In this sentence pattern the gerund is very rarely used. It is more often found after the verb 'to use':
Bob uses the van for picking up groceries.
A hammer is used for driving in nails.
Put those clothes in a pile for mending.
Exercise 11. Supply the preposition:
1.He got into the building _________ being noticed. 2.The child occupied himself _______ playing video games. 3.They exchanged a final kiss _______ parting. 4.He learnt English ___ listening to the radio. 5.The climbers are a day late ____ coming down from the mountain and the authorities are beginning to have fears for their safety. 6.If you suffer from back pain, consult your doctor _____ attempting this exercise. 7.How are you? 'Fine and all the better ____ seeing you'. 8.It said a lot for the manager that the team remained confident _____ losing. 9.He has applied for parole ______ serving seven years of a 23-year sentence. 10. Lewis stopped off in Jamaica ______ flying into Toronto. 11. You can call up the lift ___ pushing this button. 12. Alec walked right by me ______ even saying hello. 13. You must ask permission ______ taking any photographs inside the church. 14. Stephen was arrested at Heathrow _______ flying from Brussels airport. 15. Don't spoil your appetite ___ eating sweets between meals. 16. We were advised to boil the water ______ drinking it. 17. The teacher told him off _____ answering back all the time. 18. Anyone with an ounce of common sense would have checked their tyres ______ driving all that way. 19. I was so annoyed with him ______ turning up late that I couldn't speak to him for half an hour. 20. Animals are distinguished from plants ______ obtaining their nourishment from other living organisms or their remains. 21. I'd like to answer your question ______ posing another one.
Exercise 12. Define the function of the gerund in the following sentences:
1.David was angry with himself for letting the others see his true feelings. 2.Before leaving he said good-bye to each of them. 3.Stephen walked by me without speaking. 4.There were still some tickets available last week, but he missed the boat by waiting till today to try to buy some. 5.He just does things without thinking and he gets himself into such a mess. 6.He thought for a moment before replying. 7.The teacher punished the class by giving them extra work. 8.Besides doing the cooking I help Dick in the garden. 9.Miranda, pleased with herself for getting it right, sat down. 10.He provoked outrage by calling the TV programmes 'talking wallpaper'. 11.He spoke for three hours without ceasing. 12.He escaped by passing himself off as a guard. 13.The government has decided to ban tobacco advertising and in doing so has made a great contribution to the nation's health. 14.Cora earns her living by selling insurance. 15.Do you play any other sports besides ice-skating and darts? 16.Try to work without making a noise. 17.She couldn't talk for coughing. 18.After running in the marathon, she was flat out for a week. 19.He didn't answer for fear of hurting her. 20.We wasted a whole hour talking round the problem instead of discussing ways of solving it. 21.More and more couples are setting up home together without getting married. 22.I prefer to travel by train rather than driving a car. 23.He sat gazing out of the window instead of listening to the teacher. 24.Diana is a good person to work for, forceful without being bossy. 25.Regular exercise is just as important as eating the right type of food.
Exercise 13. Define the function of the gerund in the following sentences:
1.May I have the pleasure of seeing you again? 2.On receiving their letter I decided to make a donation to help their campaign. 3.They were sitting there now before going out to dinner. 4.He bought pictures instead of buying me the things I wanted. 5.I don't want her to make a habit of being late. 6.He felt irritation at being disturbed. 7.But after hesitating a moment or two, Jack knocked on the door. 8.She had a real passion for reading. 9.All last night I could not sleep for thinking of your danger. 10. There was a reason for not doing so. 11. She lost her job through falling ill at the wrong time. 12. I don't like his habit of making people wait. 13. I cut him short by giving him the telegram. 14. Did he have any special reason for doing that? 15. Certainly I should have no objection to working with the man. 16. There was no point in going further. 17. I could give you a hundred reasons for not going. 18. Let's play football instead of watching television. 19. 'No', he replied, without pausing for thought. 20. Anything could be better than staying at home.