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V. Expected response


· What you think will happen – how you think learners will respond, possible response from administrators, colleagues, parents, and others – and why you think so.

As regards an expected response it is hoped that the latter will be rather positive.


As for students they will benefit from technology-equipped teaching-learning mode, because it will be a new type of learning thus making the one curious, engaging and very motivating. Being involved in doing readings, collaborating and sharing their ideas via Wiki and Padlet students will develop their academic reading skill and as a result gradually raise their motivation to academic subjects (Theoretical phonetics).


Additionally, a new approach will allow the students to be successful when working on their course paper.


Moreover, due to the fact that the students are preparing to become future English teachers, they are expected to acquire valuable experience and skills that will be useful in their future professional activity.


If speak about students’ personal development, beyond all doubt, a new approach will facilitate their evolution as autonomous learners, because the greater part of time the students will be studying at their own individual pace taking charge of their learning.


Another point that makes me think that the plan will be successful is the attitude of administrators and my colleagues to implementation of new technologies in teaching.


With reference to administrators they are expected to appreciate discussed experimental training because it will be my contribution into the development of innovative web-based approach to language learning with our English Philology Department.


As far as my colleagues are concerned, they are supposed to find this work informative and valuable, because I intend to conduct a series of master-classes about how incorporate new technologies, namely Wiki, Padlet, Interactive Power Point, into foreign language teaching.


· Include possible problems you may encounter and how might deal with the problems?

In process of integrating Wiki and Wallwisher into academic activity for educational purposes with my students there might be the following problems:


Problem 1: Students need training to learn how to use new web technology.

Possible solution: The teacher (me) should pre-teach and introduce the learners to the use of Wiki and Wallwisher as new educational technology tools, encourage the students to explore the sites and technology tools carefully.

Problem 2: Information on the Internet becomes a public record, even if it is deleted.

All the postings go to public unless the site owner limits the access. It’s time consuming and involves a lot of efforts to maintain the quality of the site quality and keep it on task (at http://juliachu5200.blogspot.com/2011/02/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-using.html).

Possible solution: The teacher (me) should create clear and precise rubrics and ground rules for posts and comments added on the Wiki and Wallwisher.


Problem 3: If it is not managed properly Wiki can be opened to spam or vandalism.

Possible solution: The teacher (me) may overcome this problem by automated spam bots.


Problem 4: Hard to assess. It can be overwhelming for educators to grade either too many or too few entries are posted by students (http://juliachu5200.blogspot.com/2011/02/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-using.html).

Possible solution: The teacher (me) should define the deadline for students to meet when accomplishing practical assignments, doing readings and posting comments. Additionally, precise guidelines for discussion and rubrics help the students be successful when doing assignments.



VI. Resources


● Articles that helped you come up with your plan or that support your ideas. Explain why you have chosen it.


Name of article + URL (if applicable) How this article helps me or supports my ideas
Pagila K., Final Project for Teens at the School with Classes I-VIII, Academician Marin Voiculescu, Giurgiu, Romania Final Project for Teens at the School with Classes I-VIII, Academician Marin Voiculescu, Giurgiu, Romania The sample plan report introduces the problem of development of students’ learning styles by means of class blog with audio-video components.
Zubel J., Project Report for Graduate Students at the Jesuit University of Philosophy and Education "Ignatianum" Project Report for Graduate Students at the Jesuit University of Philosophy and Education "Ignatianum" The sample project report looks at incorporation of Blackboard and e-mails as technology tool to increase the time the students’ needs for English speaking.
Tips and Advice from your Webskills Team: How to Write a Technology Enhanced Lesson Plan https://sites.google.com/site/webskillsuo/lesson-plan The article looks at some steps to write a lesson plan based on a technology tool and offer suggestions for teachers.
10 Steps to Developing a Quality Lesson Plan http://lessonplanspage.com/WriteLessonPlan.htm/ The article highlights some basic points of creating a successful lesson plan as well as step-by-step technique of lesson plan developing.
Wagner K.J., The 4 “P’s” for Lesson Planning http://www.educationoasis.com/instruction/bt/four_ps_lessonplanning.htm The article covers some information on preparing a lesson plan and a set ofaction verbs for learning objectives.
Constantinescu A. I., Using Technology to Assist in Vocabulary Acquisition and Reading Comprehension http://iteslj.org/Articles/Constantinescu-Vocabulary.html This paper presents several ideas to enhance vocabulary acquisition and reading comprehension with the help of technology.
Assessing learning Alternative Assessment http://www.nclrc.org/essentials/assessing/alternative.htm This paper deals with the idea of alternative assessment in language learning such as checklists, rubrics.
Web-based resources for English Language teaching and learning, Assessment Guides and Rubrics for English Classes http://www.nclrc.org/essentials/assessing/alternative.htm This paper contains some information and description of different assessment means; links to freely available sites where a teacher can get ready-made rubrics or checklists as well as try her hand to create her own tool of evaluation.
RubiStar http://rubistar.4teachers.org/ Internet tool for creating rubrics
Bloom’s Taxonomy http://www1.umn.edu/ohr/teachlearn/tutorials/syllabus/resources/bloom/index.html The article deals with cognitive domain and process of thinking and the ways to assess the stages of thinking process.
The Anatomy of a Course Site from the University of Oregon's Teaching Effectiveness Program http://tep.uoregon.edu/technology/onlinelearning/anatomy.html The paper presents some ideas to create a course site.
How to Give Interactive Lectures http://serc.carleton.edu/introgeo/interactive/howto.html There is some useful information onhow a lecturer can give interactive lectures and several steps for creating an interactive lectures.
Web 2.0 Tools for ESL Teachers http://titova.ffl.msu.ru/tools-for-teachers-february-2012.htm There are some useful ideas on integrating Padlet/Wallwisher into your language class.
Educational Wikis http://educationalwikis.wikispaces.com/Examples+of+educational+wikis The web site suggests some information on how to use wiki in education and wide collection of freely available educational wikis in alphabetical order.
Montgomery Ch., Wikis in the World Language Classroom: Transforming Teaching, Learning, & Teacher Preparation with Technology http://cmwikipaper.wikispaces.com/home This paper explores the use of a wiki as an educational tool for development different aspect of teaching-learning process.
Thanasoulas D., What Is Learner Autonomy and How Can It Be Fostered? http://iteslj.org/Articles/Thanasoulas-Autonomy.html The article considers the problem of self-directed learner development, the essence of learner autonomy and the way to develop this trait of personality.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Blogs and Wikis in Education http://juliachu5200.blogspot.com/2011/02/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-using.html The article looks at some pros and cons of implementing Wiki in teaching-learning process as well as some problems the commencement teacher might encounter if her Wiki management is poor.
Wallwisher https://www.wallwisher.com/ Internet site to build Wallwisher.


● Resources you plan to use in your class. Include URLs. Explain why you have chosen it/them.


Name of resource + URL (if applicable) Why I have chosen this resource
Breaking News English http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/index.html There are assignments for 6 level speed readings that help to increase speed for doing academic readings
Krauss M., ESL Independent Study Lab http://legacy.lclark.edu/~krauss/toppicks/toppicks.html A page of this site devoted to pronunciation provides sources to practice American English pronunciation and master English sounds
Favorite Poem Project http://www.favoritepoem.org/ This excellent site to introduce theme “English Intonation”
Listen and repeat machine http://www.manythings.org/e/pronunciation.html On-line source to improve intonation, rhythm and pronunciation
UBC Wiki http://wiki.ubc.ca/Course:Academic_English_Support_Program/Reading_Academic_Writing/Resources This web site provides useful readings, links and resources for development academic reading skills
Tips for reading textbook http://learningcommons.ubc.ca/student-toolkits-2/reading-textbooks/ Link to the 6 minute video about Textbook reading demonstrating the ground rules for successful active speed reading.


VII. Timeline – 10 points.


· You will need to prepare a timeline that shows how your planned technology integrates into an existing course.


Plan Timeline
Technology implementation Week 1 (50 minutes) Face-to-face learning by means of lecturing in the classroom Lecture 1 “Introduction to Phonetics as a Linguistic science” · Students will be informed that during spring term of 2014-2015 academic year, they will be learning by means of new technology tools: class Wiki and Wallwisher. They will be addressed to the class Wiki to explore the one and to get acquainted with ground rules and rubrics for doing assignments. They will be informed that besides acquiring material on Theoretical Phonetics as a scientific subject they are expected to develop their academic reading skills by doing additional readings by means of posting and adding comments on their pees’ posts on Padlet/ Lecture page. · Students will be lectured on the topic of Lecture 1. (C) After being introduced to the topic under discussion, (A) the students are expected to (B) master the aspects of Lecture 1 and (D) put theoretical knowledge in practice during the summative block test in the Information Center of the institute (50 questions, 60 minutes).
  Week 1 Technology-enhanced learning by means of class Wiki as an educational web tool beyond the classroom. · 1 (C) After doing additional readings on the topic of Lecture 1 “Introduction to Phonetics as a Linguistic science”, namely Phonetics as a branch of linguistics; Aspects and units of phonetics; Branches of phonetics; Methods of phonetic analysis, (A) the students are expected (B) to create at least one mind-map that demonstrates the understanding of key ideas and relations among them and (D) post it on Padlet/Lecture 1 page of the class Wiki and one comment on a peer’ mind-map due the day before the next lecture. · 2 (C) After being lectured and doing additional readings on the themes (15) according to the syllabus, (A) the students are expected (B) to do at least 3 practical assignments in accordance with a created rubric and (D) post them on Padlet/ Practical Assignment 1 and at least one comment on another person’s post 2 days after Lecture 1. · 3 Students will be encouraged to post their expectations from “Theoretical Phonetics” course on Padlet/ Expectations from the course.
  Week 2 (50 minutes) Face-to-face learning by means of lecturing in the classroom Lecture 2 “Regional and stylistic varieties of English pronunciation” · (C) After being introduced to the following points of Lecture 2: Spoken and written language; Classification of pronunciation variants in English; British and American pronunciation models; Types and styles of pronunciation while lecturing, (A) the students are expected to (B) master the discussed aspects of Lecture 2 and (D) put theoretical knowledge in practice during the summative block test in the Information Center of the institute (50 questions, 60 minutes).
  Week 2 Technology-enhanced learning by means of class Wiki as an educational web tool beyond the classroom.   · 1 (C) After doing additional readings on the topic of Lecture 2 “Regional and stylistic varieties of English pronunciation”, namely Spoken and written language; Classification of pronunciation variants in English; British and American pronunciation models; Types and styles of pronunciation, (A) the students are expected (B) to create at least one mind-map that demonstrates the understanding of key ideas and relations among them and (D) post it on Padlet/Lecture 2 page of the class Wiki and one comment on a peer’ mind-map due the day before the next lecture. · 2 (C) After being lectured and doing additional readings on the themes (15) according to the syllabus, (A) the students are expected (B) to do at least 3 practical assignments in accordance with a created rubric and (D) post them on Padlet/ Practical Assignment 2 and at least one comment on another person’s post 2 days after Lecture 2.
  Week 3 (50 minutes) Face-to-face learning by means of lecturing in the classroom Lecture 3 “Classification of English sounds” · (C) After being introduced to the following points of Lecture 3: Articulatory classification of English consonants; Articulatory classification of English vowels, (A) the students are expected to (B) master the discussed aspects of Lecture 3 and (D) put theoretical knowledge in practice during the summative block test in the Information Center of the institute (50 questions, 60 minutes).
  Week 3 Technology-enhanced learning by means of class Wiki as an educational web tool beyond the classroom · 1 (C) After doing additional readings on the topic of Lecture 3 “Classification of English sounds”, namely Articulatory classification of English consonants; Articulatory classification of English vowels, (A) the students are expected (B) to create at least one mind-map that demonstrates the understanding of key ideas and relations among them and (D) post it on Padlet/Lecture 3 page of the class Wiki and one comment on a peer’ mind-map due the day before the next lecture. · 2 (C) After being lectured and doing additional readings on the themes (15) according to the syllabus, (A) the students are expected (B) to do at least 3 practical assignments in accordance with a created rubric and (D) post them on Padlet/ Practical Assignment 3 and at least one comment on another person’s post 2 days after Lecture 3.
  Week 4 (50 minutes)   Face-to-face learning by means of lecturing in the classroom Lecture 4 “Phoneme as a Unit of the Language’ · (C) After being introduced to the following points of Lecture 4: Definition of the phoneme and its functions; Types of allophones and main features of the phoneme; Methods of the phonemic analysis; Main phonological schools, (A) the students are expected to (B) master the discussed aspects of Lecture 4 and (D) put theoretical knowledge in practice during the summative block test in the Information Center of the institute (50 questions, 60 minutes).
  Week 4 Technology-enhanced learning by means of class Wiki as an educational web tool beyond the classroom · 1 (C) After doing additional readings on the topic of Lecture 4 “Phoneme as a Unit of the Language”, namely Definition of the phoneme and its functions; Types of allophones and main features of the phoneme; Methods of the phonemic analysis; Main phonological schools, (A) the students are expected (B) to create at least one mind-map that demonstrates the understanding of key ideas and relations among them and (D) post it on Padlet/Lecture 4 page of the class Wiki and one comment on a peer’ mind-map due the day before the next lecture. 2 (C) After being lectured and doing additional readings on the themes (15) according to the syllabus, (A) the students are expected (B) to do at least 3 practical assignments in accordance with a created rubric and (D) post them on Padlet/ Practical Assignment 4 and at least one comment on another person’s post 2 days after Lecture 4
  Week 5 (50 minutes) Face-to-face learning by means of lecturing in the classroom Lecture 5 “The System of the English Phoneme” · (C) After being introduced to the following points of Lecture 5: The system of consonant phonemes; Problem of affricates, (A) the students are expected to (B) master the discussed aspects of Lecture 5 and (D) put theoretical knowledge in practice during the summative block test in the Information Center of the institute (50 questions, 60 minutes).
  Week 5 Technology-enhanced learning by means of class Wiki as an educational web tool beyond the classroom · 1 (C) After doing additional readings on the topic of Lecture 5 “The System of the English Phoneme”, namely The system of consonant phonemes; Problem of affricates, (A) the students are expected (B) to create at least one mind-map that demonstrates the understanding of key ideas and relations among them and (D) post it on Padlet/Lecture 5 page of the class Wiki and one comment on a peer’ mind-map due the day before the next lecture. 2 (C) After being lectured and doing additional readings on the themes (15) according to the syllabus, (A) the students are expected (B) to do at least 3 practical assignments in accordance with a created rubric and (D) post them on Padlet/ Practical Assignment 5 and at least one comment on another person’s post 2 days after Lecture 5
Following implementation of technology Week 6 (60 minutes) Doing a summative block test inthe Information Center of the institute Doing the summative block test for the learning period from Week 1 to Week 5 · (C) After being delivered theoretical material on 5 lectures during the 1st five weeks of the spring semester (A) the students are expected (B) to put theoretical knowledge in practice during the summative block test in the Information Center of the institute (D) with no more than 7 mistakes (A; A-) within 60 minutes.
  Week 6   Technology-enhanced learning by means of class Wiki as an educational web tool beyond the classroom Getting feedback · The students are expected to share their reflections on the technology-enhanced course on Theoretical phonetics and expose their attitude to the new type of teaching-learning approach with at least one post on Padlet/What do you like/ dislike best about the course? Why? page. The conclusion will be if we continue or not with this type of approach.



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