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I. Перекладіть наступні речення, звернув увагу на переклад пасивного стану і умовного способу.

1. While Trades Union Congress leaders were being pressed yesterday at Downing Street to agree to wage freezing, Stock Exchange speculators were push­ing share prices to a new record level.

2. This report — the first of which will appear next autumn,— would give the T.U.C. views on the general level of pay increases in the following years. Claims notified to the General Council by unions would be in accordance with it. Discussions with the Department of Economic Affairs and the Confederation of British Industry would take place before the drawing up of the report.

3. Tomorrow night's meeting of the Parliamentary Labor Party, when the Prime Minister will wind up the discussions on the Market, will conclude his formal­ity of consulting backbenchers about a decision he has already made in principle. His speech to MPs is to be published immediately after it is made, which is thought to be a further indication of his efforts to guide opinion the way he wants. Anti-Market MPs hope that the speech Mr E.S. will make will also get simi­lar facilities and be published in full. Most MPs would be surprised if the Cabinet should fail to endorse the Prime Minister's known desire to ask for negotia­tions on the transitional arrangements needed during the period of Britain's adjustment to Common Market laws and practice.

4. Behind this action lie an admission of, and a determination to solve, the real problem of every weatherman — that meteorologists actually know frighten­ingly little about the weather. "If a scientist in any other field made predictions based on so little basic information," the head of the United States Weather Bu­reau's international unit remarked recently "he'd be flatly out of his mind." And if chemistry were now at the same stage as meteorology, a colleague added, the world would just be beginning to worry about the horrifying effect of gunpowder in warfare.

5. The repercussions in Nigeria, should he carry out his threat to resign, might be even more serious. In September a conference is due to be held in London at which representatives from all parts of Nigeria will be present.

6. If the British Government were to declare that the M.L.F. should be aban­doned and make a call for practical steps of disarmament it would find a big response here.

7. Both countries have an interest in avoiding such an extention of the area of conflict because of the threatening consequences, were the localization to fail.

8. A heavy expenditure on atomic development for peaceful purposes, if con­trolled by the people, would ultimately pay handsome dividends.

9. The decision that there should be no broadcast on matters which were about to be debated in Parliament was originally neither negotiated nor bargained for.

10. An undertaking by non-nuclear states not to acquire nor manufacture nu­clear weapons would be an important step. The guarantee through the U. N. should safeguard against threats by countries embarking on a nuclear weapons capability, as well as those which already had that capability, the Indian delegate said.

11. That the decision of the steering committee should have been overruled by the narrow margin of one vote only points to the necessity of continuing the debates.

12. "Of the 550,000 people who die each year, at least 100,000 die of condi­tions that can now be prevented or whose destructive powers can be diminished or postponed." Dr W. illustrated his point with the case of the Rhondda, where the health facilities "are quite inadequate." Of the 1,380 people who died there in 1965, 388 would have survived if the death rate had been as low as in the rest of England and Wales.

13. Mr H. suggested that the Lord Chancellor should help the Smith regime make sense of the proposals for setting up an interim Government which it had not been able to accept. He said it was "a mark of bankruptcy of statesmanship" to come to the point where mandatory sanctions had to be used — a remark which -brought murmurs from the Labor benches. He asked the Prime Minister for a cate­gorical undertaking that if oil sanctions were proposed particularly against South Africa, the British Government would use its veto. This brought cries of "no" from a number of Labor back-benchers.

14. Women demanding equal pay should press home their campaign. For the P.I.B.'s proposal that nationalized industry chiefs should get the same as the heads of the firms with similar responsibilities is, after all, only another way of saying that pay should be equal for work of equal value.

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 967

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