5.1. Fill in the gaps using a/an or the if necessary.
1) I bought a hat and a pair of shoes at ….. shop. Unfortunately ….. shoes are ….. wrong size. I'll take them back tomorrow.
2) How much are the driving lessons? – Fifteen pounds ….. hour.
3) But I had ….. suspicion that he wasn't speaking ….. truth because ….. meter readers usually wear ….. peaked caps.
4) He said, "As ….. matter of ….. fact, there was ….. explosion in ….. last house I visited; and Mr Smith, ….. owner of ….. house, was burnt in ….. face."
5) By this time I had come to ….. conclusion that he wasn't ….. genuine meter reader; and ….. moment he left ….. house I rang ….. police.
6) ….. fog was so thick that we couldn't see ….. side of ….. road. We followed ….. car in front of us and hoped that we were going ….. right way.
7) I don't know what ….. price ….. owners are asking. But Dry and Pot are ….. agents. You could give them ….. ring and make them ….. offer.
8) ….. postman's little boy says that he'd rather be ….. dentist than ….. doctor, because ….. dentists don't get called out at ….. night.
9) Just as ….. air hostess (there was only one on the plane) was handling me ….. cup of ….. coffee ….. plane gave ….. lunch and ….. coffee went all over ….. person on ….. other side of ….. gangway.
10) There was ….. collision between ….. car and ….. cyclist at crossroads near ….. my house early in ….. morning. ….. cyclist was taken to ….. hospital.