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Exercise 15. State the form of the gerund:

1.I'm annoyed at having lost all that money. 2.Thank you for helping. 3.Dare took to ringing us up in the middle of the night. 4.There appeared some difficulty in fixing a date for the meeting. 5.She was angry at being denied the opportunity to see me. 6.The athlete suffered the disgrace of being publicly shown to have taken drugs. 7.She is upset about missing the party. 8.She heard something about leaving the town. 9.His plans for opening a coffee bar are completely above board. 10.By the age of seven, children are capable of thinking in abstract terms. 11.Talking about crime in the abstract just isn’t enough. 12.I greatly regret not having told the truth. 13.I love the house. It’s wonderful being able to see the sea from my window. 14.Playing the piano was one of her many accomplishments. 15.She eventually achieved her goal of becoming a professor. 16.Firm actions are needed to keep the situation from getting out of control. 17.She was looking forward to putting her ideas into actions. 18.For Haskilt, selling the restaurant would be admitting defeat. 19.Gaining admittance to the club was no easy matter. 20.He denied having committed the crime.

Exercise 16. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct verb form:

Flight Attendant: Welcome aboard, sir. I hope you enjoy the flight.

Passenger: Thank you. Unfortunately, I’m afraid of 1)……….(fly).

Flight Attendant: Don’t worry, sir. Just remember 2)………(fasten) your seatbelt and everything will be fine.

Passenger: I don’t mean 3)………..(be) difficult, but I would like 4)……….(sit)next to the window. Is this all right?

Flight Attendant: Of course. This seat is free. You can sit here. Would you like a newspaper to read?

Passenger: No, thank you. I prefer 5)……..(read) books to 6)……..(read) newspapers.

Flight Attendant: Well, I must 7)………(check) on the other passengers now.

Passenger:Oh. I’m sorry for8)………..(talk) too much. I’m just too nervous about the flight.

Flight Attendant: Just try 9)……....(relax) a little bit, sir. I’ll stop 10) ……….(see) how you are later.

Passenger: Thank you. I hate 11)……..(cause) so much trouble.

Compose similar dialogues between:

a) a customer and a shop assistance;

b) a doctor and a patient;

c) a teacher and a student.


Exercise 17. Supply the necessary preposition:


at from in of on to


1.She's very clever ___ imitating her Irish accent. 2.I'm not accustomed ____ being treated like this. 3.I wasn't keen ____ going there on my own. 4.He was clever ____ finding bargains. 5.Despite her illness, she remains actively engaged ____ shaping policy. 6.Sheila is interested ____ starting her own business. 7.My grandfather was very fond ____ handing out advice to all my friends. 8.His back injury may prevent him _____ playing in tomorrow's game. 9. A force 10 wind is capable ____ blowing the roofs off houses. 10. I'm surprised ____ finding you in. 11. I was afraid ___ disturbing you. 12. He left Manchester with the intention ____ finding a job in London. 13.Lately I've been toying with the idea ___ going back to school. 14. There is no great harm ___ taking something to relieve a headache. 15. He was very good ______ imitating bird calls. 16. Loreen was angry _____ being denied the opportunity to see me. 17. I called in the hope ______ finding her at home. 18. He gives an impression_______ being a hard worker. 19.The community benefits _____ having an excellent health service. 20. I've always been afraid ____ flying. 21. We were prevented ____ entering the house.



for of in with about


1.You can't really blame Helen ____ not wanting to get involved. 2.I had never thought ____ becoming an actor. 3.I apologize ____ interrupting. 4.I'd never dream ____ allowing my child to do that. 5.The firm specializes ____ printing calendars. 6.He is responsible ___ recruiting and training new staff. 7.Only the Democratic party is capable ____ running the country. 8.She won't thank you ___ telling everyone how old she is. 9.Her books succeed ____ bringing historical characters to life. 10. He tried to run away from the police and was later charged ___ resisting arrest. 11. What do you know ____ making maps? 12. Jack liked the idea ____ having his own farm, but wasn't so sure he'd like the reality. 13. Don't punish him ____ shouting. 14. They had great difficulty ___ finding replacement. 15. He's only got himself to thank ____ losing his job. 16. He made the fatal mistake ___ believing what they told him. 17. She had another feeble excuse ____ being late. 18. She was determined to follow her own inclinations _____ choosing a career. 19. There is little point _____ telling her now. 20. The chances ___winning faded to nothing. 21. The thought ____ flying fills me with panic. 22. I was on the point ___ going to bed when you rang. 23. Her interest ____ gardening is reflected in her novels.


Exercise 18. Supply a preposition if necessary:

1.Are you interested ____ working for us? 2.I’m not very good ____ learning languages. 3.I’m fed up ____ studying. 4.The children are excited ____ going on holiday. 5.What are the advantages ____ having a car? 6.This knife is only ____ cutting bread. 7.This book is worth ____ reading. 8.John went to work ___ ____ __ being ill. 9.Susan suggested _____ going for a walk. 10.I bought a new bicycle _______ __ going away on holiday. 11.I prefer cycling _____ driving. 12.He was looking _______ ___ seeing Ann again. 13.Has Tom succeeded _____ finding a job? 14.I don’t feel _____ going out tonight. 15.Are you thinking ______ buying a new house? 16.I’ve always dreamed _____ being rich. 17.She doesn’t approve ______ gambling. 18.He insisted _____ buying me a present. 19.We decided _____ moving to London. 20.He apologized ____ keeping me waiting. 21.They accused me ____ telling lies. 22.Did they suspect the man ____ being a spy. 23.I congratulated Ann _____ passing the exam. 24.What prevented him ____ coming to the wedding? 25.We stopped everyone _____ leaving the building. 26.I thanked her _____ being so helpful. 27.I can’t stand _____ gossiping. 28.Please forgive me _____ not writing to you. 29.If you walk into the road ____ looking, you risk ____ being knocked down by a car. 30.They warned us ___ buying the flat.


Exercise 19. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct verb form:

1.Jane went on… (sleep) for another two hours. 2.He told us his name and went on….(introduce) us to his wife. 3.We didn’t mean…(interrupt) you. 4.Being a doctor means …(work) long hours. 5.She tried…(finish) her homework, but it was difficult. 6.You should try …(eat) more fruit. It’s good for your health. 7.He regrets…(argue) with his best friend. 8.We regret……(inform) you that tonight’s performance will be cancelled. 9.Oh, no. I forgot…(lock) the front door. 10.I’ll never forget …(meet) my favourite film star. 11.Claire likes…(ski). She says it’s very exciting. 12.I like…(go) to the dentist every six months. 13.I must remember….(post) this letters. 14.I remember…(read) this book, but I don’t remember who wrote it. 15.I’m sorry for…(forget) your birthday. It was awful of me. 16.She is afraid…(climb) the tree in case she falls. 17.Mary never wears her diamond ring. She is afraid of…(lose) it. 18.I have stopped…(watch) horror films because they give me nightmares. 19.We stopped…(buy) some food before continuing our journey. 20.I’m sorry…(say) that you have failed the exam.


Exercise 20. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct verb form:

1.You must remember (call) at the bank on your way home because we need (order) some traveller’s cheques.

2.Could you stop (type) for a moment? I need (concentrate) on this letter.

3.I hope you haven’t forgotten (telephone) the garage because the car badly needs (service).

4.We could try (make) a dash for the car if it only stop (rain) for a moment.

5. I’m sure you won’t regret (buy) the house, even though it need (paint) and (decorate).

6.I regret (say) that he has forgotten ever (promise) you a job.

7.I don’t remember (take) my wallet out of my bag, but I must have done it when I stopped (buy) petrol.

8.As I told you, he’s rather deaf, so don’t forget (try) (shout) if he doesn’t answer the door at first.

9.I’ve considered (ask) him (raise) my salary but I don’t think he can afford it.

10.If the machine happens (stop) (work), just telephone and arrange for the service engineer (call).

11.I can’t help (think) that we shouldn’t have agreed (lend) him our car.

12.If you’ve finished (use) the typewriter, I’d like (borrow) it for a while, so that I can get used to (type) with that machine.

13.He regrets (steal) money now.

14.Sheila will always regret (not go) to University.

15.The headmaster does not allow us (run) along the corridors.

16. The teacher on duty does not allow (shout).

17.Don’t forget (write) to me when you are away.

18.Have you forgotten about (send) her a message?

19.Tony can’t work without (turn) at least twice.

20.Always remember (wipe) your feet before entering the house during the rainy season.


Exercise 21. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct verb form:

1 A: Have you decided where …..(spend) your holiday?

B: Yes. I would like……(go) to a Greek island.

2 A: I hate………( clean) the house.

B: Me too. I wish I could afford ……(employ) a cleaner.

3 A: Jane seems………(sleep) for hours.

B: Yes. She must be very tired.

4 A: What are you doing this weekend?

B: Well, James suggested………(drive) to the seaside.

5 A: Steve claims………(travel) around the world.

B: Yes, he seems ………(go) to a lot of places.

6 A: It was nice of John……..(visit) us yesterday.

B: Yes. I was happy to see him.

7 A: I’m sure I’ve failed my exam.

B: Well, there is no point in……..(worry) until you get your results.

8 A: We should……..(tell) Sue about the party.

B: Yes. We had better…….(invite) Tony too.

9 A: Did the police arrest the man?

B: Yes. He admitted to………(steal) the car.

10 A: Did you have a nice evening?

B: Not really. I arrived home only………(find) that I’d left my keys at work.


Exercise 22. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct verb form:

1.Simon was the last person…(arrive) at the office. 2.She can’t get used to…(work) for such a large company. 3. It’s no use…(ask) Paul. He won’t be able to help you. 4.Peter denied…(break) the classroom window. 5.I will…(feed) the dogs this afternoon. 6.We had better …(run) or we will miss the train. 7.It was very kind of him…(help) me tidy the house. 8.She refused…(answer) his questions. 9.He is far too young …(stay) out late at night. 10.Her teacher let her…(bring) her lunch into the classroom. 11.I don’t mind………(help) you with your hometask. 12.We don’t allow students………..(talk) during exams. 13.She dislikes …(wear) suits to work. 14.It was a mistake …(leave) the door unlocked. 15.The thieves were seen……(drive) a stolen car. 16.I advise you …(look for) a new job. 17.There is no point in……(get) angry with him. It’s not his fault. 18.I’ll take a book…(read)on the plane.


Exercise 23. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct verb form:

ASue has decided 1)……….(apply) for a new job. Her mother advised her 2)……….(write) to several different companies. Sue would like 3)……….(work) for a large company where she can 4) ………(meet) new people.


B Carol is too ill 1)………(go) to work today. She has managed 2)………(drink) some tea and now she wants 3)……….(sleep). Her husband offered 3)………..(call) the doctor, but Carol would prefer 5)……….(wait) and see if she feels better tomorrow.


C Daniel would like 1)………(get) his teacher a present, but he doesn’t know what 2)………(choose). He is thinking of 3)……….(buy) her a book because he knows that she enjoys 4)………. (read). His sister will help him 5)………(pick) a good one.


DI dislike 1)………(shop) because I can’t stand 2)………(be) in crowded places. If I have to 3)………(go) into town, I avoid 4)……….. (visit) shops where there are a lot of people.


EJoan can’t afford 1)……….(go) on holiday this year, but she intends 2)……..(save) up so that she can manage 3)………..(travel) around Europe next summer. She is looking forward to 4)………..(visit) a lot of exciting places.


Exercise 24. Tick the possible answers:

1.We discussed it for a long time and in the end he……………..to sponsor the festival.

a) agreed b) offered c) gave up

2.When I ………………going to the cinema he said he preferred the theatre.

a) asked b) refused c) suggested

3.If you live abroad for some time you ………………..losing the old friends in your homeland.

a) risk b) put off c) fail

4.It wasn’t easy but we ………………to get an interview with the Queen Mother.

a) gave up b)managed c) failed

5.I think you should ………………studying medicine you would make an excellent doctor.

a) decide b) consider c) agree

6 The theatre was so small that they ………………….to let any more people in.

a) denied b) refused c)gave up

7.She is not reach now so she had to…………eating out and buying expensive clothes.

a) give up b) afford c) consider

8.If you want to be a manager you should …………to deal with people tactfully but firmly.

a) practice b) learn c) admit


Exercise 25. Use six of the verbs below to describe some of the things that happened to you this week:

Example: Yesterday, I just avoided having an accident on my bicycle.

Avoid, afford, manage, admit, promise, consider,

learn, plan, practise, decide, put off, fail, risk,

suggest, agree, offer, give up, refuse, deny.


Exercise 26. Write advice for a foreigner visiting your country:

Example: Avoid coming here in winter- it’s too cold.

In pairs , discuss your advice.


A: Avoid coming here in winter.

B: I don’t agree, you can go skiing in the mountains



Exercise 27. Paraphrase the following using the word given:

Example: I phoned Ann and then I went out. - After phoning Ann I went out.

1.Tom went to bed but before he had a hot drink. - Before………

2.The plane took off and soon afterwards it crashed. - Soon after………

3.We didn’t eat at home. We went to the restaurant instead. - Instead of……

4.You put people’s life in danger if you drive dangerously.- You put people’s life in danger by……….

5.He hurt his leg but he managed to win the race. - In spite of………

6.Bill is a very good cook. - Bill is very good at……………….

7.I don’t intend to lend her any money. - I have no intention of………

8.George took more exercise and so lost weight. - By…………

9.He was angry with me because I was late. - He was angry with me for……………

10.Tom thinks that doing nothing is better than working. -Tom prefers doing nothing to………

Exercise 28. Paraphrase using gerund:


1.Remember that I met your brother in the Caucasus. 2.He suggested that we should start at once. 3.She quite understood that you disliked the idea of remaining in town the whole summer. 4.I propose that we shall do the work. 5.I prefer that you decide for yourself. 6.I insist that he should come up with us. 7.He is responsible that letter is delivered today. 8.He denied that I had seen him. 9.She disliked that I told her the truth. 10.He objected that we should start so early. 11.He admitted that he was wrong. 12.The doctor insisted that the patient should go to the South.


1.I remember Mother reprimanded me when I spoiled her fish-cake. 2.We recommend that work should start at once. 3. Thank you that you reminded me. 4.He doesn’t like when you interfere. 5.He prevents when I help him. 6.Nobody knew that they had agreed to take part in the expedition. 7.He was afraid that the news might cause excitement among the girls. 8.I can’t recollect that they ever invited me to stay with them for the weekend. 9.Nell denies that she is a bore. 10.They suggested that the meeting should be postponed. 11.I hope you will excuse that I came so late. 12.He was occupied with the translation and did not notice that I had entered the room.


Exercise 29. Define the function of the gerund:

1.The weather is too nasty for sailing. 2.They tried to leave the restaurant without paying for their meal. 3.She has a habit of playing with her hair when she's nervous. 4.The protests became more violent and many people were panicked into leaving the country. 5.He came in panting after running up the stairs. 6.Anyone reading the advertisement might be pardoned for thinking that the offer is genuine. 7.Pardon me for saying so, but you don't look well. 8.Health education will play a part in preparing us for old age. 9.Sam didn't seem too disappointed at losing. If anything, he seemed relieved that it was all over. 10.She was fired for not performing the duties outlined in her contract. 11.He obtained permission from his boss before talking to the press. 12.When do you plan on going to Geneva? 13.A good diet and fitness play a large part in helping people to live longer. 14.Some snakes fool predators by playing dead. 15.He played the fool at school instead of working. 16.I'm used to driving on the left. 17.He was fined for being drunk in charge of a car. 18.This is a tool for opening tins. 19. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. 20.For days he was haunted by the fear of being found out.


Exercise 30. Define the function of the gerund:

1.The children are aware of the danger of taking drugs. 2.Sometimes he would make himself useful in the kitchen by cleaning and tidying. 3.It's time you started acting like a responsible adult. 4.Going on the expedition gives me a chance to use all the training I've had. 5.These lights are used for illuminating the playing area. 6.Learning a language isn't easy – it takes time. 7.The talks results in reducing the number of missiles. 8.Television is useful for making up your mind how to vote. 9.Why didn't you cover the furniture before you started decorating? 10. Lora entered the room without knocking. 11. The film is well worth seeing. 12. It's worth checking the details of the contract before you sign it. 13. She succeeded after trying again. 14. I've no intention of changing my plans just to fit in with his. 15. The pie has already been cooked – it just needs heating. 16. When he's in one of his moods, it's useless trying to discuss anything with him. 17. We'll all be dead in a hundred years so there's no point worrying about it. 18. Besides doing the cooking I look after the garden. 19. We twisted the bed sheets into a rope and escaped by climbing down it. 20. Turn right after passing the Post Office.


Exercise 31. Define the function of the gerund:

1.The scientist was afraid of speaking out publicly for fear of losing his job. 2.It's so good seeing you after all these years. 3.I'd advise you against saying anything to the press. 4.I wish you'd stop telling me what to do. 5.Dieting also means being careful about which foods you buy. 6.We had difficulty in finding a parking place. 7.We're planning turning the back room into a bedroom for my mother. 8.The company is in the process of moving to new offices. 9.She just keeps on working, day after day, week after week, without stopping. 10. Taste it before complaining. 11. Failing an exam was a new experience for me. 12. I have great hopes of getting financial support for the project. 13. Your duties include checking the post and distributing it. 14. It's no use shouting. 15. There is just one way of saving him. 16. These jeans are so worn, they are hardly worth keeping. 17. Where's the key for turning off the radiator? 18. It's always a risk starting up a new business. 19. Say all the parts out before you start assembling the model. 20. One of the greatest annoyances was being bitten by mosquitoes every night.


Exercise 32. Define the function of the gerund:

1.Watching that holiday program has given Mandy ideas of going abroad. 2.Would you mind telling me what you were doing on the afternoon of Friday the 13th of March? 3.Don't assume that winning a talent contest is a passport to success. 4.The report stresses the necessity of eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. 5.I'm against boxing. 6.Children learn best by studying at their own pace. 7.Have you finished packing yet? 8.Buying a house seemed a great idea at the time, but now I can see it was a mistake. 9.It's an idea that's worth considering. 10. Jill kept insisting on her innocence. 11. Sometimes I feel like packing it all in and going off traveling. 12. I had no means of telling him I would be late. 13. It's a pain having to go upstairs to make the coffee every time. 14. From past experience she knew that it was no use arguing with him. 15. Watching the sun rise over the mountain was an almost mystical experience. 16. The president continued by saying that his country was a free country and would always remain so. 17. We're all counting on winning this contract. 18. My parents decided to punish me by withdrawing financial support. 19. The mass media is to blame for starting the rumours. 20. He had no intention of paying me the money. 21.The train started moving as I was getting on. 22. Dick will persist in riding that dreadful bicycle.



Exercise 33. Define the function of the gerund:


1.Try and do it without making any mistakes. 2.Smokers have a one in three chance of dying from their habit. 3.Beating a child will do you more harm than good. 4.He may not be able to help but there's no harm in asking him. 5.She passed me in the street without even saying hello. 6.There's no regretting my decision. 7.Jill couldn't resist making jokes about his baldness. 8.Even hearing his name was painful to him. 9.For my part, I prefer living in the country. 10. He hates being parted from the children. 11. A couple of men started fighting and we had to pull them apart. 12. The Puritans left England to escape being persecuted. 13. Planning a small garden is often difficult. 14. Karen began to play basketball when she was six. 15. There is no means of finding out what happened. 16. What did she mean by leaving so early? 17. Stop playing games, Luke, and tell me what you want.18.The outside of the house needs painting. 19. There's no sense in quarrelling over the past. 20. Why didn't you ask for help, rather than trying to do it on your own? 21. She has no real chance of passing the exam. 22. I recall seeing him there. 23. What would you recommend for removing ink stains? 24. I have no regrets about leaving. 25. Playing cards helped to pass the time.



1.Controlling my temper has been one of my goals this year. 2.The biggest problem is choosing. 3.Choosing an apartment turned out to be a lot more difficult. 4.Andrew deserves praising. 5.Dieting is very popular now. 6.I love crossing the Thames at night. 7.Thinking is far from knowing. 8.One learns by failing. 9.People will always gossip. There is no preventing it. 10.Proposing without performing is mere folly. 11.I drink nothing without seeing it, and I sign nothing without reading it. 12.No progressing is regressing. There is no denying it. 13.Every other minute he kept glancing at his watch. 14.The water needs filtering. 15.There was little hope of meeting them at the party. 16.It’s little use trying to improve the situation. 17.He stopped writing and ran out into the bathroom. 18.I don’t like being lied to- and that is, I think, what you are trying to do. 19.He left without having paid the bill. 20.The boy spent half the night in writing. 21.He was in the habit of dozing after dinner in his favourite armchair. 22.On reading her letter he had once more a feeling of disappointment. 23.By studying early in the morning he saved a lot of time. 24.She knew there was a danger of falling ill. 25.Before speaking he carefully thought out what he was going to say.


Exercise 34. Define the function of the gerund:

1.Doreen insisted on seeing her lawyer. 2.Modern educational theory stresses the importance of developing the problem-solving capacity of children. 3.Mike's always good at coming up with new ideas. 4.Try to break the habit of adding salt to your food at the table. 5.Would you mind holding the door open for me, please? – Oh, with pleasure. 6.She remembered as a child trailing after her older brothers, wanting to join in their games. 7.This complete idiot of a man drove straight out in front of me without even looking! 8.It's well worth getting there before early if you want a good seat. 9.We were planning on just having a snack and catching the early train. 10.Jane had the idea of starting her own business. 11.Is there anything worth buying? 12.The best cure is carrying out social reforms rapidly. 13.Changing trains with all that luggage was real hassle. 14.She replied without hesitating. 15.You're only laying trouble for yourself by not mending that roof now. 16.We're going to look round a little before deciding when to buy a house. 17.The garden needs weeding. 18.Travelling by train is still one of the safest methods of transport. 19.There is no use doing this again. 20.This is a case for keeping records in. 21.Sam disguised himself by shaving his head and wearing a false beard. 22.I didn’t tell her this because I was afraid of upsetting her.


Exercise 35. Complete the following sentences with suitable gerunds:

1.I'm not in the habit …2.Missing the holiday was …3.Doreen was angry at …4.He denied … 5.Doreen had a habit …6.A corkscrew is a tool for …7.Who gave you the idea …8.If you seriously want to save money you’d better give up ….9. I don’t mind most housework but I can’t stand….. 10.The puppies looked so sweet that I couldn’t resist….. 11.If you want to learn to ride a horse, you won’t be able to avoid…. 12.Must you keep…? It’s really annoying! 13.I’d hate to be a miner. Can you imagine…..? 14.Can I have a newspaper if you’ve finished….? 15.The man the police caught finally admitted….. 16.When he said he had forgotten the phone number, I suggested… 17.My job as a tourist guide involves….. 18.Nobody suspects you…. 19.She never takes a trouble….. 20.Is it worth….? 21.I can’t help….. 22.Ted hesitated before…. 23.What he loves best in the world is… 24.There is little hope…. 25.Don’t insist…. 26.Why don’t you persist….? 27.At the reception I had the pleasure….


Exercise 36. Complete the following sentences by adding the correct preposition and a suitable gerund:

1.I’m really looking forward ……………….your sister, I’ve heard so much of her.

2.We’re thinking……………. to Turkey this summer.

3.Arnold was falsely accused……………..cash from the till.

4. When I was a child my mother was always warning me………… lifts from strangers.

5.Jean does not believe…………….today what she can put off until tomorrow!

6.Trevor is absolutely hopeless……………photos- he always cuts your feet or head off!

7.Lesley’s rather anxious……………the doctor next week- she thinks it might be something serious.

8.Emma was furious with me…………..her ex-boyfriend to the party.

9.Anyone interested…………..on the trip to Bath should tell Kerry by noon today.

10.I’m tired……………the same old faces every day- I need a change!

11.I intend to find out who’s responsible………….the window.

12.Dr Forts is famous…………….people’s names- I’m surprised he can remember his own!

13.Carol is incredibly honest. She’d never dream…………a lie.

14.Sally found it difficult to re-adjust to the British way of life ……………back from a long holiday in the Greek islands.

15.What’s the name of that stuff you use…………………grass stains out of clothes?

16.MANUFACTURER’S WARNING: Always wear safety goggles……………this machinery.

17.You must check in your mirror ……………..another car on the motorway.


Exercise 37. Choose the gerund or the infinitive. State in what sentences both forms are possible and in what sentences only one:

1.I hate ______ the beginning of a film (missing, to miss).

2.I'm trying ______ an excuse for missing the office party. (to find / finding)

3.I hate ______ , but it's time we left. (to interrupt / interrupting)

4.The meeting began promisingly, but then things started _______. (to go wrong / going wrong)

5.They started __________ the house in January. (to build / building)

6.I was starting _______ a letter when the phone rang. (to write / writing)

7.I like _______ in bed on Sunday morning. (to lie / lying)

8.I don't like _______ people. (to upset / upsetting)

9.Would you mind _________ a little please? (to turn radio down / turning radio down)

10.I want ______ because I enjoy meeting people and seeing new places. (to travel / travelling)

11.Have you finished ______ that magazine? (to read / reading)

12.I prefer ______ alone. (to walk / walking)

13.I dislike _______ and I hate the countryside. (to walk / walking)

14.I strongly suspect that they're trying ________. (to get rid of me / getting rid of me)

15.Jane has just begun ________. (to learn to drive / learning to drive)

16.John likes ________ his evenings in front of the television. (to spend / spending)

17.His written French is very good but he needs to practice ________ it. (to speak / speaking)

18.I've just had an inspiration. Why don't we try _______ it the other way? (to turn / turning)


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THE GERUNDIAL CONSTRUCTION (COMPLEX) | Define the form of the gerund in the following sentences;
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