Assembling and finishingAfter you made all the parts, pin them together and see how they
fit together. This will give you a feeling for where you’re going.
(Image 14)

Eyes & Eyebrows
To make eye patches, cut two small circles out of white felt. Cut
out a tiny opening in the upper of each patch and insert eye posts
through it so it’s just a small part of white felt visible under the
Sew eyes (or attach them if using safety eyes) to the head 13 sts
apart, between Rnds 13 and 14.
Sew them using a long needle and Color A. Insert the needle
through the back of the head at the bottom (leaving tail for
securing), coming out on the spot where the first eye should be,
through the eye, back through the same spot and then coming out
where the second eye should be, through the eye and then back
(Image 15)

to the bottom of the head - the needle should come
out on exactly same place as where you inserted it.
Tie a strong knot and hide ends inside the head.
Use black embroidery floss to make two straight lines for the
eyebrows and to give expression to your little cat. (Image 16)

Embroider mouth
With tapestry needle and pink embroidery thread, make five
straight horizontal stitches between eyes (between Rnds 13 and
14 of the head). With black thread, make a tiny vertical stitch
just below the center of horizontal stitches you just made. Finally
make 2 longer stitches starting at the bottom of the short stitch,
ending one on each side. (Image 17)

Attach arms
Sew arms between Rnds 24 and 25 of the body as follows
(Image 18):

With long tapestry needle and Color B, leaving long tail for
securing, insert the needle into the top, inner side of the arm
(point a) and through to the outside. Insert needle one stitch
away from the place it came out (point b), back through the
arm, through the body (between Rnds 27 and 28 of the body)
and through the second arm to the other side (point c). On the
way back, again take the needle one stitch away from the place it
came out (point d), through the arm and again through the body.
Take two yarn ends and knot them together. Use at least 2 tight
knots. Go several times through the body with yarn ends to secure
and to hide them.
Attach legs
Press the top of each leg to flatten it, pin in place and with
tapestry needle and Color A sew the upper parts of legs to the
bottom of the body. (Image 19)

Attach tail
Sew tail to bottom back of body between Rnds 5 and 9.
(Image 20)

Attach 2-3 sequins to the shirt for buttons. Use small
beads to keep sequins in place. Center beads on top of
sequins and sew using white or blue thread and tapestry
needle. (Image 21)

Tie a satin bow around the neck and your little Spanky the Cat is
finished! (Image 22)

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 982