| Shipments formation on routes variants Cargo consignment mass, kg
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| Air transfer
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Calculation of the duration and cost of cargo delivery
Direct air transportation through regional airport:
Route: Donetsk – Rome
1) regular transportation:
tdel.r= tsh+ tin + tor + tfl+ tdes + tout + tcon ,
where tdel.r –time for transportation on regular routes, hours (days);
tsh and tcon –time for cargo servicing at shippers and consignee sides ,hours;
tin and tout– time for transportation in/out, hours;
tor and tdes – operations in origin/destination, hours;
tfl – flight time, hours :

where and –distance for transportation in/out of airport, km;
and – speed of a truck in/out en-route, km/hours.
td= tl.d+ tc.d+ tcus.d ,
where tl.d – loading procedures in departure airport, hours;
tc.d – commercial procedures in departure airport, hours;
tcus.d – customs procedures in departure airport, hours.
tarr= tl.arr+ tc.arr+ tcus.arr,
where tl.arr – loading procedures in arrival airport, hours;
tc.arr – commercial procedures in arrival airport, hours;
tcus.arr – customs procedures in arrival airport, hours.
Calculation results are presented in table 4.
hours , hours
1. Mass of cargo consignment - 90 kg:
tor =0,42+0,67+1,5=2,59 hours
tdes =0,33+0,58+1,5=2,41 hours
tdel =0,25+0,86+2,59+2,07+2,41+0,44+0,17=8,79 hours (0,37 day)
2. Mass of cargo consignment- 200 kg:
tor =0,5+0,75+1,58=2,83 hours
tdes =0,42+0,58+1,58=2,58 hours
tdel =0,33+0,86+2,3+2,07+2,58+0,44+0,25=9,36 hours (0,39 day)
3. Mass of cargo consignment- 500 kg:
tor =0,58+0,83+1,67=3,08 hours
tdes =0,42+0,67+1,67=2,76 hours
tdel =0,42+0,86+3,08+2,07+2,76+0,44+0,33=9,96hours (0,42 day)
4. Mass of cargo consignment- 1500 kg:
tor =0,75+1,17+1,83=3,75 hours
tdes =0,58+0,83+1,83=3,24 hours
tdel =0,5+0,86+3,75+2,07+3,24+0,44+0,42=11,28hours (0,47 day)
5. Mass of cargo consignment- 2500 kg:
tor =0,92+1,5+2=4,42 hours
tdes =0,75+1++2=3,75 hours
tdel =0,58+0,86+4,42+2,07+3,75+0,44+0,5=12,62 hours (0,53 day)
6. Mass of cargo consignment- 3500 kg:
tor =1,17+1,83+2,17=5,17 hours
tdes =1+1,33+2,17=4,5 hours
tdel =0,67+0,86+5,17+2,07+4,5+0,44+0,58=14,29 hours (0,6 day)
Table 4
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 873