1) a) with nationality words when the adjective ends in -sh, -ch, -ese, or -ss: the British, the Dutch, the Chinese, the Swiss (referring to the group as a whole)
b) the same meaning is expressed by plural nationality nouns with the orwithoutit: (the) Americans, (the) Russians, (the) Italians.
2) with historical references: the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Dark Ages, the Bronze Age; but: Ancient Greece, Medieval Europe, Roman Britain, pre-war Germany, post-war France.
3) with historical events: the Industrial Revolution, theCivil War, theGreat Patriotic War.
4) with public bodies and political institutions: the Army, theGovernment, thePolice, theSupreme Council, theHigh Court; theHouse of Commons/Lords, theForeign Ministry; but: Parliament, Congress.
5) before the names of the universities with of: the University of Edinburgh, theUniversity of London; but: London University, Moscow University.
6) before some places, buildings with of: the Bank of England, theHouse of Parliament, theTower of London.
7) with pubs:theWhite Horse, theGreen Rider, theThree Mariners.
8) with cinemas:theOdeon, theGaumont, theClassic.
9) with hotels, restaurants, theatres, hospitals: the Savoy (Hotel), theRitz (Hotel), theBombay Restaurant, theColiseum (Theatre), theLondon Hospital.Butif a place-name includes another name no article is used: Bertram's Hotel, Leon's (Restaurant) Her Majesty's Theatre, Guy's (Hospital), Covent Garden, Carnegie Hall.
10) with museums and galleries: the British Museum, theFine Arts Museum, theTate Gallery, theNational Gallery.
11) with names of ships and trains:theTitanic, theQueen Elizabeth, theOrient Express.
NOTE: Spacecraft tend to have no article: Challenger, Shuttle, Apollo, Soyuz.
12) with newspapers:the Times, theGuardian, theDaily Telegraph.
13) with the names of musical groups which have a plural noun: the Rolling Stones, theBeatles, theEagles, but: Pink Floyd, Queen, Smokey.
14) with names of sporting events: the Olympic Games, theWorld Cup, theCup Final, theGrand National, theBritish Open. But names taken from the place where the event occurs take no article: Wimbledon (for tennis), Ascot and Epsom (for horse-racing events).
15) with titles of stories and novels: "The Lord of the Flies" by W. Golding, "TheCatcher in theRye" by D. Salinger, "TheApple Tree" by J.Galsworthy.
2. No article is used:
1) with airports, bridges, chains of shops, parks, stations: Heathrow, Waterloo Bridge, Selfridges (shops), Harrods (store), Central Park, Hyde Park, Paddington Station, but the Golden Gate Bridge, the Scotch House (shop).
2) with names of business and charities (even when an abbreviation is used):General Motors, Sony, Shell, BA (British Airways), IBM, Oxfam, Christian Aid. If the word "company" is mentioned the is used: the Bell Telephone Company, the General Electric Company, but General Electric (GEC).
3) with streets and squares: Bond Street, Portobello Road, Piccadilly Circus, Madison Avenue; but: the High Street, the Strand, the Drive, the Mall.
4) with titles of magazines: Newsweek, Punch, Which, Time.
5) with some places of interest: Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Windsor Castle.
6) with names of religious and other festivals: Christmas, Easter, Victory Day, Thanksgiving Day, etc.
E x e r c i s e s
4.1. Read the sentences and mark where the should be.
1) I have been to United Kingdom, Germany and Soviet Union, but never to Poland. (the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union) (2)
2) Amazon in Brazil is the longest river in South America.
3) Japan and United States are separated by Pacific Ocean.
4) Liverpool is in north of England, fairly close to Wales.
5) I would love to go to Jamaica, Bahamas or somewhere else in Caribbean.
6) Suez Canal flows through north of Egypt from Port Said to Suez, joining Mediterranean to Gulf of Suez and Red Sea.
7) Lake Windermere in north-west of England is one of the largest lakes on British Isles.
8) Iran has borders with Iraq, Turkey, Russia, Afghanistan and West Pakistan.
9) Mount Everest is in Himalayas on the border between Nepal and Tibet which is part of People's Republic of China.
10) Biarritz stands on the mouth of Adour river which flows into Gulf of Gascony in Bay of Biscay.