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1 The pictures show seven periods in Geoffrey's life.

Look at the arrows above the pictures. What events does each point to ?

2 The arrows below the pictures show other events in his life.

In groups, ask and answer questions about when each happened.

Example A: When did he meet Angeline ?

Â: He met her before he became a captain.

Ñ: He met her after he went to college.

D: He met her while he was at college.




A: When did you learn to drive ?

Â: I learnt to drive when I was 18. How about you ?

A: I learnt to drive when I was 16. I didn't learn to drive till I was 20.

Work in pairs. Have similar conversations.

When did you:

1 learn to swim ?

2 first wear make-up?

3 first go abroad ?

4 start earning money ?

5 start learning English?

6 smoke your first cigarette ?

7 first fly in an aeroplane?

8 first fall in love?


Now continue with your own ideas.

5.4 LIFE STORY Writing


Look at your notes in 5.1. From your notes, write the story of the writer's life. Use appropriate expressions you have learnt to link the events together. Begin like this:

'David Manning was born in London in 1942, and attended Westminster School for Boys ...'





All of the expressions below are used to talk about past time. Which of them are used with (a) at? (b) on ? (c) in ? (d) no preposition ?

4 o'clock Tuesday, 14 the 1920s

Yesterday three weeks ago the turn of the century

Tuesday the end of May Victorian times

last Tuesday Christmas the 19th century

Tuesday morning the summer the Middle Ages

14 May last summer 1,000 years ago

May 1945



Work in groups. Ask and answer questions about the past. Use these ideas:

get up ? be born ? finish Unit 3? term begin? start/job? jazz/popular? buy house/flat? war begin/end? Shakespeare/write ? America/independent ? wear/miniskirts?




Presentation and practice

This is an entry in a record catalogue. It tells you that the symphony was composed by Elgar, that the orchestra was conducted by Georg Solti, and that the record was made in 1972. What else does it tell you ?

Now look at these other pieces of information, and say:

1 where you might find them

2 what they tell you - use the Passive in your answer



Work in groups. Look at the pictures below, which show the history of Cranmore Castle.

1. Say what happened at each stage of its history.

2. Write a history of Cranmore Castle. Use the information in the pictures, and add details of your own.

Begin like this:

‘Cranmore Castle was built in the 15th century by John, Duke of Cranmore ..’

5.7 TEST YOUR MEMORY: QUIZ Free practice


Can you answer these questions?

1 What happened in Rome on 14 March 44 BC?


2 Who were the following discovered by ?

a) penicillin

b) North America Can you say when ?


3 Who were the Pyramids built by, and when?


4 When:

a) did the first man step on the moon ?

b) did the first aeroplane fly?

c) was a woman elected Prime Minister of Britain ?


Now write down three ‘quiz’ questions of your own about the past.

In groups, ask each other your questions.

Now choose the three best questions in your group, and ask the rest of the class these questions.






Work in three groups.

1 Read your own passage, and decide who it is about.

2 Practise retelling the life story without looking at the passage.

3 Form new groups (one A, one  and one C). Tell the others the story, so that they can guess who it is about.


Group A: He was born in the United States at the turn of the century. As a young man, he was very active, and spent a lot of time hunting and fishing. He started working as a journalist, but during the First World War he was an ambulance driver in Italy, where he was badly wounded in 1917. After fighting in the Spanish Civil War, he worked as an army correspondent until 1945, when he went to live in Cuba. In 1954 he won a Nobel Prize. He stayed in Cuba until the Castro Revolution in 1959, and then returned to live in the United States. He was married four times, and later in his life became physically and mentally ill. On 2 July 1961, he committed suicide.


Group Â: She was born into a wealthy family in Philadelphia in 1930, and she had her first part on the stage when she was 12 years old. Five years later, after visiting Europe with her family, she was admitted to the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York. While she was there she did some modelling and TV commercials to earn some extra money. She first appeared on Broadway in 1949. In 1951, after appearing in several plays on stage and on TV, she played the hero’s wife in the film High Noon. She then had star roles in two Alfred Hitchcock films, and later won an Oscar for her role in The Country Girl. In April 1956 she left Hollywood and got married. She had a daughter in 1957, followed by a son 14 months later, and another daughter in 1965. She lived in Monaco until her death in 1982.

Group Ñ: She was born in September 1890 in Torquay, in the southwest of England. She married in 1914, just before the beginning of the First World War. During the War, she worked first as a nurse, and then in a hospital dispensary, where she learnt all about drugs and poisons. Her husband returned from France at the end of the War, and they had a daughter in 1919. Eight years later, in 1927, she got divorced, and after two or three years’ work, she went on holiday to Baghdad, where she joined a British archaeological expedition. There she met her second husband: they travelled back to England together on the Orient Express, and got married in September 1930. They went on two more archaeological expeditions in Syria, and during the Second World War she again worked in a dispensary. After more travels to the Middle East in 1947 and 1949, she and her husband moved back to the southwest of England, where she worked until her death in 1976. In 1971 she was made a Dame of the British Empire.



Write a similar paragraph about yourself.


Unit 5 Summary of language   In this unit you have learnt how to: - relate and ask about past events - say when events happened - tell the history of people and places   KEY POINTS   1. ‘Sequence’ expressions He left university in i960. A year |later / after that| he became a teacher, university, he became a teacher. A year after |leaving / he left|university, he became a teacher.
He became a millionaire after he went to Australia, when/while he was in Australia. before he left Australia.

He didn’t become a millionaire till/until he went to Australia.


2. Past Simple tense: negatives and questions

I met Susan in 1950.

I didn’tmeet Susan till 1950.

When didyou meet Susan ?


3. Time expressions with and without prepositions at 6 p.m. at Easter

At 6 p.m. at Easter

on Sunday evening on 6 July

in 1960 in September in the autumn in Roman times

last Monday yesterday five years ago


4. Past Simple Passive

They built the house in the 19th century.

The house was built in the 19th century.


Cervantes wrote Don Quixote.

Don Quixote was written by Cervantes.



Unit 6 Talking about now




Read these three passages, each of which uses the Present Continuous

A ... And now the Royal Coach is turning into Parliament Square. There are thousands of people waiting in the Square, and everyone is standing on tiptoe, trying to catch a glimpse of the Royal Family. The children are all waving their Union Jacks ... Now the coach is stopping and the Queen is getting out. She’s wearing... Â ... There are two continuing reasons for the danger of flooding. These are that London is slowly sinking and that the tides in general are rising. Not only is central London sinking on its bed of clay, but over the centuries Britain itself is tilting. Scotland and the northwest are rising, and southeastern England is gradually dipping at a rate of one foot every hundred years ... Ñ Having a lovely time in London. We’re eating in some very expensive restaurants, and meeting lots of interesting people. I’m spending most of my time walking around central London and visiting museums. The Cup Final’s tomorrow, so everyone’s talking about football...


All the passages are talking about ‘now’. In what ways are they different?




A: Hello, Suntours Ltd. Can I help you ?

Â: Yes, I’d like to speak to the Manager, please.

A: I’m afraid he’s not available at the moment. He’s attending a meeting.

Â: Oh. Could I speak to his secretary, then ?

A: I’m afraid she’s not available, either. She’s ...


Have conversations like this, using these ideas:

1 Murphie’s Garage: Mr Murphie; the chief mechanic.

2 Ogilvie, Blunt & Partners (Solicitors): Mr Ogilvy; Mr Blunt.

3 University Physics Dept: Dr Lloyd; Dr Lloyd’s secretary.

4 The Regency School of English: the Director; the Information Officer.

5 Buckingham Palace: the Queen; the Duke of Edinburgh; Prince Charles.




Example: Somebody’s watching us.

There’s somebody watchingus.

We’re being watched.

Change these sentences in the same way:

1. Someone’s following us. 2. Some men are pulling down the house. 3. Another car’s overtaking us. 4. Someone’s looking after the children. 5. Two policemen are questioning the man. 6. A man’s feeding the tigers. 7. Nobody’s using the car today. 8. Nobody’s guarding the prisoner. 9. Is anybody making the tea ? 10. Is anyone using this room?



Add an explanation to each of the remarks below, saying what is happening.

Examples Don’t go out in your sandals: It’s pouring with rain.

Could you answer the door: There’s someone ringing the bell.

Keep your head down: We’re being shot at.

1. Don’t switch the radio off: 2. You’d better hurry up and eat that ice cream: 3. We need to have our roof repaired: 4. Pass me a paper handkerchief: 5. I’m afraid you can’t use that room just now: 6. You should put some suntan oil on your back: 7. There’s no need to worry about the children: 8. Quick, darling, hide in the wardrobe:



Work in pairs.

Student A: Choose one of the five pictures below. Describe it to B, by saying only what is happening, what people are doing, etc. Â will guess which picture you are describing.

Student Â: Listen to A’s description. When you think you know which picture he or she is describing, check your guess by asking some questions.


6.5 LONG-TERM CHANGES Free practice


Discuss the topics below. Say what changes are taking place, and, if you can, explain why.

1. Venice 5. life expectancy

2. the sun 6. the Mediterranean Sea

3. the world’s fuel resources 7. the population of the world

4. the Sahara Desert




A: What do you do?
B: I’m a film producer. I make documentary films.
A: What are you making working on at the moment?
B: I’m making a documentary about horse racing.


Have more conversations like this. You’re talking to:

1. a writer 3. a painter 5. a detective

2. an architect 4. a composer 6. a journalist


Talk to other students. Find out the kind of things they’re doing these days.




Read these sentences, which describe present situations:

section A 1. Their flat is being completely modernised:

2 Miss World is being given V.I.P. treatment:

3 The war’s causing terrible suffering:

4 My car’s still at the garage:

5 The college has been without electricity for a week now:

6 Christmas is coming:

7 The family next door is being closely watched:

Now read these sentences, which continue the sentences in section A and give more details. Each sentence in section A has two continuation sentences.

section B ... they’re putting up coloured lights in the High Street.

... people are taking her out to nightclubs.

... they’re taking out all the old fireplaces.

... they’re sending most students home at 5 o’clock.

... they’re fitting a new exhaust pipe.

... they’re holding evening classes by gas light.

... troops are destroying the crops.

... they’re tapping their telephone.

... they’re tightening the brakes.

... they’re selling Christmas trees in all the shops.

... they’re watching the house from across the street.

... everyone’s buying her bouquets of roses.

... the invading army is burning down all the villages.

... they’re putting in central heating.

1 Match the sentences in section A with the continuations in section B.

2 Read them out, changing the continuation sentences into the Passive.

Example Their flat is being completely modernised: all the old fireplaces are being taken out and central heating is being put in.




Free practice

Here is part of a letter, in which the writer is giving some current news:

Work in groups. Look at the sentences below. How might they continue?

1 I’ve decided to go on a diet...

2 There’s a water shortage at the moment...

3 I’m very short of money at the moment...

4 Spring is almost here ...



Choose two of the topics you discussed, and develop them into paragraphs.






Listen to the telephone conversation between Sue and Mike and answer the questions.

1. Choose the correct answers, (a) or (b).

Sue is on holiday in [ a) Spain / b) England ] with her [ a) sister. / b) boyfriend.] She is ringing up her [ a) boyfriend, / b) brother,] Mike, because it’s [ a) her / b) his ] birthday. Mike has stayed at home because [ a) he’s ill. / b) he’s working.] When she phones, he is just [a) having breakfast. / b) making coffee.]

2. What is the weather like in England?

3. What does Sue mean when she says:

a) ‘It’s absolutely boiling!’

b) ‘I’m living in my bikini!’

4. Why is she sending Mike a postcard?

5. What does Sue say people are doing where she is?

6. What does Mike say people are doing where he is?

7. What do you think Mike does for a living?

8. Listen to the last part of the conversation and fill in the missing words.

Sue: Oh dear, still, I expect .............................................................................................. .

How’s it going?

Mike: Oh, fine. I’m................................................................................... . Actually, at this

very moment....................................................................... and ................................ .

Good God, that ............................................................ .. Can you ........................... ?

The kettle ......................................................................... . Just a tick.

Sue Hey, Mike, don’t go ............................................................. This ............................

............................... . I’ll ...................................................................................., OK?



Some of the things Sue says in the conversation could also be written on a postcard. Write down as many as you can.

Using these expressions, write the postcard Sue might have sent to Mike. Add any details you like.


Unit 6 Summary of language   In this unit you have learnt how to: 1 talk about what is happening at the moment 2 talk about long-term changes in progress 3 talk about current activities 4 describe what is happening in pictures   KEY POINTS   1. Present Continuous tense She’s having a bath at the moment. The sun is gradually cooling down. A lot of people are wearing white jeans this year.   2. There + Present Continuous There are some men mending the road. Look – there’s someone standing outside the window. Is there anyone sitting here?   3. Present Continuous Passive
Someone’s recording our voices. Our voices are being recorded. They are completely reorganising the office. The office is being completely reorganised.






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