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Unit 1

1.1.comparable 2.convertible 3.valuable 4.intellectual 5.insistent 6.contradictory 7.wooden 8.fruitful 9.courageous 10.frosty

2.11.unlike 12. irregular 13.immobile 14.illegal 15.dishonest 16.non-standard 17.ungracious 18.incompatible 19.inexperienced 20.indirect

3.21.shaven 22.drunken 23.shrunken 24.wicked [-id] 25.legged [-id] 26.crooked [-id] 27.learned [-id] 28.blessed [-id] 29.ragged [-id] 30.dogged [-id]


Unit 2

1.31. something new today 32.court martial 33.the peach tastes sweet 34.anyone interested 35.she seems happy 36.figures available on this question 37.notary public 38.she is afraid of him 39. brave enough to do it 40.you look nice

2.41.an extravagant expensive black Scottish woollen suit 42.a beautiful young Irish woman 43.a beautiful calm winter day 44.a good big old black dog 45.an expensive antique ceramic vase 46.a famous Russian historic film 47.a nice straight Roman nose 48.an impressive old silver ring 49.a nice little old town 50.a little old red plastic toy

Unit 4

1.51.clumsy – clumsier/more clumsy – the clumsiest/the most clumsy 52.bad – worse – the worst 53.narrow – narrower/more narrow – the narrowest/the most narrow 54. regular – more regular – the most regular 55.complete – completer/more complete – the completest/ the most complete 56.merry – merrier/more merry – the merriest/the most merry 57.far – father/further – the farthest/the furthest 58.old – older/elder – the oldest/the eldest 59.little – less – the least/the last 60.stupid – more stupid – the most stupid

2. 61.not so/as old as 62. not so/as red as 63. not so/as expensive as 64.not so/as good as 65.not so/as heavy as 66.not so/as pretty as 67.not so/as long as 68.not so/as heavy 69.not so/as ancient 70.not so/as narrow as

3.71. the loudest 72. much more beautiful 73. the cleverest 74. much worse 75. much/far higher 76. much funnier 77. much better 78. the more the better 79. the more you learn the more you know 80. the stronger you become the less you get tired


Unit 5

81. terrifying 82. shocked 83. exciting 84. amused 85. embarrassed 86. interested 87. depressing 88. worried 89. boring, bored 90. fascinated


Unit 6

91.Only the young have … . 92.The impossible has … . 93.The English 94.the wounded 95.A Czech 96.The blind 97.The Japanese, two Indians. 98.the sweets 99.The quiet 100.A Dutchman


Review Exercises

1. 1. Attractive2. manageable 3.energetic 4.humourous 5.permissible 6.illegal 7.non-smoking 8.irresponsible 9.illiterate 10.conclusive.

2. 1. happier, 2.the happiest, 3.more careless, 4.the most careless, 5.simpler/more simple, 6.the simplest/the most simple, 7.farther/further, 8.least, 9.smaller, 11.further

3. 1.the rich, 2.the poor, 3.shocked, 4.embarrassed, 5.the old, 6.the blind, 7.the sighted, 8.the deaf, 9.the unemployed, 10.the young, 11.depressed, 12.distressed, 13.distressed, 14.depressed, 15.the living, 16.the dead.

4. 1.expensive Italian handmade leather shoes (or Expensive handmade Italian leather shoes) 2.beautiful old pair 3.backdoorstep 4.large friendly dog (exceptionally, size comes before the general adjective here) 5.badly 6.good 7.good 8. remaining Italian shoe 9.unchewed Italian shoe 10.red fur-lined slippers



Unit 1

1.favourable, 2.bushy, 3.thoughtful, 4.courageous, 5.respectful, 6.bookish, 7. executive, 8.intellectual, 9.valuable, 10.woolen

2. 11. non-violent, 12. disobedient, 13. illegitimate, 14. non-standard, 15.disreputable, 16.tasteless, 17.indecisive, 18.immoral, 19.immature, 20.uncomfortable.

3. 21. -t 22. -id 23. -id 24. -id 25. -id 26. -t 27. -id 28. -d 29. -id 30. -id.

Unit 2

1.31. a steamer ready to sail off 32. attorney general 33. the music sounds nice 34. anyone interested 35. she gets angry 36. data available on this question 37. the doctor concerned is on holiday 38. a rose smells sweet 39. energy enough for that 40. it sounds good for me

2. 41. an expensive long white and pink Indian cotton dress 42. a nice old English lady 43. a nice sunny summer day 44. a fat old black cat 45. an expensive antique metal box 46. a famous funny American movie 47. an ugly large red nose 48. a fashionable new gold ring 49. a lovely little old village 50. a big old red plastic bag


Unit 4

1. 51. tenderer – the tenderest/more tender – the most tender 52. better – the best 53. nobler – the noblest/more noble – the most noble 54. completer – the completest/more complete – the most complete 55. happier – the happiest/more happy – the most happy 56. heavier – the heaviest/more heavy -- the most heavy 57. bigger – the biggest 58. finer – the finest 59. more private – the most private

2.60. was not as/so bronzed 61. not as/so nice 62. not as/so hot 63. not as/so proud 64. not as/so musical 65. not as/so interested 66. not as/so active 67. not as/so deep 68. not as/so expensive 69. not as/so experienced 70. not as/so narrow

3. 71. the cleanest 72. much cleaner 73. the best 74. much better 75. much more interesting 76. much busier 77. far worse 78. the brighter the sun, the warmer the days 79. the more you drink, the more you are thirsty 80. the more we love a woman, the less we are liked by her

Unit 5

81. horrified, 82.bored, 83.excited, 84.amusing, 85.embarrassing, 86.interested, 87.depressing, 88.worried, 89.disgusting 90.fascinating


Unit 6

91.the rich, 92.the dead, 93.the young, 94.the experienced, 95. greens, 96.the rich, 97.the poor, 98.valuables, 99.Swiss, 100.the Scotch


Chapter 3 A D V E R B S



Unit 1

1.The balloon didn’t go very high. 2.The dog came quite near. 3.They work very hard. 4.They hardly had any time for lunch. 5.I nearly caught the fish.


Unit 2

1. 6. Are you usually at home in the evening? 7. They have finally caught the cat. 8. Sally doesn’t often listen to the news. 9. The weather is generally good here. Generally the weather is good here. The weather is good here, generally. 10. David will probably be there. Probably David will be there. 11. You never take risks. 12. Jerry is hardly ever angry. 13. I frequently lie awake at night. Frequently I lie awake at night. 14. You seldom tell jokes. 15. Mary is always late for work. 16. Ray worries often. Ray often worries. 17. He did not try hard enough. 18. She has been sad lately. 19. He sometimes argues with his wife. Sometimes he argues with his wife. He argues with his wife sometimes. 20. Yesterday he laughed at the comedy show. He laughed at the comedy show yesterday. 21. I never wish things were different. 22. It’ll be 9 o’clock soon. 23. I have just seen a marvelous film. 24. She did not read quickly enough then. 25. The exam is finally over.

2. 26. I usually take sugar in my tea. 27. ‘Where’s Jim?’ ‘He has probably gone home early. 28. Jane is always generous. 29. We always have to wait a long time for a bus. 30. Sally and Chuck were both born in Leeds. 31. Jeff is a good pianist. He can also sing very well. 32. Our television set often breaks down. 33. I can never understand why he doesn’t wear glasses. 34. I will probably be leaving early tomorrow. 35. I am afraid I will probably not be able to come to the party (Probably I won’t be). 36. If we hadn’t taken the same train, we might never have met each other. 37. I closed the door quietly. (I quietly closed the door). 38. I don’t usually have to work on Saturdays. (Usually I don’t..) 39. Does Jack always sing when he is in the bath? 40. The day was warm enough.


Unit 3

1. 41. better 42.more frequently 43.the fastest 44.most 45.more 46.more clearly 47.earlier 48.more quickly /quicker 49.(the) best 50.the fastest 51.best 52.more attentively 53.more often/oftener 54.more slowly 55.most

2. 56. Little Masha danced even more beautifully than her sister. 57. John played the worst. 58. They played worse than last week. 59. You have to get up earlier. 60. Could you say it more slowly, please? 61. He draws animals best. 62. He draws animals the best. 63. She ran the fastest. 64. You can swim father/further than Martin. 65.You can buy them the cheapest/most cheaply at the shop.


Unit 4

1. 66. happily 67daily 68.exactly 69.fast 70.early 71.late 72.little 73.hard 74.high 75. near

2. 76. good 77. well 78. good/well 79. good 80. well

3. 81.good 82.angrily 83. badly 84.clear 85.bitter 86.differently 87.simple. 88.bad 89.nice 90.quietly 91.quiet 92.quiet.93.carelessly 94.loudly/loud, clearly/clear 95.slowly/slow



Review Exercises:

96. She still loves him. 97. We are nearly at the house now. 98. We have to leave early this morning. 99. He bought the coat cheaply/cheap. 100. I have not met him before.

Review Exercises

1. low 2. widely 3. sharp 4. dearly 5. shortly 6. hard 7. tight/tightly 8. free 9. loud/loudly 10. deeply

2. My coat is warm enough. 2. I’ll be there too. 3. He reads a lot. 4. I have not seen him either. 5. The weather will evidently change tomorrow. 6. I have not seen him before. 7. I have not been there lately. 8. I have not read the letter yet. 9. Have you ever seen him? 10. He always comes early. 11. He is always here at 9 o’clock. 12. He has just finished reading. 13. I can always prove it. 14. He can walk still (yet) faster. 15. I am not quite well. 16. Speak loudly/loud and clearly/clear. 17. He ran very quickly/quick. 18. The sun is shining brightly/bright. 19. He bought the watch cheaply/cheap. 20. You will not pass your exam if you don’t work hard enough. 21. I love you too. 22. The sun shines brightly/bright in summer. 23. I have not read the book either. 24 I get very tired lately. 25. He always has his tea with milk. 26. He has just finished translating. 27 I can always help him. 28. He is still working. 29. She still loves him.



Unit 1

1.His mouth was open wide. 2.It is highly suspicious. 3.He came home late. 4. He could hardly move. 5.They came near to hear him better.


Unit 2

1.6. I usually go to the café. 7.Finally they have caught the cat. 8.We often eat seafood. 9.Generally this …. 10.Probably he isn’t coming. 11.He never tells a lie. 12.There is hardly a space here. 13.I don’t like the book very much. 14.We seldom go there. 15.She always stays … . 16.Two girls were talking loudly. 17.She thinks he is not good enough for her. 18.She has spent a lot of money lately. 19.Sometimes I can … . 20.Last year we had a marvelous holiday in France. 21.I have never been there. 22.I’ll come back soon. 23.I have just done … 24.The money was certainly on the table … 25.The work is finally over. 26.She still takes … 27.She doesn’t drive a car anymore. 28.It will rain slightly here tomorrow. 29. I still haven’t talked to him. 30.We climbed the hill easily/We easily climbed the hill


2. 31.Surely he wants promotion. 32.Have you seen any good films lately? 33.He had always visited her on her birthday before. 34.She consulted her husband at once. 35.He seems to be simple enough. 36.She talked to them naturally. 37.The boy is coming tomorrow. 38.He whispered softly in her ear, ‘I love you’. 39.He ate his food greedily. 40.They were waiting patiently. 41.Has the letter come yet? 42.David will probably be there/Probably David/will be there, probably 43.Do you come here often? 44.They talked loudly. 45.You are dancing well.


Unit 3

1. 46.better 47.more frequently 48.(the) fastest 49.most delicious 50.more 51.more clearly 52.earlier 53.harder and harder 54.better 55 (the) hardest 56.better and better 57.more interestingly 58.earlier 59.more slowly 60.I come home latest on Mondays.

2. 61. Fewer stores remained open in the evenings this year than last. 62. Let's use the least electricity possible. 63. Of the three books, I like this one the best. 64. Here is less wood than there. 65. They listened to the teacher most attentively. 66. I speak Russian best. 67. He thought about her less and less often. 68. Peter came home (the) latest. 69. I work best in the morning. 70. You can buy cheapest at our’s.


Unit 4

1.71.lovely; 72.eagerly; 73.slowly 74.long 75.elderly 76.hard 77.little 78.late 79. far 80. near

2. 81. near 82. high 83. bright(ly) 84. hardly 85. sweet 86. long 87. late 88.softly 89. nice 90. straight 91. fast 92. quiet 93. nice 94. well 95. well

Review exercise:

96. We are nearly at the house now. 97. We have to leave early this morning. 98. I lost the dictionary long ago. 99. I am not quite well./I don’t feel quite good. 100. He bought the coat cheap/cheaply



Chapter 4 P R O N O U N S


entry Test

1. 1. Incorrect – It is unclear whether the antecedent of ‘it’ is ‘telescope’ or ‘moon’. 2. Incorrect – The pronoun should be singular, not plural, because the antecedent is ‘stamp collecting’. 3. Correct – ‘It’ does not need an antecedent when it stands in for time, distance, or weather. 4. Incorrect – He or she is the correct pronoun to refer to ‘a person’ since both are singular. ‘You’ changes the voice from 3rd person to 2nd person. 5. Incorrect – In this sentence it is unclear what is the antecedent of ‘which’. Normally, pronouns refer to the closest noun.

2. 6. she, me; 7. me; 8. me; 9. I; 10. I; 11. us; 12. us; 13. me, us, we; 14. them; 15. it, it, it, it; 16. them; 17. them, They, her, it, she; 18. me, him; 19. me, him; 20. me, I.

3. 21. that; 22. that; 23. This; 24. these; 25. that; 26. this; 27. That; 28. that; 29. those; 30. those.

4. 31. mine; 32. his; 33. hers; 34. theirs; 35. ours; 36. hers; 37. his; 38. yours; 39. ours; 40. theirs.

5. 41. herself; 42. me; 43. himself; 44. her; 45. themselves; 46. you/ me/ him, etc.; 47. you; 48. yourself; 49. themselves; 50. myself; 51. you; 52. itself.

6. 53. looked at each other; 54. dislike each other; 55. each other’s coats; 56. one another’s names; 57. give each other a hard time; 58. one another’s equipment; 59. books to each other; 60. They met in 1994; 61. talking to each other; 62. They married in 1991.

7. 63. Whose; 64. Who; 65. whom; 66. Which; 67. Who; 68. Whose; 69. What; 70. Who; 71. Who.

8. 72. what, which; 73. which; 74. what, what; 75. what, which; 76. which; 77. what; 78. which; 79. what; 80. what; 81. which; 82. what; 83. which.

9. 84. Other; 85. the other; 86. the other; 87. another; 88. another; 89. the other; 90. others; 91. another; 92. other; 93. another; 94. another; 95. the other; 96. the other. 97. another; 98. another; 99. another; 100. the other.

Review 2

1.1. Albert took the book and opened it. 2. My father is fat. He weighs over 90 kilos. 3. ‘Who is that over there?’ ‘It is John Cook.’ 4. Mary is reach, isn’t she? 5. We’re going for a drink. Would you like to come with us? 6. Dad said he didn’t mind. 7. Why don’t you and I go away for the weekend? 8. Anne loved the picture because it reminded her of home. 9. It is a horrible place, London. 10. Can you help them? 11. It is ten miles to the nearest petrol station. 12. Did you give it to them? 13. They say she’s very clever. 14. I spoke to Mr Brown yesterday. He said he’d call me back. 15. These women, I’ll be glad when I go back home. 16. The ball hit her in the face.

2.One of the greatest… , but he was very absent-minded about small matters when he was thinking about his work. One morning Newton got up very early because he was working on a very difficult problem. Newton was thinking about the problem so deeply that he would not leave the problem to go to breakfast. But his housekeeper thought he needed food so he/ she sent Mary, a servant, to his study… stay with Newton until he ate the egg. But Newton wanted to be alone, and he said, «You can leave it with me, and I will boil the egg.» The servant put the egg on the table by the side of Newton’s watch and she said, «Sir Isaac Newton must boil the egg for four minutes and then the egg will be ready», then she left the room. The servant was afraid, however, that Newton might forget to boil the egg, so she returned about an hour later and found Newton standing by the fireplace. He had put the watch in the saucepan and was boiling the watch. He was holding the egg in his hand, quite unaware of the mistake that he was making.

Review 3

1. c; 2. a; 3. c; 4. b; 5. c; 6. c; 7. c; 8. b; 9. a; 10. c; 11. c; 12. a; 13. b; 14. c; 15. a;

16. b.

Review 4

1.1. I’m writing to a friend of mine. 2. …a relative of ours. 3. …a book of mine. 4. …a neighbour of ours. 5. …a friend of his. 6. …a colleague of hers. 7. They went on holiday with those friends of theirs. 8. …a parent of his. 9. A daughter of hers. 10. A partner of mine. 11. … a friend of ours. 12. a/ that boyfriend of Lucy’s. 13. a cousin of the Queen. 14. He watched each gesture of hers. 15. … an old friend of mine. 16. …a teacher of mine.

2. 1. her; 2. her; 3. his; 4. his; 5. his; 6. their; 7. his; 8. my; 9. her; 10. my; 11. your; 12. my; 13. my; 14. your; 15. his; 16. his; 17. my; 18. her; 19. her; 20. her; 21. my; 22. your; 23. her; 24. my; 25. their; 26. his.

Review 5

1.1. I cut myself…. 2. … dried ourselves. 3. … get myself some tennis shoes. 4. Talking to oneself … . 5. … about himself. 6. … to tell her… . 7. I love you for yourself… . 8. … do it yourself. 9. The house itself … . 10. … by myself. 11. … They can do it by themselves. 12. Do you shave on Sundays? 13. Try to concentrate. 14. I feel better today. 15. Hurry! 16. ... introduce herself to them.

2.1. It can’t have been Picasso himself who painted this picture. 2. It was O. Wilde himself who said: ‘A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies.’ 3. I was told about that by the headmaster himself. 4. It was the husband himself who painted the house. 5. It was Mary herself who solved that problem. 6. It was the Robinsons themselves who printed the card. 7. It was John himself who has never read the book. 8. It was I myself who painted this picture. 9. It was S. Bach himself who composed this fugue. 10. It was he himself who was too weak to do that. 11. It is you yourself who are mature enough for this. 12. It can’t have been P. McCartney himself who composed this song. 13. There can be no doubt that this book was written by E. Hemingway himself. 14. It was the CNN correspondent himself who told me the whole truth. 15. It was Julia herself who wrote her examination paper. 16. It was the President of the company herself who appeared on television on Monday.


Review 6

1. … bitterly disliked each other. 2. … they usually embrace each other. 3. We and the Smiths … . 4. We heard about them a lot … 5. Tom and Nicole parted from each other … . 6. We could talk to one another for hours! 7. … collided with each other. 8. … who are quarrelling with each other. 9. … I saw myself on TV yesterday. 10. … for herself and you? 11. … We can rely on each other. 12. Juan will do it himself. 13. Will you help me and my friend … 14. She cooked herself … . 15. … cooperate with each other … . 16. Don’t argue with each other!

Review 7

1.who; 2.whom; 3.whom; 4.who; 5.who; 6.whom; 7.who; 8.whom; 9.who; 10.whom; 11.whom; 12.whom; 13.who; 14.who; 15.whom; 16.who

Review 8

1.The book which/that I bought at the bookstore was very expensive. 2. The woman I met yesterday was nice. 3. The people who live next door to me are friendly. 4. I met a woman whose husband … . 5. Do you know the people who live … ? 6. The professor who/that teaches … .7. … who visited my/our house on Thanksgiving day. 8. The people who/whom I met at the party last night were interesting. 9. I enjoyed the music which/that we listened to. 10. The man whose bicycle was stolen was very angry. 11. The mother whose child was hurt rushed to the hospital. 12. The pen which/that I lost was a birthday present. 13. Paris which/that is so attractive in spring is too hot in summer. 14. I’ll have to talk to him, which I hate. 15. She is the only person whom/that I can trust. 16. I invited whoever wanted to come.


Review 9

1. a) 1. There is much ink left in my pen. 2. The storm did much damage to the house. 3. There is much milk left in the jug. 4. Many passengers were see-sick. 5. We have little time to go to the station. 6. I have few books in my library. 7. This train stops at any station. 8. We expected few people to visit us.

b) 1. Neither of the answers was correct. 2. There was nobody at the piano. 3.There is nothing unpleasant in his voice. 4. I don’t want to speak to any of them. 5.We hear nothing interesting there. 6. We saw nobody working on the road. 7. Nothing is being done for her.

2. 1.everything; 2.few; 3.it, it, one; 4.much; 5.one; 6.it; 7.little; 8.it; 9.one; 10.each; 11.every; 12.one; 13.both; 14.either.

4. 1.other; 2.some; 3.others; 4.either; 5.one; 6.neither; 7.one; 8.one; 9.one; 10.the other.

Progress Test

1. 1-b; 2-b; 3-a; 4-a; 5-b; 6-a; 7-a; 8-b; 9-a; 10-b; 11-b; 12-b; 13-a; 14-a; 15-a; 16-a; 17-a; 18-a; 19-b; 20-a.

2. 21.no; 22.others; 23.few; 24.neither; 25.anybody; 26.nobody; 27.a lot; 28.any; 29.ours; 30.himself; 31.anything, anybody; 32.mine; 33.none; 34.my,theirs; 35.both; 36.few; 37.much; 38.whose; 39.me; 40.some; 41.neither; 42.all; 43.something; 44.some.

3. 45.I; 46.your; 47.some; 48.you; 49.much; 50.your; 51.you; 52.this; 53.most; 54.them; 55.it; 56.one; 57.who; 58.you; 59.myself.

4. 60.-; 61.him; 62.his; 63.he; 64.him; 65.anybody/anyone; 66.their; 67.they; 68.I; 69.you; 70.you; 71.my; 72.one; 73.ours; 74.which; 75.our; 76.something; 77.some; 78.your.

5. 79.They brought me two tickets to the theatre. Each ticket cost five hundred rubles. 80.Nobody can describe her house. I’m afraid I won’t be able to find it. 81.None of these keys will open your door. 82.Maybe you know why she doesn’t like me. 83.I knew that this man was one of my father’s relatives, whom he hadn’t seen for long. 84.He told her about his work in the hospital and she told him what she had done that day at the university. 85.He was surprised at himself. 86.The next three days neither Phillip nor Jane spoke to each other. 87.She didn’t lie to you, she didn’t tell you the truth either. 88.Either you leave the house or I call the police. 89.She married a young architect, with whom she got acquainted in the metro. 90.He stared at her and she stared at him, but neither said anything. 91.Come tomorrow any time. 92.When she inclined her head her dark hair fell on both sides of the face. 93.I had some strange feeling when we spoke to his friends. 94.Which stove would you prefer – electric or gas? – Either. 95. Is there any difference between “to want” and “to wish”? 96. This test is easier than the one we wrote last week. 97.He didn’t spend much time on homework. He knows this subject very well. 98. These shoes are too tight. Have you got another pair. 99.We knew nobody .../We didn’t know anybody at that party. 100.Tell me all/everything you know about that event.



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