| European EnlargementStatistical questions
| Are you a student?
| NO
| 2.
| Are you from a European Union country?
| NO
| 3.
| Have you studied in the European Union?
| NO
| 4.
| Year of birth:
| | 5.
| Your gender:
| 6.
| Your nationality:
| | 7.
| Country of birth:
| | 8.
| Do you have more than one nationality?
| NO
| 9.
| What is your parents’ country of origin?
| | 10.
| What do you consider your ethnical origin (ancestors)?
| | 11.
| How long have you been a European Union citizen?
| | 12.
| What do you consider a way to obtain European Union citizenship?
| Answer:
| 13.
| How many years have you spent outside the European Union?
| Less than 1
| 1 to 5 years
| More than 5 years
| All my life
| 14.
| What is your level of education?
| School
| High School
| University degree
| Doctoral Degree
| No school
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
European Politics
Please indicate your opinion to the following statements by using the scale provided.

| I would be willing to support a European sports team in any World Cup, instead of my own national team.
| 16.
| I would consider myself a European citizen instead of a national citizen.
| 17.
| I believe, the current crisis in Europe can be solved:
| a.
| On a local level, like the area around my home place.
| b.
| On a regional level..
| c.
| On the national level.
| d.
| On a European level.
| e.
| It will not be solved on any level.
| | 18.
| The creation of a European Federation needs more support. (Interviewer explanation: Group of states, not one state (union))
| 19.
| The European Union is a world super power.
| 20.
| Externally, the European Union speaks with one voice.
| 21.
| The following criteria decisive for entering the European Union:
| a.
| Democracy
| b.
| Rule of Law
| c.
| Human Rights
| d.
| Respect and Protection of Minorities
| e.
| Christianity
| f.
| Market Economy
| g.
| Effective implementation of the Membership obligations
European Enlargement
Please indicate your opinion to the following statements by using the scale provided.

| The European Union should expand beyond its borders.
| 23.
| Generally, the enlargement of the European Union is a good idea
| 24.
| The European cooperation with Turkey was very good the last ten years.
| 25.
| The relationship between Turkey and the European Union is strongly affected by their historical ties.
| 26.
| Greece and Cyprus prevent Turkey from becoming a member of the European Union.
| 27.
| The European Union enlargement contributes positively to tolerance
| 28.
| I consider the following a future scenario of European Union enlargement
| It will enlarge rapidly
| It will enlarge very slowly
| It will not enlarge further.
| 29.
| In my opinion, Turkey will join the European Union in
| 2018 +
| Never
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| The following countries should join the European Union:
| a.
| Turkey
| NO
| b.
| Croatia
| NO
| c.
| Iceland
| NO
| d.
| Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
| NO
| e.
| Serbia
| NO
| f.
| Montenegro
| NO
| g.
| The European Union should expand beyond these countries
| NO
European Identity
Please indicate your opinion to the following statements by using the scale provided.

| European Union citizenship offers more opportunities to the youth.
| 32.
| Religion can be considered as one of the main pillars of the European Union.
| 33.
| Regions form the European identity more than the national states
| | 34.
| When a newly met person asked you where you are from, how would you answer?
| Answer:
| 35.
| What t is the ethnic group the majority of your friends belong to?
| Answer:

| How often do you use your native language in your daily life?
| 37.
| How strong is your sense of belonging to family/ethnic or cultural groups/Europe?
| 38.
| What do you think about Asian part of Istanbul (Turkey) – are people living there considered more Europeans than Asians?
European Education
Please indicate your opinion to the following statements by using the scale provided.

| Higher education is very important for me.
| 40.
| Education achieved in Europe is not beneficial for finding a good job.
| 41.
| Only a good education will result in a good job
| 42.
| Are you planning to apply to a (post)graduate education in Europe?
| NO
| 43.
| If no, please indicate how far the following reasons apply in your case.
| a.
| My family does not have money for my further education.
| b.
| It is impossible to get a job due to crisis.
| c.
| The possibility to get a scholarship/ grant decreased.
| d.
| I must earn money to help my family now.
| e.
| It takes a long time to get a higher education.
| f.
| I am going to get a higher education later.
| g.
| I can find a job without higher education.
| h.
| I am going to get a higher education abroad elsewhere.
| i.
| I do not like the level of higher education in Europe.
| | 44.
| The following countries should join the EU
| a.
| Turkey
| NO
| b.
| Croatia
| NO
| c.
| Iceland
| NO
| d.
| Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
| NO
| e.
| Serbia
| NO
| f.
| Montenegro
| NO
| g.
| The European Union should expand beyond these countries
| NO
| | | | | | | | | |
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 1302