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Choose the correct item.

Revision Exercises I

Revision Exercises I

[85) Choose the correct item.

1.How long .... Ρ........ here?

A) you live B) do you live

C)have you lived D) are you living

2............................. I help you with the cooking?

A) Will B)Am

C) Shall D) Have

3. He denied ……….the money.

A) to take B) to have taken

C)take D) having taken

4. She……….. for 12 hours before she finished


A) had been working B) has been working
C) is working D) has worked

5. When I was a child I ........ running every day.

A) have gone B) used to go

C)was going D) had gone

B) before D) already 8 o'clock. B) by the time D)by to come to the party. B) won't D) can't some new clothes. B) for buying D) buying

6. What …………at 10 o'clock last night?
A) have you done B) were you doing
C)have you been doing D) had you done

7. He hasn't left the office….
A) yet


8. They will have finished
A) until

C) since

9. I'm afraid I……..
A) don't go
C)won't be able

10. We went into town ….
A) to buy

C)to have bought

11. We'd rather …………..to bed early last night.
A) to have gone B) to go

C) going D) have gone

12. Remember ………..the door when you leave.
A) to lock B) lock

C) locking D) have locked

13. "You look slimmer." "Yes, I ………12 kilos."
A) had lost B) lost

C)have been losing D) have lost

14. "I'm having trouble with this exercise."
"Don't worry. I ………………….you."

A) have helped B) am going to help

C) helped D) 'II help

15. "Have you ever been to China?"

"Yes, I ………….there in 1990."

A) have gone B) went

C) have been going D) have been

16. "How long have you worked here?" "By the end of
the month I ……..here for three years."
A) 'II work B) 'm going to work

C) 'II have been working D) 'II be working

17. "We'll need some cola for the party."
"I ……………..some."

A) buy B) will have bought

C)'ve already bought D) had bought

18. "I need to give a message to Susan."

"I ………………her at the office this afternoon."

A) see B) have seen

C) 'II have seen D) 'II be seeing

19. "Have you ever met a famous person?"

"Yes, I …………….Maria Callas once."

A) have met B) met

C)meet D) have been meeting

20. "These shoes aren't at all comfortable."

"You shouldn't ……………….them."

A) have bought B) to buy

C) bought D) buying

21. "What's wrong with Lynda?"

"She ………….problems at work lately."

A) has been having B) will have
C)was having D) 'II be having

22. "What's Pam doing?" "She seems …….
A) to be working B) working
C) to have worked D) to work

23. "How long have you been working here?"

“ ……………………..6 months."

A) Since B) For

C) From D) Ago

24. "I can't stand this any longer!"

"Calm down. There's no point ……………upset."

A) to get B) get

C) in getting D) to getting

25. "How long does it take you to write a novel?"

"By December I …………on this one for 3 years."

A) will work B) will have been working

C) will be working D) am going to work

Revision Exercises I

Choose the correct item.

John Jones is a 45-1) year (years/years'/year)-old antique dealer. He studied History of Art 2)…. (in/at/on)university and 3) ….(has collected/has been collecting/collected)things since he was a child. He loves 4) …. (buying/buy/have bought)antiques and 5) ……(found/had found/has

found)some good bargains so far. The only problem is that he finds it 6) ……(such/too/enough)hard

to sell the things he has bought 7) ..... (if/because/while)he likes them all. One day last week he came 8) ….(into/across/at) the most beautiful antique wooden trunk he had 9) …. (already/ever/never)seen. As he was 10) …(in/on/at)a hurry he told his driver to 11) … ….(fetch/bring/take)the trunk to his shop. When the driver 12) ….(arrived/ reached/got)the shop, he 13) ……(needn't/couldn't/mustn't)find a place to put the trunk so he left it by the front door. 14) .... (At/In/By)that moment an old man came 15) …(into/at/by)the shop to 16) (spot/look/search)around. When he saw the trunk, he asked for 17) ….(it's/each/ its)price. It was just then 18)…. (before/that/when)the door opened and a furious lady 19) ….(broke into/entered/got)the shop. "Don't touch that trunk!", she screamed. "It belongs 20) …(in/to/at) me."

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 9947

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Idioms 9 Fill in the correct idiom. | Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
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