Each studentreportsback to the rest of the class. The report includes the following:
the location of the selected house
what materials are being used consider how these materials are utilised in the construction of the shelter particularly in terms of the available materials
how the house is placed in the landscape
where are the areas for sleeping, preparing food, cooking, relaxing and privacy
where are things stored
how many people would occupy this house
how is comfort in terms of heating and/or cooling achieved by using natural energy
Episode 4
On the patio of the Stewarts home. Richard and Marilyn are speaking about their experience at the bank.
Richard: It all sounded so easy until they mentioned needing collateral or a guarantor.
Marilyn: We have no collateral.
Richard: And I don't think it's a good idea to ask Dad to sign as a guarantor. I don't feel right about it.
Marilyn: I understand your feelings about it, Richard.
Ellen comes out to the patio.
Ellen: Now, tell me, what's the problem?
Marilyn: We can get a loan from the bank if we can put up some collateral.
Richard: And we don't own anything to use as collateral.
Marilyn: Or someone can sign with us as a guarantor.
Ellen: Why don't you speak to Dad?
Richard: No. If we buy a house, I want to be able to handle it alone.
Ellen: Everybody needs help sometimes, Richard.
Marilyn: I understand Richard's feelings about it, Ellen.
Richard: In two or three months, I'll have an advance on my book and be able to put more money down.
Marilyn: What about the house in Mount Kisco? Somebody else'll buy it by then.
Richard: Then there'll be other houses, Marilyn.
Ellen: Richard has a point. You're just beginning to look.
Marilyn: We're in no great rush. It's true.
Richard: This has been a great learning experience for us, Marilyn. Talking to the
real-estate agent. Looking at the houses. Talking to the loan officer at the bank.
Marilyn: It has been a learning experience. That's true.
Ellen: I think you're doing the right thing. Taking your time. Looking around. Especially with a purchase of this kind. You're talking about a lot of money.
Marilyn: We'll call Mrs. Martinelli and tell her to keep looking for us.
Richard: And I'll call Mr. Riley at the bank and tell him we'll see him in a couple of months.
Ellen: And if you ever need Dad or me to help you...
Marilyn: We know.
Ellen: You know we'll be there for you.
Richard: It's a Stewart tradition. We're a family.
1. Scramble words
Use the clue to arrange the letters to form a word
a) Can you _ _ _ _ me five dollars until tomorrow? (DELN)
b) Can I _ _ _ _ _ _ five dollars until tomorrow? (WOROBR)
c) To buy a house you need _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from the bank (TAMROGEG)
d) This job pays her a good _ _ _ _ _ _ (LAYSAR)
e) He owns a lot of _ _ _ __ _ _ _ (TORRYPEP)
Now arrange the letters to form two new words. Use the clue.
Mrs. Martinelli thinks a lot about _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
Unit I: HOME 1
Episode 1 .10
Unit II: PLANNING .....................................................12