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European Enlargement

Statistical questions

1. Are you a student? YES NO
2. Are you from a European Union country? YES NO
3. Have you studied in the European Union? YES NO
4. Year of birth:  
5. Your gender:
6. Your nationality:  
7. Country of birth:  
8. Do you have more than one nationality? YES NO
9. What is your parents’ country of origin?  
10. What do you consider your ethnical origin (ancestors)?  
11. How long have you been a European Union citizen?  
12. What do you consider a way to obtain European Union citizenship?
13. How many years have you spent outside the European Union?
  Less than 1 1 to 5 years More than 5 years All my life
14. What is your level of education?
  School High School University degree Doctoral Degree No school



European Politics

Please indicate your opinion to the following statements by using the scale provided.

15. I would be willing to support a European sports team in any World Cup, instead of my own national team.
16. I would consider myself a European citizen instead of a national citizen.
17. I believe, the current crisis in Europe can be solved:
a. On a local level, like the area around my home place.
b. On a regional level..
c. On the national level.
d. On a European level.
e. It will not be solved on any level.
18. The creation of a European Federation needs more support. (Interviewer explanation: Group of states, not one state (union))
19. The European Union is a world super power.
20. Externally, the European Union speaks with one voice.
21. The following criteria decisive for entering the European Union:
a. Democracy
b. Rule of Law
c. Human Rights
d. Respect and Protection of Minorities
e. Christianity
f. Market Economy
g. Effective implementation of the Membership obligations


European Enlargement

Please indicate your opinion to the following statements by using the scale provided.

22. The European Union should expand beyond its borders.
23. Generally, the enlargement of the European Union is a good idea
24. The European cooperation with Turkey was very good the last ten years.
25. The relationship between Turkey and the European Union is strongly affected by their historical ties.
26. Greece and Cyprus prevent Turkey from becoming a member of the European Union.
27. The European Union enlargement contributes positively to tolerance
28. I consider the following a future scenario of European Union enlargement
  It will enlarge rapidly It will enlarge very slowly It will not enlarge further.
29. In my opinion, Turkey will join the European Union in
  2018 + Never


30. The following countries should join the European Union:
a. Turkey YES NO
b. Croatia YES NO
c. Iceland YES NO
d. Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia YES NO
e. Serbia YES NO
f. Montenegro YES NO
g. The European Union should expand beyond these countries YES NO

European Identity

Please indicate your opinion to the following statements by using the scale provided.

31. European Union citizenship offers more opportunities to the youth.
32. Religion can be considered as one of the main pillars of the European Union.
33. Regions form the European identity more than the national states
34. When a newly met person asked you where you are from, how would you answer?
35. What t is the ethnic group the majority of your friends belong to?


36. How often do you use your native language in your daily life?
37. How strong is your sense of belonging to family/ethnic or cultural groups/Europe?
38. What do you think about Asian part of Istanbul (Turkey) – are people living there considered more Europeans than Asians?

European Education

Please indicate your opinion to the following statements by using the scale provided.

39. Higher education is very important for me.
40. Education achieved in Europe is not beneficial for finding a good job.
41. Only a good education will result in a good job
42. Are you planning to apply to a (post)graduate education in Europe? YES NO
43. If no, please indicate how far the following reasons apply in your case.
a. My family does not have money for my further education.
b. It is impossible to get a job due to crisis.
c. The possibility to get a scholarship/ grant decreased.
d. I must earn money to help my family now.
e. It takes a long time to get a higher education.
f. I am going to get a higher education later.
g. I can find a job without higher education.
h. I am going to get a higher education abroad elsewhere.
i. I do not like the level of higher education in Europe.
44. The following countries should join the EU
a. Turkey YES NO
b. Croatia YES NO
c. Iceland YES NO
d. Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia YES NO
e. Serbia YES NO
f. Montenegro YES NO
g. The European Union should expand beyond these countries YES NO

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 1240

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