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All people nowadays have problems and young people are not an exception. Perhaps they have even more. First of all teenagers want to show they’re different, so they react not only against their parents, but against their older brothers and sisters too. This kind of situation is unfortunately quite common.

Young people are in some way lost. We live in difficult times and sometimes they have a rather negative view of life. They keep trying to find ways to enjoy themselves. Although everybody knows that drugs are dangerous, there are many teenagers who have become addicted to them. Some young people take drugs because they help them feel good, some because they lonely or they want to escape from their problems. In my opinion, the government should take effective action to solve this problems.

Another important problem is to get a good education. It is not easy to make the right choice. Education is a tool of making our life more successful and perhaps happier. Everything we know comes through a process of education.

When you leave school you understand that the time of your independent life and the beginning of a far more serious examination of your abilities and character has come. You also understand that from now you’ll have to do everything yourself, and to “fight” with everybody around you for better life. The first problem that young people meet is to choose their future profession, it means that they have to choose the future of their life. It’s not an easy task to make the right choice of a job. You know children have a lot of dreams about their future : to become a superman or a policeman or a doctor … “It’s very easy”, they think, but when they become older and see real world they understand that all professions need perfect knowledge about what you do, you must be well-educated and well-informed. That’s why I think it’s very important to have a good education at school. And if you work hard everything will be OK. Another problem of young people is drugs. Thousands of young people today are using drugs. Usually they want just to try it, then again and again … and most of them will die. It’s true. Because there is no medicine to help them. That’s why never do it, if you do – it goes bad, very bad



People of almost every age are susceptible to this pernicious disease but it hits the youth the hardest. Its name is unemployment. The percentage of unemployed youth in the total number of the jobless is high. In many developing countries the situation is more serious. Many young people commit suicide. Youth unemployment will mount, unless the economic situation in the world changes. This predictions refer to all categories of workers with high and low skills. For all there possible distinctions, these young people over outside the production structure of society. They are deprived the possibility of creating there are “surplus” from time to time some may get a hit of luck, but the lot of the majority is to feel their unlessles to lose their ideals and become disillusioned. Unemployment greatly intemcilicselle tendency among the


youth towards, drug education , frustration and crime. This is a time bomb and is a heavy accusation of any social economic system.

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 1573

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