1.The applause seemed to go on forever.
| “the applause…to go on” – the Subjective Infinitive Construction; a complex subject
2.Danny saw his parents sitting in the first row.
| “his parents sitting” – the Objective Participial Construction with PI; a complex object
3. Let the kid go where he wants.
| “kid go” – the Objective-with-the Infinitive Construction; a complex object
4.There was time enough for us to cut in, submerge and go for her screws and rudders.
| “for us to cut in, submerge and go for her screws and rudders.” - The For-to-Infinitive Construction; the AM of result
5. I know you to be an honorable man who can’t be bought.
| “you to be an honorable man” - the Objective with-the-Infinitive Construction; a complex object
6. They may not have given up their ideals and ethics for a million dollars, but ten or twenty million was too much for them to pass on.
| “for them to pass on.’ – The-For-to Infinitive Construction; a complex AM of result
7. She caught him staring at her, and she suddenly felt unclean.
| “him staring at her” - the Objective Participial Construction with PI; a complex object
8. He watched the massive LNG tanker sail on unmolested.
| “LNG tanker sail” - the Objective with-the-Infinitive Construction; a complex object
9. You’ll have your question answered as soon as Ms. Morse makes her report.
| “question answered” - the Objective Participial Construction with PII; a complex object
10. Pitt guessed him to be in his late fifties.
| “him to be in his late fifties.” - the Objective with-the-Infinitive Construction; a complex object
11. If they balk, he can threaten to expose them, and with their credibility gone, they’d be out of the newsroom and on the street within hours.
| “with their credibility gone” – the Prepositional Absolute Construction with PII; an AM of condition
12. Anne dropped on her knees and gazed out into the July morning, her eyes glistening with delight.
| “her eyes glistening with delight ” – the Nominative Absolute Construction with PI; an AM of attendant circumstances
13. He could be seen following her with his eyes.
| “he…following” – the Subjective Participial Construction; a complex subject
14. He could see the tiny little trout moving round and round the stones.
| “the tiny little trout moving” - the Objective Participial Construction with PI; a complex object
15. It was no good your telling lies.
| “ your telling lies”- the Gerundial Construction; a complex subject
16. I was aware of a tall dark figure watching her.
| “a tall dark figure watching her”- the Gerundial Construction; a complex object
17. What do you wish me to search for?
| “me to search for” - the Objective with-the-Infinitive Construction; the complex object
18. The bottom of the bay surrounding the city of San Francisco is too shallow for a ship that size to cross.
| “for a ship … to cross.” - The For-to-Infinitive Construction; an AM of result
19. Anne had relapsed into reverie, with her chin in her hands and her eyes fixed on the sky.
| “with her chin in her hands and her eyes on the sky ” – the Prepositional Absolute Construction with PII; an AM of attendant circumstances
20. Helen missed the opportunity of her going to the USA.
| “her going”- the Gerundial Construction; a complex attribute
21. Dave is going to have computer memory increased.
| “computer memory increased ” - the Objective Participial Construction with PII; a complex object
22. They are not likely to win this race.
| “they… to win ” – the Subjective Inf. Construction; a complex subject
23. From time to time their voices could be heard uplifted in argument.
| “their voices… uplifted” – the Subjective Participial Construction; a complex subject
24. With the moon rising so high, we could easily continue our walking.
| “With the moon rising so high ” – the Prepositional Absolute Construction with PI; an AM of reason
25. How did you get out without his seeing you?
| “without his seeing you ”- the Gerundial Construction; a complex AM of attendant circumstances