. Whose duty is to run departments?
6. What is meant by a traditional company structure?
7. Are there any advantages of a traditional company structure?
8. What other structures do you know? Compare them.