ALIA objects addressed• To promote and improve the services provided by all kinds of library and information agencies.
• To ensure the high standard of personnel engaged in information provision and foster their professional interests and aspirations.
The library and information sector has a distinctive area of knowledge and skills which is required for effective professional practice. Library and information professionals need to acquire the relevant disciplinary expertise, demonstrate employment-related skills and be prepared for a challenging and dynamic future.
The library and information sector in Australia serves the information needs of a democratic, progressive, technologically sophisticated and culturally diverse society. A key focus of the sector is enabling people to connect with the world of information, interacting with information and utilising information in all aspects of their lives. The sector fosters lifelong learning, personal fulfilment, improved decision making, knowledge development, innovation, imagination, creativity and cultural continuity.
People who work in the sector will have specialist subject knowledge and skills as well as generic attributes. The level to which individuals have requisite knowledge, skills and attributes depends on their formal qualifications, work experience, professional development, and the role/s they perform.
Professional librarians and information managers require the knowledge and expertise to design, plan, develop, manage and evaluate the delivery of library and information services to meet the information needs of their clients and assist them to become information literate. Through professional education, librarians and information managers will have the ability to analyse, evaluate, organise and synthesise information and to develop programs that will encourage their clients to acquire the skills necessary to effectively seek, locate and use the information they need.
Library and information technicians require sound practical knowledge and skills in order to effectively support the delivery of these library and information services. Experienced technicians provide additional support by supervising staff and assisting in planning, implementing and evaluating services and systems.
The library and information sector is characterised by a workforce that is successful in:
• Promoting and defending the core values of the profession;
• Understanding and responding to people's information and learning needs;
• Managing the storage, organisation, access, retrieval, dissemination, preservation and use of information;
• Developing, delivering and evaluating information facilities, services, sources and products;
• Envisioning and planning future directions for the library and information sector;
• Advancing library and information science and its application to information services.
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 661