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Fill in the correct preposition.

Phrasal verbs 1 Fill in the correct preposition or adverb.

break down:     1) stop working (of cars, engines, machines etc) 2) lose control of feelings (of people)   1. Our school usually breaks ….up... for the summer in July. 2. My car broke............... on the motorway and I had to walk to a garage. 3. When she fell off the chair, the whole class broke ................ laughter. 4. The prisoner managed to break................ of prison after murdering the guard. 5. The robber broke................... the house by smashing a window. 6. The fire broke................... in the basement and quickly spread upwards. 7. At the funeral, the boy's mother broke ............. and started crying.
break into (+ object):   1) enter by force 2) start doing sth suddenly (laughter etc)
break out: 1) begin suddenly (war, fire etc) 2) escape from a place  
break up:   stop for holidays (of schools etc)


Fill in the correct preposition.


1. She blamed him ...... for.......... the murder. 2. They arrived ....................London at 7:30. 3. I must apologise .....Mary ........ the delay. 4. I am very annoyed ............ John ............. being so careless. 5. He was accused.................... being a thief. 6. He believes.................. God. 7. She is brilliant...................... gymnastics. 8. I was not aware.................... the problem. 9. I am afraid...............................snakes. 10. He does not associate ............his colleagues. 11. They were ashamed ......... their children's behaviour. 12. He was astonished ......the way he spoke to the manager.


Idioms 1 Fill in the correct idiom.


be at a loss for words: be so surprised that one does not know what to say 1. I was so shocked by the news that I ..was at a ........loss for words......... . 2. Look what you've done! I wouldn't like to......... .......................... when Mum gets home. 3. "What do you......................... ?" "I work as a nurse." 4. After the divorce, they didn't talk for months, but now they....................................... with each other. 5. I don't get paid till Friday, so now I............... . 6. Although he..........................., he didn't win the race. 7. Could you ............................? If you're going out, could you get me some milk? 8. Now's a good time to ask for a rise because the boss............................................. .
be on good terms (with sb):   be friendly (with sb)
be in sb’s shoes:   be in sb’s position
be in a good mood:   feel happy
be broke: have no money at all
do one’s best: try as hard as possible
do sb a favour: do sth to help sb
do (sth) for a living: have a job and earn money


Phrasal verbs 2 Fill in the correct preposition or adverb.

bring about: cause to happen   1. The government's new policies have brought .... many changes over the past few months. 2. When Paul fainted, his friends splashed him with cold water to bring him......................... . 3. As both her parents had died, she was brought ............................ by her grandparents. 4. Susan's first novel will be brought ....... in December. 5. After trying to persuade him for hours, I finally brought him ................. to my point of view.
bring out: publish  
bring round: 1) cause to regain consciousness 2) persuade  
bring up:   raise a child

Fill in the correct preposition.


1. Everybody congratulated him ..... passing his exams. 2. The police have charged him .......... murder. 3. How much did they charge you ……... that haircut? 4. The nurse takes care ............... her patients. 5. The con man was very clever ............ making people believe his stories. 6. The journey was awful because the train was so crowded ............. passengers. 7. I've lost contact ........... Jim since he moved to America. 8. Mr Gibbons is converting his basement ........ a games room. 9. The police questioned him in connection......... the robbery. 10. If you compare Jim ........ Harry, you'll realise they are very different, even though they are twins. 11. Nothing can compare................. a nice hot bath after a hard day's work. 12. The man complained..................the police....... his noisy neighbour. 13. This drink consists ............ orange and soda. 14. I don't like people who are cruel ....... animals. 15. Can I change this black pen.......... a blue one, please? 16. While he was driving, he crashed........a lamp­post.

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 4750

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