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Andriyivsky Uzviz (Andriyivsky Descent)

The most ancient and steep street in Kyiv, Andriyivsky Uzviz, is Kyivites' favourite place for outdoor fairs, festivals, and concerts. Art galleries, shops, and studios make Andriyivsky Uzviz the best place to shop for Ukrainian crafts and artworks. Cultural museums located here reveal the history of the legendary street and of the whole Kyiv. Overlooking Andriyivsky Uzviz and Podil, the old section of Kyiv, stands the Ukrainian Baroque church of St. Andrew designed in 1754 by the Italian architect Bartolomeo Rastrelli. This five-domed church remains the major adornment of the upper city. The Castle of Richard in the modernized Gothic style built in 1902 is Andriyivsky Uzviz' another distinctive feature. The building is currently being reconstructed into a hotel.

Ukraine Kyiv Funicular

The funicular (cable car) was built in 1905 and until now it offers quick, exciting, and inexpensive rides from Podil (Lower City) up to Mykhailivska Ploscha (Upper City). The ride is short (about 2 minutes), but it is worth seeing a magnificent panorama of Kyiv and the Dnipro River that uncovers from the Funicular. The cost is the same as the fares in city transport. Children under 7 can have a free ride.

Horodetskyi Building

One of the most interesting buildings in Kyiv is located in a very quiet and peaceful part of the downtown. A well-known architect Horodetskyi built the house as a private residence in 1902-1903. The walls and the roof of the structure are decorated with intricate sculptural ornaments of mythological and hunting themes. The building is considered one of the most fascinating architectural creations in Kyiv.

Volodymyr Cathedral

The structure of this Russian Orthodox Church which was built in 1882 reflects features of the Neo-Byzantine style. The murals of the church interior done by famous Russian painters present considerable artistic significance. The mosaics of the authorship of Venetian masters and the choir music performed in the cathedral are not to be missed. The building is located on one of city's central streets, Tarasa Shevchenka blvd.


Khreschatyk is the main street in Kyiv. It was recently renovated into one of the most scenic and beautiful places that combines the features of a busy business center with the historical architectural design of buildings. The street leads to Maidan Nezalezhnosti, the city's main square and one of the most popular places of meetings. On weekends, the traffic is blocked on Khreschatyk, and visitors can enjoy a nice walk right in the middle of the street.

Post-reading tasks

1. Identify: Khreschatyk, Volodymyr Cathedral, Horodetskyi Building, Ukraine Kyiv Funicular, Andriyivsky Uzviz (Andriyivsky Descent), Mariyinsky Palace, St. Sophia Cathedral, Golden Gate, Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra, St. Nicolas Catholic Cathedral, National Opera House.

2. Answer the following questions about the places of interest of Kyiv:What interesting facts about Kyiv did you pick up from the text? What sacred places of Kyiv have you just read about? What exciting, and inexpensive means of transport in Kyiv is mentioned in this text? Which of the most ancient and steep streets in Kyiv is thought to be the place for outdoor fairs, festivals, and concerts?

3. Pretendthat you a tour guide. Please, make an excursion around Kyiv for a foreign friend who wants to see the most exciting historical sites of the city.

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 1061

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