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I don’t do any skiing. 4 page

1 You’ve washed your hair and it’s still wet.

2 You’d like to clean your shoes.

3 You’ve bought some lemons and you want to make some lemon juice.

4 Your pencil is blunt.

5 You’ve spilt some food on your clothes, and there’s a greasy stain.

6 You’ve got some coffee beans and you want to make some coffee.

7 You’re setting off on a long overnight drive, and you want to take a hot drink with you.

What are the names of the things you have asked for ?

20.8 DEFINITIONS QUIZ Free practice


1 Write down the names of five objects you think the other people in your class may not know (e.g. refrigerator, tape recorder, walking stick).

2 Decide how to define these objects.

3 Form groups. Ask questions about your objects, like this:

Q: What do you call a machine that keeps your food cold ? A: A refrigerator.





Listen to the passage and answer the questions.

1 a) What relation is the girl to the speaker ? b) What happened last week ?

2 Choose the correct answer. He decided to get her a doll because:

a) all young girls like dolls

b) he had known for a long time that she liked dolls

c) her mother suggested it

d) the girl asked for it

3 a) What three materials were different dolls made of ?

b) Which of them was most common?

4 What two age-groups of dolls were there ?

5 What does the speaker say about the dolls’ hair ?

6 What does he say about their clothes ?

7 Write in the missing words:

And on top of all that, I discovered that there are

......................................................................... and................................................................

................................. with:.................................... their eyes when you................................

................................... , dolls hairstyle.............................. ,................................ ‘mama’ (and

all sorts................................................. things) when you............................... , and dolls

......................................................................... and............................................ the bed.

8 How long did the speaker stay in the shop ?

9 How did he feel during that time ? Choose the correct answer.

a) interested and confused c) bored and confused

b) interested and amused d) bored and amused


Write a short paragraph describing the doll the speaker bought, in your own words. Say what it’s like, what it has got, what it does, and what you can do with it.


Unit 20 Summary of language   In this unit you have learnt how to: - classify objects into types - identify and classify objects by their features — classify objects according to their purpose — give definitions of objects   key points   1. Compound noun phrases a sports car a racing car a lawn mower an alarm clock a sewing machine a screwdriver nail varnish writing paper fly killer 2. Structures for indicating features
My coat is the one with that has a silk lining.


His skis are the ones with that have silver tips.


He’s got a watch with a luminous dial.

I’ve got one with a square face.


3 Subject and object defining relative clauses

He’s got a gun that fires 20 rounds a second.

I’m looking for a pen that will write on glass.


I want a dish (that) you can put in a hot oven.

A carving knife is a knife (that) you carve meat with.


4 ‘Use for ..-ing ..’

A typewriter is a machine (you use) for typing letters.

What do you call that white stuff (you use) for washingclothes ?

Glue is used for stickingthings together.







1. You will hear three definitions of a word that you don’t know. Listen to the tape, and vote on which definition you think is the correct one.

2. Work in groups of three. Your teacher will give you a piece of paper with a word on it and the correct definition.

Student A: You will give the true definition of the word. Work out how you will define it.

Students  and C: Invent two false meanings of the word, and work out how to define them.

3. When it is your turn, each tell your own definition of the word to the rest of the class. They will vote on which definition is correct.




Choose one of the topics below, and write a newspaper article (150-200 words) about it. Write about:

a) its impact on people’s lives

b) recent developments

c) possible future developments


1 Electronic games

2 Video machines

3 Nuclear weapons

4 Plastic surgery




1 A friend is very worried about an interview tomorrow. Reassure her.

2 You are late for class. Apologise to the teacher and explain why.

3 You are allergic to tobacco smoke. A visitor lights a cigarette in your house. Ask him not to smoke, and explain why.

4 A friend says to you ‘You’re looking very pleased with yourself’. Tell her why.

5 Your 8-year-old brother asks you ‘What’s a polaroid camera ?’ Give him an answer.

6 Someone asks you if you have anything in common with your brother/sister. What do you say?

7 You left your car in a side street, and when you came back you found it wasn’t there. Tell the police what happened and what the car looks like.

Unit 21 Degree


21.1 TOO & ENOUGH Presentation


Letter smuggled out of prison:

Say what is wrong with conditions in the prison, using too and enough.

Examples The cells are too crowded.

The cells aren’tbig enough.


The prisoners work too manyhours a day.

They have to do too much work.

They don’tget enough free time.


21.2 THE WRONG MAN FOR THE JOB Practice patience


Look at the list below of adjectives that describe people. Write in the noun forms.

patient ambitious strong tactful imaginative courageous intelligent dedicated


Work in threes.

Example A: I’m going to be a paratrooper.

Â: Nonsense - you aren’t courageous enough to be a paratrooper.

Ñ: And you haven’t got enough strength either.

Talk in the same way about these jobs:

1. teacher 2. explorer 3. politician 4. novelist 5. marriage guidance counsellor 6. spy 7. weightlifter 8. .......................


21.3 LINKING SENTENCES Presentation and practice


Examples: He can’t climb the stairs. He’s too weak.

He’s too weak to climb the stairs.

He isn’t strong enough to climb the stairs.


You couldn’t read that book in one evening. It’s too long.

That book is too long to read in one evening.

That book isn’t short enough to read in one evening.


The doorway was too narrow. The piano wouldn’t go through.

The doorway was too narrow for the piano to go through.

The doorway wasn’t wide enough for the piano to go through.


Work in groups. Make two sentences for each of the following (a) using too (b) using not... enough. Use for only where it is necessary.

1 We arrived late. We couldn’t get any dinner.

2 Don’t get married yet. You’re too young.

3 You can’t drink wine every day. It’s expensive.

4 My mother’s shopping basket was very heavy. She couldn’t carry it.

5 Don’t eat that bread. It’s stale.

6 We couldn’t see through the windows. They were dirty.

7 The stream was too wide. Dad couldn’t jump across it.

8 You’d better not sit on the ground. It’s damp.

9 You could never wear those trousers in winter. They’re too thin.

10 He spoke very fast. I couldn’t understand him.




You never throw things away, so your flat is full of things which you have kept, and you don’t know what to do with them. You are talking to a friend.

You: Oh dear. What shall I do with these gloves ?

Friend: Why don’t you wear them for gardening ?

You: Oh, they’re much too good to wear for gardening, they aren’t nearly old enough to wear for gardening.


How might you reply to these other suggestions ?


Why don’t you, give them to your mother ? wear them for driving? sell them? wear them in the winter ?.


Work in groups. Have similar conversations about these other objects:

jeans photograph books

coat clock sandals




Free practice

You will hear two people talking about education in Britain. Listen to the tape and answer the questions.

1. What does the woman think is wrong with education in Britain ?

2. What does the man think is wrong with education in Britain ?

3. What does the woman think should be done?


Work in groups. Discuss one of the topics below.


Say: a) what you think is wrong

b) what you think should be ought to be done


1. leisure facilities in your area 3. local transport services

2. your school 4. TV programmes



Write a paragraph expressing your opinion about the topic you discussed.


21.6 SO & SUCH Presentation


Ali went on a very cheap students’ flight to London, but he soon started regretting it:


A He had to wait so long at the airport that he felt tired before the journey even started. The flight was sobumpy that he felt sick. The plane’s engines were so noisy that he couldn’t hear himself speak. The food was so bad that he couldn’t eat it.


 He had to wait such a long time at the airport that he felt tired before the journey even started. It was such a bumpy flight that he felt sick. The plane had such noisy engines that he couldn’t hear himself speak. They served such bad food that he couldn’t eat it.


Ñ There were so many people on the plane that some of them had to stand. There was so little room between the seats that he couldn’t stretch his legs.


What kind of words follow such, and what kind of words follow so ?


Add so or such or such a to these words and phrases.

lovely hard bad weather little money

lovely day hard work much rain small amount of money

long time bad deep snow good food

many times disaster deep good meal

pity disastrous lot of people

bad mistake expensive many presents

few people expensively expensive presents

21.7 READING GAME: SO & SUCH Practice


Work in groups of three. You are students À, Â and C. Read through your own section only, and then play the game, starting with student A.

Example: He worked very hard for his exams.

A: He worked so hard for his exams ...

 or Ñ: ... that he almost had a nervous breakdown.

Student A Change sentences 1-5 into half-sentences using soor such. Students  and Ñ will complete them. 1 He worked very hard for his exams. 2 She looks quite different wearing a wig. 3 He treated his wife badly. 4 It was a very boring film. I’ve got very few possessions.   Student Ñ Change sentences 1-5 into half-sentences using so and such. Students A and  will complete them. 1 There was a very long queue at the bus stop. 2 I’d drunk a lot of coffee. 3 The problem was very simple. 4 I have enormous feet. He drank a lot of whisky.
Choose one of these sentences to complete what other people in your group read out. Begin with that. ... I’m not going to eat there again. ... taxi drivers refuse to take you there. ... we didn’t go bathing once. ... I have to have my shoes made specially. ... even a child could have solved it. ... nobody understood him. ... my hands were shaking. ... he collapsed on the floor. ... they appointed a new transport manager. ... I decided to walk instead.     Choose one of these sentences to complete what other people in your group read out. Begin withthat. ... we left half way through. ... nobody understood him. ... I’m not going to eat there again. ... in the end she poisoned him. ... they appointed a new transport manager. ... I didn’t recognise her at first. ... he almost had a nervous breakdown. ... we didn’t go bathing once. ... taxi drivers refuse to take you there. ... I only need one suitcase when I move


Student  Change sentences 1-5 into half-sentences using so or such. Students A and Ñ will complete them. 1 The sea was very cold while we were there. 2 I’ve heard terrible stories about that restaurant. 3 A lot of people complained about the city bus services. 4 Some parts of New York are quite dangerous. 5 He spoke very fast. Choose one of these sentences to complete what other people in your group read out. Begin with that. ... I didn’t recognise her at first. ... even a child could have solved it. ... we left half way through. ... my hands were shaking. ... I only need one suitcase when I move. ... I decided to walk instead. ... he collapsed on the floor. ... I have to have my shoes made specially. ... he almost had a nervous breakdown. ... in the end she poisoned him.





 has just been to London. A is asking him about it.

Example A: Did it rain very much while you were there ?

B: Yes, it did. In fact, it rained so much that I had to stay indoors all the time.


No, it didn’t. In fact it was such nice weather that I got quite brown.


Have similar conversations, using these ideas:

food good ? many foreigners ? go out a lot? hotel clean? clothes cheap? travel much? meet people? speak English? buy books?



Free practice

Work in groups. Talk about a real holiday you had recently. Use any of the language you have learnt in this unit where you think it is appropriate.





Read the newspaper article below and answer the questions.

(adapted from an article by V. Axel Firsoff in The Guardian)


1. a) Why might you expect the surface of Venus to be fairly cool ?

b) Why in fact is the surface of Venus hot ?


2. If you tried to walk on Venus, what problems would you have ?


3. a) Why might you expect the surface of Venus to be bright ?

b) Why in fact is there very little sunlight on the surface ?

c) How did the Russians manage to take TV pictures ?


4. What is the most unusual thing about Venus compared with other planets ?


5. Explain the meaning of the following:

a) retain (line 32) d) absorb (line 47)

b) dense (lines 34 and 42) e) gloom (line 49)

c) swimming stroke (line 35) f) inhospitable (line 56)


6. ‘V. Axel Firsoff lifts a corner of the veil which covers Earth’s neighbour.’ What different things does this sentence suggest about Venus?


7. If Venusians existed, what would you imagine them to be like ?



In a paragraph (about 100 words), compare conditions on Venus with those on Earth, and explain why they are different.


Talk about:





Unit 21 Summary of language   In this unit you have learnt how to: - talk about excess and inadequacy - say what is wrong with things - express degree by talking about results   key points   1 ‘Too’ and ‘enough’ The classrooms are too cold in winter. The classrooms aren’t warm enough in winter.   There are too many American films on TV. There aren’t enough educational programmes on TV.   2 ‘Too’ and ‘enough’ + infinitive I feel too tired to go out this evening. The water was much too dirtyto swim in. The office is too busy for me to take any time off.   He’s not nearly old enough to get married. The ice isn’t thick enough to walk on. There isn’t enough food for everyone to eat.   3 ‘So’ and ‘such’ The hotel was so comfortable that we stayed another week. It was such a bad film that we left half way through. He has so many children that he can’t remember all their names.  


Unit 22 Setting a scene


22.1 SETTING A SCENE Presentation


You will hear two extracts from a novel in which the writer sets a scene.

extract 1 1 What were the following doing ? a) the tourists b) the Englishmen c) the children d) the girl 2 What was there in the bay ? What was it doing? 3 a) What did Jason do? b) What do you think he did next ? extract 2 1 What were the following doing ? a) the paint b) the children c) the donkey 2 Who was there outside a cafe ? What were they doing? 3 Exactly what is said about a) the houses? b) the dusty road ? c) the statue? 4 a) What did Jacqueline do? b) What do you think she did next ?





Notice the different forms of the verb run in these sentences:


It was a lovely place: a small stream ran past the end of the back garden. She looked out of the window - a small boy was running towards the house.


Fill the gaps in the sentences below with the correct form of one of the verbs given. Use each verb twice.

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