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Later that night...

February 2015

“hyung, our interview was released today.” Crush informed me while we were reviewing some demo tracks at the studio.


I had no idea which one he was talking about… my memory has weakened due to all these promotions. I’m having a great time with Crush, but we’re worrying about going on a radio broadcast later this week. It makes my head spin.

“woah, there’s a lot of views.” He said surprised, and proceeded to read the comments below the video on his pc.

“..wow, Zion T listens to IU!!.. .IU<3<3…. As expected, anyone can love IU”

“you’d think people would talk about us, because you know, it’s our Melon playlist .. haha” Crush spoke slightly irked.

“Ah, a Pierrot Laughs at Us” I thought to myself as I realized which interview he was talking about.

I looked at Crush and just chuckled shaking my head, agreeing with him. I wasn’t annoyed though. It’s just how things are. Popular people remain at the height of interest.

“How does it feel to be so loved by everyone, so known? How do people become so lucky?” Crush pondered

“her voice is nice. I don’t think its luck”

Crush looked up, deep in thought, as if he was trying to remember the sound of the voice I just complimented. He then turned to face me and carried a questionable look on his face, but it quickly crept into a mischievous smile.

“I didn’t know cool guy, Hae sol, liked cute girls!” he said teasing me while he poked my cheek.


I shook my head and smiled at him as if I were playing along with his joke. We proceeded to listen to the next track, but I was still worried about the end of the week. Radio broadcast... I dread speaking.


Later that week...

“Ah, now we’ll listen to Zion T and Crush’s new song Just” my friend Jonghyun informed the listeners.

Half way through the radio broadcast Crush and I were doing fine. I don’t know why I always build up this unnecessary worry. Jonghyun was doing a great job making this comfortable. I’m going to thank him later. I don’t know how he manages to speak so enthusiastically every night. He’s really something. As we were resting before going on air again, it seemed that Jonghyun was laughing at his cellphone while texting.

“Jonghyun ah, who are you texting with such a fool’s grin?” I asked jokingly

“A treasure of a friend! Ji eun. haha she’s so silly.” Jonghyun replied while grinning at his phone screen.

“Ji eun?”

That name did not ring a bell, but Jonghyun was looking at me as if I knew her. I hardly party as much as he does so..


I was confused.

“Hyung, you don’t know? Ji eun is IU, ahah that’s her name” Jonghyun explained.

Crush looked at me again with that mischievous smile he had the other day

“Hyung, how can you not know?! You love her don’t you?” Crush teased with voice like that of a giddy 13 year old boy.

“Ani.” I muttered quickly.

I patted Crush’s shoulder signaling him to stop, but he continued to tease me poking my cheek. I tried to keep my cool in front of Jonghyun by smiling it off. I didn’t want him to get the wrong idea. Jonghyun tilted his head slightly and examined my face smiling. For some reason that made me nervous, but at the same time I knew I wasn’t caught for anything. It was a strange feeling.

“I mean who wouldn’t like her, right hyung? It’s okay! I’m surprised you didn’t know her real name. You liked A Pierrot Laughs at Us so much.” Jonghyun stated

Crush laughed pitifully.

“So you watched our interview thing just because of IU? Come on!” obviously perplexed by the pervasiveness of IU.

“Well, not quite. She texted me the other day talking about how thankful she was that you liked her remake. So I watched the segment myself wondering who else you guys mentioned. I listen to Khalil Fong as well.”

Crush and Jonghyun began to talk about their favorite Khalil Fong songs. I felt relieved the conversion diverted to something less confusing. Before we knew it, we were back on air. And before I knew it, I was nervous again.


After the radio broadcast, Jonghyun brought up the subject of IU once again.

“Ji eun just made an instagram and she doesn’t know who to follow. You should follow her hyung”

“Ah..” I replied

“yeah do it hyung! She’ll be thankful again!” Crush prodded

Before I knew it, Jonghyun snatched my phone, searched her account, and followed her.

I stared seriously into his eyes slightly annoyed, but I don’t think it was detected under my sunglasses. Honestly, I don’t know her well at all. Why are these two making such a fuss.

“I don’t think you would have been able to find it, her account name is weird ahah” Jonghyun spoke gently, dawning the most forgivable puppy eyes as if he was well aware he was pushing it.

I chuckled at his silliness. How can I stay mad at such a teddy bear? I dropped the awkward situation, as it really wasn’t a big deal, and Crush and I said our goodbyes to the broadcasting station’s staff.


Chapter 2

Later that night...

After I got home I immediately melted into my sweatpants and slippers. Staring at the marble patterns of my kitchen counter, my mind raced through today’s events. Music station, radio station, dinner with Crush and his friends, and having to take his drunk home myself. While I was getting a tall glass of water, I chuckled under my breath wondering why I loved that idiot so much. He’s fun.

“How well did I do?”

“How was I perceived?”

I ask myself these questions at the end of every night, but my follow up is always blurry. I fall asleep thinking about it. It’s not like I’d ever really know, so I don’t dwell on it.

I made my way to my bedroom to sit on my bed. I closed my eyes and breathed calmly mapping out what I had to do the next day. Finishing my glass of water, I started to check my phone and I was met with more mentions than usual, especially on Instagram.

“IU knows Zion T??”

“..Why are they following eachother…”

“IUx Zion T!!! <3 please date!”

Reading down the chain of comments about IU on the latest picture on my account, I now understood how confused Crush was. How does following one person cause so much noise? I silently laughed at how silly people could be. Popular people stay at the height of interest, even if it’s something as simple as a follow.

A couple minutes later I found myself scrolling through IU’s instagram posts. I don’t know why, I guess couldn’t fall asleep.

“Her bare face is pretty” I thought to myself as I was scrolling.

I played this video of her singing in English. I let the video play over and over again; it sounded relaxing. Her voice is nice. It carries a kind of warmth. As if she’s just awaken and is leisurely humming a melody. I wondered if that was intentional. I ended up falling asleep listening to her voice, but I was actually quite exhausted as well. That was the end of that day.


Week later

“ah..Hae sol hyung, remember the get together I told you about. Thank you party? It’s tonight! I haven’t heard back from you since I told you about it, so I’m reminding you to come! I texted you the time and location. You’ll come right? I’m most thankful for you, don’t you know?..See you there tonight! My treat! Deja-boo~”

I put down my phone and sighed. I forgot about this, and I slept later than I should have. While cooking breakfast I seriously contemplated leaving Jonghyun a voicemail and making up an excuse for not going… but I couldn’t bring myself to do that. He’s too soft. But at the same time, he drinks and enjoys himself more than he should. ..


All day I tried figuring out how to rationalize not going, simply because I felt too lazy to make an effort to socialize. But, to no avail, I got dressed and drove myself to the location. I didn’t try hard today with my outfit, I just threw on a black hoodie, khakis, and sunglasses. I kind of regret it though…but my hair is hard to manage so I needed something to put over it.

“I hope teddy bear understands.” I joked with myself while driving.

I parked my car and headed towards the entrance. Once I reached the door, I stopped and peaked inside. There were a lot of people. When Crush is with me he usually does the best with small talk. I took a deep sigh.

“All I have to do is show up, and enjoy a meal.” I assured myself, and then I headed inside.

I was greeted with familiar faces as I stepped into the building. I spotted familiar producers, stylists, and staff that I’ve encountered when promoting with Jonghyun. They all welcomed me warmly while they were eating. I seemed to be a little late. I spotted Jonghyun at the back of the room sitting with others, laughing with a woman in front of him. I couldn’t quite identify her, as her back was turned to me. She had long black hair and a high boisterous laugh that resounded within the walls of the restaurant. Jonghyun locked eyes with me finally noticing that I had arrived, and sprung up to meet me, leading me to his table.

“Wah hyung you made it! To be honest, I thought you would forget again..” Jonghyun confessed, rubbing the back of his head.

He then motioned me to sit at the seat beside him. As I was pulling out my chair, bowing to the people sitting near him, I heard a warm voice.

“Hello Zion T sshi”

I looked up, matching a face to that voice.


She stood up to greet me and bowed gently. I bowed to her awkwardly as I did not know how to address her.

As we took our seats, I decided on how to greet her.

“Hello IU sshi.” I greeted calmly

“Hello Zion T sshi, and please, call me Ji eun!”

“Me too” I replied abruptly.

“What?” she blurted confused, startled from my sudden response.

There was a moment of silence as I, too, was even startled at how weird that was. How weird I was. I cleared my throat and clarified.

“..call me Hae sol”

“Ah, okay. Hae sol..oppa” she said correcting herself, followed by an awkward giggle.

That was cute.


Chapter 3


“Uhh, okay. Obviously you guys don’t know each other well. Hyung, stop being embarrassing! ” Jonghyun humorously pleaded.

I hung my head slightly low. I’m about to hit this guy, he didn’t have to point it out…

“No, oppa. I’m acting the same… haha you make it more awkward when you point it out, right?” Ji eun playfully countered.

Lifting my head to look at Ji eun, she had this expression as if she wanted to back me up. I appreciated her optimism.

It took me a couple of seconds to realize she was referring to me. I’m glad I have sunglasses on. If not, she’d see my eyes divert away from hers countless times.

“Mm” I agreed.

“Okay, whatever! I’m about to get up and thank everyone so…Hyung, stop being weird. haha” Jonghyun demanded cheerfully.

That’s it.

“haha..I’m not being weird. I’m just tired. I came from the studio. I left work, just for you. And now you’re killing my . Now tell me, who’s the embarrassing one here?” I lied.

I needed to redeem myself somehow, but Ji eun seemed to like it. Judging by her snickering at Jonghyun’s shocked face.

“Right Ji eun sshi?” I further jabbed.

“Right!” she replied, playing along with my joke.

“Hyung… too strong! Your words don’t hurt me. Ahah anyways, I have to make my speech, but, now I have to go to the bathroom.” Jonghyun cried, acting like he was hurt.

Our eyes followed Jonghyun as he made his way to the bathroom, and once we looked back at each other, the awkward atmosphere from before resurfaced. I started to get annoyed at myself. I don’t even know her. I shouldn’t feel this pressure to say the right things. I’ll talk about anything at this point.

“…Oh, when I walked in here, I spotted Jonghyun but he was cracking up really hard. May I ask what you guys were laughing so much about?” I asked randomly.

I was actually quite curious though, I’ve never seen teddy bear laugh like that before.

“Oh aahaha! It’s kind of stupid. One of Jonghyun oppa’s songs was on my latest album. It’s called Gloomy clock. We were laughing so much then because during the recording session Jonghyun oppa sounded really silly. Uhh I don’t know how to explain it haha, um so yeah hahah we haha sorry!” Ji eun recounted almost cracking up again.

She sounds like she has a crush on him.

“Oh….haha, You guys look good together.” I stated in a way implying they were a couple.

Ji eun shook her head at me.

“No! I would never think of Jonghyun oppa in that way. As a boyfriend?…no way. He’s too much of a puppy for me to love him in that way haha” she strongly informed me.


“Do you have a boyfrie—“

“Eh-em, Thank you everybody for coming! I’m so grateful that you all helped me last month during my promotions. I wouldn’t be able to start my dream if it wasn’t for all your efforts. Thanks so much, enjoy dinner! A round is on the house!”

I was cut off.

I raised my glass to the last statement following everyone’s excitement, but really, I could do without drinking. Jonghyun rushed quickly back to our table and poured himself and Ji eun a shot of soju.

“1, 2, 3 cheers!” Jonghyun and Ji eun downed a shot of soju and held wryly grins.

“what” I blurted under my breath.

“it’s a game where you say 1, 2, 3 and then drink together!”

“isn’t that just called drinking?”

“no, hyung. It’s not! Haha it’s the unexpectedness that is thrilling. That’s the game, you don’t notice it’s happening until someone starts pouring!” Jonghyun exclaimed gleefully.

Ji eun quickly grabbed the soju bottle, poured two shots, and handed one glass to me.

“ Ready oppa? 1, 2, 3 cheers!”

Ji eun watched me sit still while she downed her shot. After she swallowed, none of us spoke.


“I wasn’t ready.” I said truthfully.

Ji eun looked at me with wide eyes and proceeded to burst into a fit of laughter.

“That’s the game hyung! Ahahah” Jonghyun started laughing at me as well.

I began to chuckle with them. I knew it was the wrong time to be like this. Nonetheless, we had a good laugh at my blunder and then continued to eat. I couldn’t stop thinking about the game though. It’s really just drinking. But, something about it made me want to initiate it.

I grabbed the two shot glasses and poured the soju. It was kind of funny; as I was pouring, Ji eun and Jonghyun had more than enough time to register what I was going to doing. The “game” factor of it all was completely ruined by my unhurried movements, and the whole time they were chuckling, anticipating it. I still did it slowly because I can’t be bothered with rushing things. I passed the glass to Ji eun as a sorry for the last time.

“1..2…3 cheers.” I declared slightly smiling.

At first, Ji eun made sure I brought the glass to my lips before downing her own. After swallowing, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, giggled, and gave me the sweetest smile I had ever seen.

And, she’s definitely buzzed.


Chapter 4


“hyung, why didn’t you pour me one?” Jonghyun whined with puppy eyes.

“You didn’t clarify if it was a 1 on 1 thing or…”I said in my defense.


Before I could protest, Jonghyun quickly prepared 3 shots and counted off. To my surprise, I complied a second time. I think I’m enjoying this.

Since it was her forth shot of the night, Ji eun started to fan herself. “It’s hot”, officially became the reoccurring statement of the night.

“Ah, I shouldn’t have drank this much.. hah… I’m really gonna destroy myself.” Ji eun professed, carrying a displeased expression.

Jonghyun and I looked at each other; we weren’t sure if we should laugh or ask her if something was wrong. Just as I was about to ask what was on her mind, but she began to giggle at herself. I let the moment pass.

As the night progressed, dinner came to an end, meaning more alcohol was consumed by not just the three of us, but the rest of the guests. I started opening up a bit more and chatted with the familiar faces I’ve met before, asking them about their recent projects, and sparking small talk. I guess this is the charm of drinking. After a bit of mingling with the others at our table, the three of us found our way back to conversing between ourselves.

“I don’t usually drink. It usually doesn’t appeal to me.” I confessed.

“Oh, I think..I think drinking is great! But, I really shouldn’t have drank this much because I’ll have to drive home tonight”

“Ji eun ah, you are going to sober up here. You’re not driving until I give you the OK” Jonghyun said sternly, despite being tipsy himself.

Ji eun looked at Jonghyun with a kind of distaste that could not have been an act.

“Ohh, ok yeah. Do you want to be my manager or something? I don’t like that...” She replied in an exasperated voice.

She rested her palm on her chin, waiting for his response after those biting words.

That was annoying.

“He’s looking out for you.” I corrected her.

She was shocked by my-matter-of-fact tone. Still, she held up her defense.

“I understand his intent, I do. I apologize if I, a person that wishes to have a free will, offends you. I do, I truly do.” She said, speaking sarcastically.

"Ah, its hot"

Jonghyun and I glanced at each other yet again, confused on how to take her harsh words. The alcohol must be really getting to her. A couple silent moments passed.

Ji eun gave a huge sigh.

“…Let me just…I…you could have just said, Hey Ji eun, why don’t you stay here until you’re sober? I will tell you when it’s safe to drive, is that alright? Why does everything have to be so concrete? ” She explained, clarifying her previous frustration.

I observed her face for a while. She seemed genuinely perplexed, not just at this situation, but in general. She looked a bit lost. I started feeling a kind of bad for her. She does do a lot of work, and she’s probably tired of being told what to do at certain times. I get that way too.

“I didn’t know that’s how you felt Ji eun ah, I totally understand. Just talk about it with me, I’ll listen. Oppa is sorry! ” Jonghyun reckoned.

“No, oppa shouldn’t be sorry! See, I’m just overacting, please forget this….I will say sorry. Sorry oppa!”

After uttering her apologies, her palm remained at her forehead, as if she was thinking deeply, or reprimanding herself.

The silence between Jonghyun and I continued. Her roller coaster of emotions was too heavy for us to be able to formulate responses. This girl, I would have never guessed she’d become such brat after drinking. How could she be oddly truthful in the most brutal of ways, and then the next second so sweetly forgiving? In the mist of my thoughts, Ji eun went off on a tangent.

“…..I mean I do, I do have a lot of musical freedom. Thank you everyone. I’m very grateful, please don’t get me wrong! But sometimes I feel like I’m a specimen. A poor specimen living under a microscope. Every movement, advancement, and deterioration will be calculated, analyzed. If I don’t show the right results…I’m forced to adapt to other conditions, but that goes against the laws of nature. You see, a time will come when I am of no use. Then, the scientists will just throw me away! Do you understand how frustrating that is?!?”

The volume of her last statement turned heads amongst the guests.


“Hyung, do you think you could take her out and walk a few blocks? She needs to cool down! I really don’t want her to embarrass herself…” Jonghyun whispered.

“I can hear you, and I’ll just walk myself around the block…” she spoke slurring her words.

She stood up from her seat and walked towards the entrance. Jonghyun gave me a nudge to go after Ji eun, as he diverted the attention by cheerfully declaring a second round of drinks. After I saw that she made her way out, I calmly got up and made towards the door. Making my way outside, I spotted Ji eun unlocking her car. I ran over to her and grabbed the arm that was about to open her car door. Her expression towards my actions were not appreciative in the slightest.

“You can’t....I mean, is it okay if I don’t let you drive just yet? It’s not safe.” I insisted.

Calming down, Ji eun looked down at her feet and began to pat her forehead and cheeks, as if she couldn’t believe the way she was acting. As if she was flustered.

“Y..You’re right. I… I uhh..” she muttered.

She glanced up at me, red in the face, or rather, redder than she already was from the alcohol. I quickly looked away.

“It’s okay. Let’s just take a short walk around the block, please.” I politely declared.




Date: 2015-12-24; view: 941

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